"My dear sister, we seem to be really destined!"

Just as Bao Jinghan was about to hand over the registration card in his hand, Ye Jiaojiao's artificially sweet voice came from behind.

"Miss Ye, please pay attention to your words and deeds. There is no such thing as your sister here, so don't bark at random, lest others think you are trying to climb someone up!"

Smiling slightly, Bao Jinghan didn't turn his eyes to her, and directly handed the donation in his hand, together with the registration card, to the staff in charge of registration.

Unwilling to be left behind, Ye Jiaojiao approached in three steps, and threw the yacht model in her hand heavily on the workbench.

Then, he snatched the registration card, which the staff saw only in a daze.

He glanced at it and dropped it casually.



"Yes, you wrote it wrong!"

Bite out every word.

Ye Jiaojiao deliberately wanted to embarrass her, and once again emphasized the problem of the patron's face.

"Whether there is a typo or not, I know it in my heart. Since I am here on behalf of the Bo family, I will not lose face of the Bo family. Don't bother Ms. Ye to worry about it. I should think about how to locate your broken ship." Yacht!"


Dare to say that her yacht is broken? !

With a sneer, Ye Jiaojiao poked the registration card vigorously with her fingers, and said sarcastically:

"I'm kind enough to remind you! Who here doesn't know the purpose and rules of today's auction? You have written such a high price, how much will the organizer lose! Besides, look at the daughter who is here today Ladies, even if you donate a set of jewelry, it’s only a million dollars. What you donated is just a necklace, but it’s worth [-] million? Are you crazy about money!”

Bao Jinghan turned a deaf ear, his eyes wandered to the staff who dared not speak out.

Reach out.

"Give me another donation card, the one just now was dirty!"

An indifferent voice, neither fast nor slow.

But it is more imposing than shouting loudly, making people dare not violate it.

The staff immediately took a card and handed it over respectfully.

However, Bao Jinghan raised another [-] million from the original price!


"Miss Ye... oh no, is Mrs. Shang talking about herself? Compared to me, you seem to be more responsible for guarding your benefactor and saving more money, so as not to be kicked by someone one day and end up with nothing. Hu, the evening scene is bleak!"

Replying coldly, Bao Jinghan squinted at the blushing woman in front of him, and smiled meaningfully.


"Ignorant woman!"

Looking at Ye Jiaojiao who was jumping in anger, Bao Jinghan deliberately added fuel to the fire.

Then he added another sentence.

Extremely arrogant!

"Ye Jiaojiao, it seems that your only advantage is that you can contribute to the sales of Durex! If I were you, I would never talk more and expose the flaws of ignorance. You know, the reason why treasures are called treasures is important In terms of value, not those dirty things that you are familiar with, relying on length and thickness to distinguish whether they can bring you pleasure..."

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