This is a more serious topic, and it is a problem that must be faced squarely. It seems that she has been here for too long, so long that she subconsciously thinks that the Southern Song Dynasty has nothing to do with her.

She is from the twentieth century and has witnessed history hundreds of years later, so she is very aware of the change of dynasties, and even more so, the mixing of all people.Maybe thousands of years later, there will be no country in this world, and there will be no more races, and all people will have genes of various people in their blood.

It's just that she understands, she can see through, does her father understand, can see through?

No wonder Huge Chi kept her from going out in the barracks, no wonder Changzhou broke the city and didn't want to tell her too much information, all of this was to make her happy for a while.

"Diaoyushan has been a thorn in the eyes of the Yuan army from the very beginning, but after so many years of fighting, countless small battles in a year, a big battle in two years, and a fierce attack in three years have shaken Diaoyushan." Hu Gechi looked at A Nuo, with undisguised sincerity in his eyes, "I admire your father, he is a great general. It's just a pity that his allegiance is to the Southern Song Dynasty. If Dayuan had already been in a high position."

Arnold agrees with this sentence very much. Khan Kublai Khan appreciates talents, whether they are surrendered generals or Han people who defected to Dayuan, although there is a difference between Mongolian and Han, they will still reuse talented people.Because of this, Da Yuan destroyed many countries in a short period of time, until now it has surrounded the entire Southern Song Dynasty.

As for the Southern Song Dynasty, if they had seen the situation clearly earlier and hadn't given Mongolia time to breathe, it wouldn't have ended up where it is today.

There is a saying that is clear, defeat each other, and there is a saying that is true, unite to fight against the enemy.

If Mongolia was able to send reinforcements when Mongolia attacked a small country, or send troops to disrupt Mongolia's rear, and send troops from multiple sides to attack together, no matter how strong the Mongolian cavalry is, it is impossible to fight on multiple sides at once.

Ants can kill elephants, this is the real truth.

But at this time, it is completely useless to say this.

Seeing that A Nuo just stared at the teacup in front of him and didn't speak, Hu Gechi looked at her side face for a long time quietly, looking at the delicate and small facial features, and the long eyelashes, which occasionally trembled like a cattail fan butterfly with wings.

His Adam's apple rolled a bit. After watching it for so many years, he still felt that he couldn't get enough of it.However, at this time, it was not the time for him to look at her face carefully, so he gently touched her elbow, "Amur?"

A Nuo came out of her own thoughts, looked at Hugechi, "I want to go back to Diaoyu Mountain." Her eyes were full of expectation, and she stretched out her hands unconsciously to grab Hugechi's arm.

Hu Gechi put his hand on the back of her hand, "I'm afraid it won't work now, I think the reason why Khan transferred us here is because he is afraid that we will sneak back to the fishing mountain in the middle of Sichuan. And your father, no matter how much you persuade him, I'm afraid you will still Persist in resisting to the end. So Arnold, what we have to do is not to go back, but to find a way to get your father to drop Yuan as soon as possible before going to the Diaoyu Mountain."

Falling yuan, this is probably impossible.Although she has not lived with her father, General Zhang Jue, for a short time, she still has some understanding of his character and thinking.His father will be loyal to the emperor and serve the country all his life, and his only ideal is to become a hero like General Yue Fei and live forever.Therefore, it is definitely impossible to lower the yuan.

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