When A Nuo entered the tent, his footsteps suddenly stopped involuntarily.Isn't strategy being discussed in this tent?Why is it so quiet?And quiet so weird?

A Nuo glanced at all the people present. These people were all familiar faces. When she came to the main tent last time, she heard them discussing like a quarrel outside the door. It is not used to being so quiet now.

Hu Gechi just glanced at the person who came in, his face immediately softened a lot, he stood up and walked to Anuo's side, "Why are you here, what's the matter?"

Boyan is like an old fox with smiles in his eyes.

A Nuo raised his head, "I want to go out for a stroll, but I'm bored in the camp and can't do anything."

"Going out for a stroll?" Hu Gechi's voice was soft, as if he was talking to himself or asking A Nuo.

Arnold nodded, "I'm going out for a stroll, it won't be too far, just walk around the surrounding towns."

"Then I'll go with you." After saying that, Hu Gechi was about to pull Anuo out of the tent.

How could Boyan let go of such a good opportunity at this time, and rushed over surprisingly fast, "My lord, there are still important matters here, how can you go out of the camp now?" After all, he pretended to be embarrassed He glanced at Arnold.

A Nuo felt his heart skip a beat when he found out that Boyan looked at him. Boyan was an important minister of the Yuan Dynasty, ranking among the prime ministers of the left.Now, the way he looks at her makes her feel that there must be nothing good.Not to mention anything else, just the embarrassment on Diane's face proved that there must be something she wanted to borrow her knife for.

Hu Gechi didn't speak, just looked at Boyan.

Boyan really couldn't wait any longer, and secretly glanced at A Nuo.

This girl has always been Hu Gechi's heart, and if she comes, as long as he delays for a while, Hu Gechi will definitely agree to let him continue the siege.Or this girl curiously asked what was the matter with the previous question, as long as she asked this question, then he would have a way to make her say what he wanted to hear.

However, this girl suddenly stopped like a normal person, neither urging Hu Gechi nor asking questions curiously, what should he do?

Boyan's face became more and more stiff, and it seemed that it was not easy to maintain a troubled expression.

A Nuo sighed, opened his mouth quietly but didn't utter a word.

Bo Yan's expression relaxed but he felt angry at the same time, this girl was obviously playing with him!At this time, not only did he give A Nuo a high look, no wonder being able to become sisters with her was becoming more and more difficult.

Ulan was very curious when she saw the changes on Boyan's face. She was the only personal maid in Hugechi, and A Nuo had a good relationship with her, and she had never been restrained by any rules.Seeing such a situation, naturally the little cat in my heart wanted to jump out, "Master Boyan, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as A Nuo heard this sentence, she immediately raised her forehead. She could see through Boyan's thoughts, but Ulan couldn't.Knowing this, she would definitely not have come in with Ulan, and sighed and looked at Hu Gechi.

Brother Hu had no expression on his face, but his eyes were filled with the look of wanting to watch a show.

Seeing Hu Gechi like this, Anuo felt relieved, thinking that this is not a big deal, why not just watch how Lord Boyan acts!

Boyan's eyes lit up when he heard Ulan's words, and the stiff muscles on his face twitched twice. He was originally a refined middle-aged man, but this time it was really funny.However, he didn't care much, and immediately seized this opportunity.

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