Inside the tent, Arnold had already changed into a Han woman's attire.She is a Han Chinese, so naturally she always wears two sets of Han clothes that she likes.It's just that she doesn't change her clothes often in the military camp, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

At this time, she took the clothes that Wu Enqi handed her, and touched them lightly, "The fabric is not bad, and the style is also pretty." She looked at Wu Enqi, and said with a smile, "Wu Enqi, It cost a lot of money!"

Wu Enqi smiled honestly, "Fortunately, it's only a month's salary."

A Nuo stared at him with wide eyes in surprise, "One month's salary? Wu Enqi, don't you think you should save a lot of money to marry a wife later?"

The smile on Wu Enqi's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes were averted, "This subordinate still has something to prepare, so I'm leaving first." After that, he left the tent as if fleeing.

A Nuo stared blankly at the closed curtain of the tent, and turned his face to look at Hu Gechi after a long time, "What's wrong with him?"

Hu Gechi didn't speak, but he knew why Wu Enqi left.He sighed faintly, then immediately adjusted his mood and said to Anuo, "I'll put it on quickly, it's getting late, if you want to go out, you have to do it as soon as possible."

A Nuo nodded, took the clothes and went to Hu Gechi's side to compare, "I think you must be very handsome if you put it on."

"Handsome?" Hu Gechi smiled slightly, "I used to be handsome, so I'm naturally handsome."

A Nuo ignored his narcissism and helped him change his clothes with a smile.

After everything was tidied up, Hu Gechi had already changed into another look.

Wearing a beautiful moon-white robe, his hair was combed by A Nuo in a bun. At this time, he has completely restrained his flamboyant temperament, and replaced it with the appearance of a nobleman.

However, no matter what, Huge's innate nobility could not be concealed.Perhaps, this is the natural temperament, even if it is worn in rags, it will not detract in the slightest.

A Nuo circled around Hugechi, "It's beautiful, it's really beautiful."

Hu Gechi raised the corners of his lips slightly, "Lady, how about going out for a stroll with my husband?"

A Nuo's cheeks were slightly red, "You frivolous son, you will find your teeth all over the place if you don't beat me when my husband comes back."

Hu Gechi laughed loudly, and stretched out his hand to hold A Nuo's hand, "Let's go, let's go to the surrounding towns."

The two of them got out of the tent, and the attendants and Ulan who were waiting outside changed into Han costumes.Although they changed their clothes, everyone's temperament didn't seem to have changed much.

Wu Enqi is serious and loyal, Ulan is charming and charming, and most of the attendants can't hide their murderous aura.Fortunately, they are not wearing the clothes of Mr. Pian Pian, but the unique clothes of the attendants, they look more like the knights of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Everyone packed up and went straight out of the camp to the nearest town.

All are on horseback, very fast.

There is a town near Changzhou not far from the military camp. This place had surrendered at the beginning, so the town has not survived the war and is well preserved.Although it has been occupied by the Mongols, the town is still calm.

Everyone arrived at the town and enjoyed the unique scenery of the small town in the south of the Yangtze River.Along the way, many people looked at them curiously, but no one dared to speak up.

After not coming out for a long time, Arnold completely relaxed.Right at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure out of the corner of his eye, and A Nuo was slightly taken aback, but he could no longer see anyone when he looked over.She was secretly startled, it couldn't be such a coincidence!

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