"It's impossible for my father to lower the yuan." A Nuo sighed, her eyes closed slightly and then opened slowly, she looked at Hugechi seriously, "Hugechi, if my father insists on not lowering the yuan, can you Can't save his life?"

Hu Gechi stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair, "He is your father." The sentence was very simple, but it expressed his determination.He will try his best, but he is afraid of being overwhelmed.The reason why Khan let him choose is to see through his thoughts and practices.But, under such circumstances, would Khan let him do whatever he wanted?

"I know it's difficult." Arnold said slowly, his eyes drooping with loss and helplessness.

"There will always be a way." Hu Gechi put her hands on his chest, "I will find a way, trust me."

Arnold forced a smile, "I believe in you."

The dark clouds were getting lower and lower, as if they were about to press down on people's heads.

Walking on Changzhou Avenue, A Nuo took a breath, and the snow-white breath dispersed in the cold air. "Is it really that cold today? Why is there no one on the street?"

"I just broke the city, so I should be afraid to go out and hide."

Wu Enqi, who was walking behind the two, darkened his eyes, and his left hand was already gently placed on the handle of the knife at his waist.

Right in front, two children suddenly sprang out, crying and running towards Arnold.

Brother Hu's face turned cold, the scimitar had been pulled out, and Wu Enqi on the other side had already turned into a ball of black clothes and charged forward.

"Don't, don't kill them." Anuo shouted anxiously, his voice echoing in the empty street.

Wu Enqi raised the knife and slowly lowered it, looking at the two children who had been frightened.

They were two young children, thin and dirty, with tears in their eyes but not shedding.Obviously, they never expected that someone would come to kill them, but children who have experienced war know a lot more than ordinary children.The two children didn't dare to take another step forward, and even showed fear in those big black and white eyes.

Hu Gechi gave Wu Enqi a wink, and Wu Enqi immediately met to drive the two children away.

At this moment, the little boy who was about six or seven years old knelt down facing Anuo, his voice was rough and his body was trembling uncontrollably, "Madam, please, please save my parents!"

A Nuo was a little surprised, and immediately stopped Wu Enqi, "Don't drive them away." She walked over quickly, looking at the two children who were a little scared but looked forward to it. "What did you just say?" She reached out and pulled the boy up.

The boy looked at her, and timidly at Wu Enqi who was standing two steps away. "Ma'am, you are a Han Chinese, please save my parents."

A Nuo was stunned, "Where are your parents?"

"My parents were taken away by the Mongols, who said they were going to kill them, and my sister and I were hid in the cellar by my mother. However, I was very worried, and I saw you just passing by, Madam, you are wearing Han Chinese clothes The clothes, will surely save my parents, right?"

A Nuo looked at the clothes he was wearing, and it was indeed a set of Han clothes he had changed before leaving the barracks.These two children were extremely afraid of the Mongols, but when they saw a Han, they reported their last hope.They rushed out to ask for help, knowing that they were risking being killed, but they couldn't care so much for their parents, so they could only take the risk.

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