dark place.

Two tall and straight figures stood in the shadows.

Seeing Bao Jinghan leaving proudly, one of them suddenly smiled, and poked the person next to him with his elbow: "Hey, see, I'm right! This woman is really interesting!"

"Unfortunately, I was targeted by a lion."

"Are you afraid that she will become a dish?" With a raised eyebrow, a smile flashed on the man's cynical face.

In the darkness, the man's face could not be seen clearly.But the voice suddenly became heavy, with a bit of secretive sigh: "I'm afraid, it's not that simple..."


Walk into the main venue.

A cool night wind blows by.

Fragrant clothes, shadows on the temples, and jeweled crowds shuttle back and forth in front of your eyes.

Intoxicating music hovered above the venue, mixed with the sound of conversation, clinking glasses, and laughing...

Aside, the waiter respectfully accepted the invitation letter.

After taking a look, he immediately ordered someone to lead her into the infield.

Bo Jinghan, who came slowly, has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone's eyes——

Even if the ladies and gentlemen present were all well-dressed.

But it couldn't stand up to Bao Jinghan's simple elegance, and suddenly became a foil, eclipsed.

Around, many people whispered.

At this time, Lu Yan, who was surrounded by the crowd, stepped out of the crowd and walked towards her.

Grabbing her wrist naturally.

"Why did it take so long? It can't be a disaster!"

"When did you see me get into trouble?!" snorting softly, Bao Jinghan said nonchalantly, "It's just that I met that irrelevant person again and lost a few words."

"Did you win?"

Lu Yan suddenly looked over.

Slightly surprised, stunned, she seemed to have missed something and not captured it.

Looking at the past again, Lu Yan has already restrained his expression: "Come with me, and introduce a few people to you!"

The whispers around suddenly fell silent.

Many people looked at this pair in amazement, and looked around Bao Jinghan playfully.

But because of the men around her, those who greeted her were considered polite.

Stepping on the soft lawn.

Bao Jinghan passed through the crowd smoothly and walked into the middle.

But I saw three couples of handsome men and beautiful women standing here.

One of them was known to Bao Jinghan.

It's still that cynical look.

Lin Xing winked at her, took a bottle of champagne from the waiter's tray, and handed it over.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Taking the goblet, Bao Jinghan slightly toasted him with a faint smile, and then said, "By the way, I didn't have time to thank you last time."

"Haha, just a word of thanks, it's worth it!"

Before Lin Xing had time to shiver, the girl standing beside him, looking at the very petite girl, suddenly spoke.

"Don't praise him! Once this guy is proud, it will be bad for you to come back next time!"

The girl suddenly approached, blinked mischievously, and said mysteriously: "I tell you, he is a crow's mouth, a famous spirit..."

His eyebrows trembled.

Bao Jinghan suppressed a smile, cast a glance at Lu Yan beside him and asked.

Lu Yan did not deny it, but did not continue this topic.

But before he could finish speaking, the blind-eyed guy came over at this moment.

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