"Miss Ulan doesn't know something. I'm discussing with the prince about attacking Changzhou. Now there are two plans waiting for the prince's decision. The first one is to attack immediately with a large army, but if this is the case, our army may lose many soldiers. The second method If we continue to besiege the city, I believe that Changzhou will break the city in a few days. At that time, it will be much easier for our army to enter the city." Speaking of this, Boyan sighed, "However, such a decision has not yet been made by the prince. If you want to leave, it will delay the military situation."

Ulan stared wide-eyed, "Will our soldiers die if we besiege the city?" Ulan has always felt that life is precious, and if she were to choose, the fewer dead people the better.

Girls usually feel that war is cruel, and it is inevitable to have pity for the dead, but to the commander of all armies, the soldiers who charge into the battle are nothing more than a number.If there is a war, people will die, and if the number of deaths is high, the number of deaths is a strategic duel.

Although Boyan thought so in his heart, he couldn't say it in his mouth, "The loss of the siege will be smaller, and our army's morale will improve after breaking the city. It will not take long for us to pass through Changzhou and we will go straight to Lin'an City."

Anuo blinked at Hu Gechi when he heard this, and said many times that he was approaching Lin'an, but now he still hasn't approached.

Brother Hu showed a slight smile as if the corner of his mouth was red, it's fine to see this, anyway, Boyan is also a leftist, isn't he?So he coughed lightly, "Since besieging the city is the best tactic, let's continue besieging Changzhou!"

Boyan was overjoyed, this was what he was waiting for.But his heart was happy but his face was not. He lowered his head, "Then, according to what the prince said, I will order to continue the siege of the city."

Hu Gechi snorted faintly, meaning that he already knew, then gently pulled A Nuo's hand, opened the door curtain and walked out.

Ulan followed closely, and Wu Enqi would naturally not fall behind.

After a few people walked out, Boyan's long-suppressed smile finally broke out on his face, and he immediately ordered boldly, "Send the order and continue to besiege the city until the day when Changzhou is defeated and broken."

It was still very warm inside the big tent, but it was a little cold outside when I walked out.

"It's already winter, I don't know what the Chinese New Year will be like this year." Arnold said in a rambunctious voice, his eyes lowered slightly.Last year's Lunar New Year's Eve was the time when she became poisonous, and everyone was busy saving her life, so that a good year was a bleak and chaotic one.

Hu Gechi put his arms around her shoulders, "Don't think too much."

A Nuo calmed down his emotions a bit, people are often like this, they often feel hurt inexplicably. "Just now I told Ulan to go out for a stroll, do you want to go together?"

"Although I have been to the Southern Song Dynasty, I seldom visit these places. Since you want to see it, then I will go shopping with you!"

Anuo nodded, feeling warm in her heart, as long as there was Hu Gechi, she felt very at ease in her heart.Afterwards, she walked around Hu Gechi, looked up and down, "However, before we go shopping, it's better to change clothes first."

Although this place was occupied by the Yuan army, most of the people living here are Han Chinese.If they are Han people, they will have hatred for the Mongols. If they go out wearing Mongolian clothes, they will not have a good time.Therefore, it will be much more convenient to switch to Han suit.

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