Hu Gechi has been listening to what they are saying, and he has not opened his mouth.

Although someone came to send him a message saying that Boyan in the main account of the camp was making the latest tactical decision on Changzhou, so he must be invited to attend.But in fact, he knew in his heart that Boyan wanted to push him out and implement it with his decision.

At that time, no matter whether he wins or loses, it has nothing to do with Boyan. The decision was proposed by him, Hugechi. Responsibility.

At this time, hearing Boyan's question, Huge Chicai slowly raised his downcast eyes.

Just look at his long eyelashes slightly rolled up, like two thick little brushes resting on the eyelids.Under the eyelashes, there was a trace of weariness in those light brown glazed eyes, which gradually gathered their spirits.

He was originally extremely handsome, and although his facial features had the toughness of a Mongolian man, they made him even more domineering and handsome.

He stretched out his hand to support his chin, looking leisurely, he seldom made this action, but at this time he wanted to do it for Boyan to see.Lightly parting her red lips, she said slowly, "Master Boyan, this king is only the supervisor of the army, and these decisions must naturally be made by Lord Boyan."

Boyan's expression did not change, and he still had the same expression of embarrassment just now, "My lord, Boyan dare not draw conclusions on this matter alone. My lord has always been the No.1 general in our Yuan Dynasty, and the battles you command have never failed. , it is better for the prince to give some pointers and let Boyan take Changzhou as soon as possible!"

Hu Gechi tilted his head slightly, and squinted at him for a long time, his handsome face was still expressionless and cold, he didn't smile, but there was a smile in his eyes.

The expression of embarrassment on Boyan's face seemed to intensify a bit, "My lord..." He is a smart person, so he naturally knew that Hu Gechi was telling him not to drag him into the water at this time.However, this Changzhou battle really had to make him drag Hu Gechi into the water.

Originally, Changzhou was a city that had surrendered, but the sudden rebellion caught him off guard.Today, the siege has not been taken for nearly three months.Of course, he is also afraid of losing troops and generals in a large-scale attack, so he has always been testing with a small force.If he hadn't been afraid of bypassing Changzhou and attacking Lin'an, he would have given up on this city and headed straight for Lin'an.

However, it is different now, he must win Changzhou before marching forward.However, the city of Changzhou still did not surrender after being besieged for so long, which made him want to level the city directly, but unfortunately he couldn't get in.

Hu Gechi didn't want to pay attention to him at first, but Boyan has always been like this, so every time he made a mistake, he was right.If the real gold is there, I'm afraid he will have to bear this responsibility for him again.But he is Hugechi, not real gold, so why should he bear the responsibility for this old man?

Boyan was a little anxious, and it seemed that a needle could be heard quietly dropping in the tent.Boyan's generals looked down at their toes wisely, scratched their ears and scratched their cheeks in the stupid, feeling uneasy, and those who were neither smart nor stupid stood there obediently without saying a word.For generals like them, obeying orders is the best way to save their lives.

With a flash of light, a person opened the curtain and walked in.

Boyan's anxious expression immediately dissipated, and there seemed to be clusters of joy in his eyes.There is salvation, Boyan, who is immortal, is really a great savior for him.

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