A Nuo looked at the group of Yuan soldiers indifferently, since she came, she would not be afraid.Many times, people are like this, the more they walk on the path they choose, the more stubborn they are when they can't turn back.

The soldiers approached step by step, and their eyes were fixed on Anuo's body one by one.There was no such evil expression on the faces of this group of people, they were just cautiously vigilant.Obviously, a woman who is not afraid of so many of them must not be simple.

Sure enough, before they approached, they saw the servants of the Yunnan Prince's Mansion walking over one by one, walking slowly and unhurriedly.

The servants of the Yunnan Prince's Mansion are very recognizable, that is, there is a blood-red standard on their black clothes.A little blood red, and the clothes are like flames.

Seeing the attendants, the group of soldiers seemed to understand something.They are not ordinary soldiers, they are the personal guards of the general who just yelled.Because he is also in the army on weekdays, he often goes into battle with the general to kill the enemy.

On weekdays, Rianuo seldom appears, and every time he is in the barracks, he will wear Mongolian costumes.This time the Han people dressed up differently, and everyone preconceived that she had already entered Changzhou City.

The soldiers had already guessed Arnold's identity when they saw the attendants walking over, so they automatically backed away.

At this time, Boyan naturally understood that it was impossible to continue to pretend to be confused, so he walked towards A Nuo with a smile on his face, "Hasn't the princess already entered Changzhou City? Why did she come here suddenly?"

A Nuo looked at Boyan with a calm expression, "I met a pair of children on the road arguing to find their parents, so I sent them here."

Boyan looked at the little boy in A Nuo's hand. A Nuo's words were very level. She didn't mention the city massacre, nor did she say that the child's parents were captured by the Yuan army. How could these two children find her to ask for help.She just looked at him indifferently, without any special expression, and didn't express her own meaning, letting him guess. "I see."

Seeing that Boyan just said this, A Nuo didn't speak anymore. She needs to wait for Boyan to say.

Half a month ago, Boyan already knew that the woman in front of him was not simple. He glanced behind A Nuo, but this time he didn't see that silly girl coming over.So, he changed the subject and said, "Princess, why didn't Ulan serve you today?"

A Nuo smiled slightly, "Master Fei Boyan is worried, because he only lived in Changzhou for one night, so he didn't let Ulan follow him, and left all his things in the barracks."

Boyan let out an "oh", and the two stopped talking again.

A Nuo didn't want to let him go now, but just smiled slightly, "I heard that Lord Boyan is strict in his military management a long time ago, and now I see it, and it really lives up to its reputation."

"Absurd praise, absurd praise." Boyan said with a smile.But he knew in his heart that this woman was Han Chinese, and she came here at this time just to stop his massacre.Thinking of this, he winked at an attendant not far away, and the attendant immediately turned and left.

A Nuo saw all of this, but at this time she didn't want to express her intentions immediately, as long as she said it first, Boyan might find a way to shirk it.

What she wants is to let Boyan back down, only in this way will they not hurt their peace.

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