The little boy seemed to understand, but these words contradicted each other, but these words did not seem to contradict each other.

"Do you want to protect your sister from growing up safely?"

The little boy nodded, "Yes."

A Nuo smiled, "I also want to protect my daughter from growing up safely, so now I have been working hard to learn how to protect myself and others."

"Then I have to learn how to protect myself, and I will learn how to protect my sister later."

"These are not easy to learn. The first thing we have to learn is not to be afraid. Only brave people can become strong. Only those who are strong enough can protect themselves and others."

The little boy nodded, "I will be brave."

As they said that, the two had reached a slope, and above the slope seemed to be the place where the crying sound came from.Step by step up the slope, the slope is the flattest place, and the surrounding vision is extremely wide.

The line of sight is unobstructed, so that standing here can clearly see everything not far away, the ground is stained red with blood, and the heads lie there scattered like balls falling on the ground.Not far away is a big pit, because of the position they are standing in, they cannot see what is inside the pit.

However, although he couldn't see it, Arnold could guess it.If the head is on the ground, then the pit may be the headless corpses whose heads have been chopped off.She could even imagine that the corpse might have piled up a thick layer.

The little boy's pace has already started to slow down, and his eyes are staring straight at not far away.

The execution was still going on, and a row of Han people were pulled out, kneeling by the edge of the pit, with their backs facing the huge pit.They were crying and begging for mercy, but the sharp knife still fell mercilessly.

Blood splattered and the head flew up. The executioner drew back the sword and kicked the headless corpse into the pit.


The little boy cried out, his immature voice was extremely prominent in the crowd of cries.

Boyan had already seen the two of them, but he never took the initiative to come over.At this time, the boy's cry caught everyone's attention.

The crying seems to have gradually stopped, this is a strange chain reaction, it seems that even time has suddenly slowed down.

The executioner forgot to pull down a group of people, those who were about to die also forgot where they were now, the Mongolian soldiers standing guard also forgot to come and arrest people, and some ordinary people who were just about to escape also forgot themselves Take advantage of this moment to escape.

Anuo pulled the little boy forward step by step, "You said you wouldn't be afraid." Even though she said that, her complexion was not good.

The little boy swallowed, his little face was bloodless, and he was trying his best to suppress the bitter thing in his throat.The steps he walked forward were a little soft, but he couldn't turn around and run, nor could he stop.He wants to find his parents and save their lives together with this lady.

Finally, one of Boyan's generals came out, "Who dares to trespass." Because of the distance, he only saw A Nuo dressed as a Han woman and holding a Han child in his hand.At this moment, how could he have thought that this was the Princess of Yunnan who had entered Changzhou City to rest?

Because of the anger in this life, everyone woke up.More than a dozen soldiers came over with weapons, and each of them still had freshly coagulated blood on their bodies.

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