Qian He helped A Nuo onto the ground, and the dazzling light blinded A Nuo for a moment.She closed her eyes for a while to relax before slowly opening them, and first took a look at where she was.

This is a small yard. The yard is small and dilapidated, and looks very inconspicuous.The place where she and Qian He came out was a well in the yard. There was no water in the well, only their secret passage.

"Although this place is dilapidated, no one usually comes here, but I still send people to guard it!" Qian He explained, and then pulled A Nuo towards the dilapidated door in the yard, "I have already arranged The carriage is outside, and we are going out of town now."

A Nuo was a little strange, "Did Wan seem to leave the city directly?"

"She did sneak out of the city, and I was also surprised why she didn't find anyone in the city. But then I thought about it, it's better to go out of the city, our people are all outside the city, and going out of the city proves that they are also Outside the city." Qianhe said with a smile.

A Nuo also laughed, "The news I got came from you. It's not too long before she leaves the palace. I don't know if she has arrived at her destination!"

"The people who were sent to follow up have replied all the way, and the eldest son went to the mountain in person. Actually, this time, you could not be allowed to follow, but I think if you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you get over the hurdle in your heart? ?” Qian He said earnestly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.She also understands A Nuo's personality, she always likes to sneak away on weekdays, and no matter what big things happen outside, she has nothing to do with her.However, if she determined something, then she must do it herself to understand.

A Nuo didn't answer, it was indeed her that Qian He was talking about.

The two left the small broken yard, and an unremarkable carriage was waiting at the door.

Neither Qian He nor she was a wealthy person, so they got into the carriage directly, and the coachman outside moved as soon as he sat firmly.The carriage walked slowly along this road, which seemed to be the way out of the city.

As Qianhe said, it is better to go out of the city, it is more convenient to move outside the city.A Nuo had also thought about it at the beginning, what would happen if Tuoba Yanrong was in the capital city, but now that she is outside the city, she can relax completely.

The carriage left the city quickly, because there was no inspection when he went out of the city with the sign of the Prince's Mansion.There are also several roads outside the city. Tuoba Yanrong once set up his base in Stone Town, but now the road to go is not there.When he first saw Tuoba Yanrong in Hugechi's study, Arnold had already sent people to Stone Town to check, but it had been deserted for a long time, and no one lived there.In this way, she will find another way to find their foothold.

The carriage that was running suddenly shook slightly, and a person got in from outside the carriage.

The man was wearing a black suit, with a black scarf covering his face, and a short knife wrapped in black cloth hanging from his waist.Seeing Qian He and A Nuo, he bowed first, lowered his head and slowly handed over a note.

Qian He took the note without reading it, just looked at him and asked, "Chen San, has that woman arrived?"

Chen San's voice was a bit hoarse, it seemed to be a hoarse voice made by deliberately suppressing his voice: "The carriage stopped in front of a other courtyard, and the people have already entered the other courtyard. I have to go to meet Zhang Wu, the girl can read the letter by herself." " After that, he glanced at A Nuo meaningfully, turned around, got out of the carriage and left.

Qian He slowly unfolded the note, only a few lines of words were written on it, but her whole face changed.

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