Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 550 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 2

The large tent in the center of the barracks is the place where Boyan discusses matters, which is equivalent to the headquarters.At this time, all the Mongolian and Han generals in the big tent were standing on both sides. Bo was sitting behind the long table on the south side with a serious face, and the lower left hand was Hu Gechi in red.

Standing in the center of the tent were three men dressed as Han Chinese. The younger one was Wen Yingyun who fled with Arnold back then.

Looking at the three of them, Boyan said slowly: "Wen Tianxiang, our Dayuan troops have already reached Lin'an, your capital city in the Southern Song Dynasty. Isn't it too late to seek peace?"

The middle-aged man among the three men was wearing a maroon official uniform and a heavy cap on his head.He has good facial features, and he exudes a righteous and awe-inspiring temperament from the bottom of his bones.Facing Boyan, he did not give in at all, and said righteously: "Lord Boyan, the Southern Song Dynasty is indeed in danger now, but if the Yuan army presses the Southern Song Dynasty tightly, we will still have the strength to fight. My lord is a Mongol, I must know If the prey is pursued too closely, it will injure the hunter in turn."

Boyan laughed loudly, "Wen Tianxiang, let's talk about these things later. Let me ask you, if you were surrounded by the three armies of the Southern Song Dynasty in Shangdu, would you give up the chance to destroy my Dayuan?" It was very straightforward, with a smile on Boyan's face and sarcasm in his eyes. "At this time, if you come to peace talks, I'm afraid your Empress Dowager Xie also understands that it is impossible to succeed. She is a woman, and she only thinks of luck."

Wen Tianxiang's face was slightly pale, but he was still neither humble nor overbearing, "What Lord Boyan said is indeed true, but Lord Boyan also knows that if the fight continues, it will not only destroy the Southern Song Dynasty. After a battle, the foundation of the Yuan Dynasty will also be turbulent and unstable , wanting to control the world for a long time is wishful thinking.”

Boyan slammed his palm on the long table in front of him, "Hmph, you have been abandoned by your Southern Song Dynasty queen mother, and now you are still standing here panting because I respect your courage. If you can submit to me Da Yuan, then I, Boyan, must recommend you to Khan, if you don’t, then don’t want to live.”

Wen Tianxiang stared at Boyan, "It's wishful thinking to make me lower my Yuan."

"Then you go and think about it." Boyan stood up, waved his hand and the two guards immediately stepped forward, "Send Master Wen back to the camp to have a good rest."

Wen Yingyun stood in front of Wen Tianxiang in a flash, "Who dares to touch my uncle." He understood that what Boyan said was true, and Queen Mother Xie specially sent the right minister Chen Yizhong to Yuanying to negotiate in order to escape, but Chen Yizhong fled in advance .In desperation, Empress Dowager Xie could only temporarily order Wen Tianxiang to come to Yuan Daying as Prime Minister You.

He kept preventing his uncle from accepting the Queen Mother Xie's order, but his uncle still accepted the assignment.

Wen Tianxiang believed that it was too late to surrender, defend the city, or fight. If they surrendered, they would definitely be inferior to others, and there was no possibility of a comeback. If they defended the city, how could they defend Lin'an against the three-sided attack of hundreds of thousands of troops?If it is a war, it is even more impossible.So he resolutely ordered to come to this Yuanying, just to delay time.

From the very beginning, he knew that this trip was not easy, and his uncle Wen Tianxiang also understood that this trip was full of dangers.But he wanted to use his own life to delay Boyan's attack, to delay Boyan's army, so that Queen Mother Xie would have enough time to escape.

Three armies besieged Lin'an, and they knew in their hearts that the Southern Song Dynasty was about to cease to exist.

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