Seeing Anuo, Hugechi was stunned and thought that something had happened, but who knew that Anuo was just looking towards a hidden alley, his face changed slightly, and he nodded to Wuenqi.

Wu Enqi has followed Hugechi for many years, and he knows every move he makes very well.So, he took two steps back and directly told him that there were two attendants at the end of the team. "Go and have a look in that alley to see if there is anyone suspicious."

A Nuo stared blankly for a long time before retracting his gaze. He saw Brother Hu looking at her with a red smile, his cheeks flushed slightly, and he hesitated, "I saw a very familiar figure just now, but it has disappeared now."

Hu Gechi took her hand, and his warm eyes fell on Anuo alone, "Let's continue shopping, if we are really acquaintances, we will definitely come to you."

A Nuo nodded with a smile, "Let's go, let's go shopping today and buy some food by the way."

Hu Gechi glanced at the alley, since he appeared here, there must be a conspiracy.However, he didn't care about these, Arnold was in the barracks every day, as long as he was with Arnold, he would not be taken advantage of.

Several people wandered around together, and did not return to the barracks until sunset.

As soon as he arrived at the barracks, he got the news that Boyan was furious.It seems that the Changzhou defender once again refused to surrender, and Boyan was so furious that he was bound to give the opponent some color.

A Nuo was very upset when he heard the news. This march was for the great cause of the unification of the Yuan Dynasty. Originally, it was a soft policy. No matter which city it captured, it would not be too unreasonable to the common people.

As the prime minister on the left, Boyan has always strictly governed the army and will not kill civilians indiscriminately, but now he is furious.The usually refined and gentle Boyan has long since disappeared, replaced by the violent and bloodthirsty Mongolian man.

Uneasiness rose in A Nuo's heart, but he didn't know that this time Changzhou was touching Boyan's brow.

The Mongols have always hated traitors the most, and those who reneged will not end well.However, for some reason, they clearly knew that Changzhou was the one that broke the city, and they would definitely win, but the uneasiness in their hearts just lingered.

More than ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and the guards in Changzhou finally could no longer resist the Mongolian cavalry.It was a miracle that he was able to defend the city for three months when there was no food supply in the city and weapons were in short supply.

Today, the weather is a bit gloomy, and the cold wind blows people's faces sorely.

A Nuo stood in front of the tent where she and Hu Gechi lived in the military camp, watching a piece of gray gunpowder smoke billowing up not far away, the smoke was so heavy that there was a blazing light reflected in the smoke, it seemed that the city of Changzhou was on fire, And the uneasiness in her heart made her even more difficult to calm down.

"Princess, don't look at it. A report has been sent to say that the city has been broken just now. We are waiting for the prince to come back." Ulan looked worried. A Nuo has been standing here since this morning, not drinking. Shui didn't eat anything, his brows seemed to be knit together, and his face was full of uneasy anxiety.If Huge Chi came back and saw A Nuo like this, he might be angry.

A Nuo sighed, she couldn't do anything in this barracks, and it was even hard to get news.Hearing what Ulan said, she turned around, "Ulan, send someone to send a message to Hugechi, saying that I'm not feeling well, and ask him to come back soon."

Seeing her serious expression, Ulan nodded quickly, "I'll go right away, I'll go right away."

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