As soon as A Nuo got off the carriage, she saw Qian He was about to leave, and she quickly stopped her, "Qian He, where are you going?"

Qian He, who was getting into the car, heard her yelling and turned her head back, with a smile on her face, "You came just in time, I was just going to look for you at your palace!" After saying that, she walked over quickly, and said in a low voice : "It's not convenient to talk here, let's talk in the backyard."

A Nuo nodded, and followed Qian He directly to the backyard.

The backyard of Qiongfang Pavilion is a large house that has been remodeled. The yard was reorganized after connecting several small yards around it.Although it is not as gorgeous as the Wangfu, nor is it as neat and elegant as when the courtyard was first built, but fortunately it is big enough and has enough houses.And because of this, a basement was conveniently built in the middle to hide the power of Qiongfang Pavilion.

These were originally built for convenience, and there was only one purpose, to inquire about news or directly attack.Now that there are clues, people must also be prepared.

Qian He and A Nuo went directly to the ground. Although the weather outside was very hot, it felt cool after stepping into the cave.The concealment of this place was built with a lot of effort.

"Actually, digging a cellar in the palace is also very good. It's much cooler here than outside."

Qianhe heard what A Nuo said, and smiled: "Don't think too much, this place is only for now, although we kept it secret when we built it, but usually Tibetans hide underground, it's nothing new .”

A Nuo thought about it, and it was indeed as Qian He said.Although it took a lot of effort to build this place, the secrecy is indeed not very strong.Moreover, it is not that there is no crypt in the Yunnan Palace, but it was used as a prison cell.

While leading the way, Qianhe began to tell the news she had now. "There are hidden guards around you, and they must know about this crypt. If you tell Hu Gechi, your plan will definitely be hindered. I brought you here today to tell you something. Go out from here and we will go straight to the cave. Go to the Prince's Mansion, now I have hidden everyone there."

"Did you hide the man in the Prince's Mansion?" A Nuo was a little surprised, no wonder she felt empty and there was no voice when she walked all the way, it turned out that the place was already empty.

"The eldest son lent us 200 people, and we have about 300 people ourselves, and nearly 100 experts are quite a lot. Our people are scattered on weekdays, and there are less than [-] people living underground, so I They were sent to the prince's mansion, and the eldest son took them to hide on a mountain near the outskirts of Beijing." Qianhe continued, but kept her eyes fixed on the front, "You built Qiongfang Pavilion to raise so many people just for one Is it guaranteed to hit? If that is the case, why do we need to keep the manpower?"

"I did think so at the beginning. It was also because there was no place for this group of people to dig such a place in the backyard. If it can be hidden on the mountain, then there is no need to worry about going out of the city temporarily. It is indeed much more convenient than here." Agreeing, the light in front of him gradually brightened.

"Have you received the news!" Qian He stopped at the brightest place, turned around and pulled Anuo up the stairs.

"Received, the ball of paper is also destroyed." A Nuo said slowly, but the steps under his feet were a bit difficult.Here is another exit, the secret established at the beginning, but it is not easy to walk.But now, in order to be able to ask the hidden guard, she can only do this.

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