The atmosphere in the carriage was not so relaxed because of Qian He's sudden change of expression. She was holding the note in her hand, but she couldn't help but secretly glance at A Nuo.

Arnold already understood that the contents of this note might not be as good as imagined.She stretched out her hand and took the note from Qianhe's hand. She carefully read and memorized the words on it one by one, but each word seemed to be like a sharp knife cutting her heart.She sneered helplessly, but there seemed to be more sadness and pain in the laughter, her hands fell powerlessly on her knees, and the corners of her eyes turned red for no apparent reason.

"We thought so much and guessed so much, but we didn't expect it to be like this in the end." With a helpless sigh in Qian He's voice, she reached out and patted the back of A Nuo's hand, "A Nuo, how about we Inform Eldest Young Master, forget it this time!"

"I can't just leave it like this. I don't care what they are doing. No one can stop me from doing what I want to do." A Nuo clenched his fists, and the note was crumpled in her hand.

"But..." Qianhe looked at her worriedly, but her gaze stopped her before she finished speaking.

"No, but, I will solve these problems when I go back. Today I want to solve the biggest problem in front of me and pull out this thorn." A Nuo turned his face to look at Qianhe, his eyes were full of determination, "Qianhe, You also know how long she has tortured me, if I miss this opportunity, I don't know if I will have such an opportunity in the future. Therefore, I can't stop this time, and I can't stop when I encounter any obstacles. "

"Okay, I'll be with you, whatever you want to do, I'll do it with you." Qian He gritted her teeth and said, she stretched out her hand and gently gave A Nuo a hug.After carrying the burden for so long, Arnold is tired now, and wants to shake off this burden at last.

The carriage went directly to the mountain where the people were hidden, and at the bottom of the mountain, they met Gan Mala.It seems that they are already ready, and everyone is waiting.This is a secret activity, but because there are so many people and it is not far from the capital city, it needs to be more careful.

"It's all ready, the first wave of people has been sent to ambush around, we're waiting for the night." Gan Mala took out a map and pointed to the positions of several gates, "Here, here, and Here are all entrances, we plan to attack directly from the gate. And here is where Tuoba Yanrong hides."

A Nuo nodded, and then remembered Tuoba Yanrong's scheming, "Tuoba Yanrong usually brings a lot of people, but this time the number of people is obviously not so many. So, I wonder if the people are hidden by her Now, we have to be careful not to fall into the trap."

"I have considered this point, because it is true that there are a large number of people in the process of fighting against Tuoba Yanrong every time. Xixia's dead warrior martial arts are not weak. But this time it is also strange. The people around her are obviously not weak. Not too many, and there seems to be a lot less Xixia dead soldiers." Gan Mala glanced at Anuo, coughed lightly and continued: "So, I suspect that she is planning something, so all the staff are sent out. Didn't stay with her."

"It's possible." Qian He nodded in agreement.

A Nuo frowned slightly, and finally pressed the map firmly, "I don't care what she is planning, this time I will kill her no matter what the price is."

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