Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 551 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 3

At this moment, the door curtain flashed and two people came in, and the cold wind poured into the big tent following their steps.

Brother Hu stood up slowly, looking over with soft and beautiful eyes.His always cold face finally showed some warmth. He walked over and held A Nuo's hand, "Is it cold outside?"

Arnold shook his head, "It's not cold, it's fine."

Hu Gechi pulled her to his seat and sat down, while he stood aside.Ulan looked curiously at the people in the big tent, and walked up to A Nuo step by step to stand still.

A Nuo glanced at the person standing in front of him, and then at the two lieutenants who were about to move.Finally, he turned his attention to Wen Yingyun again, "Wen Yingyun, it turns out that you are the one who asked for peace!"

The tense atmosphere was eased a lot by Arnold's arrival, and the two lieutenants looked at Boyan and retreated to the crowd.

Wen Yingyun let go of his clenched fist, and he smiled at A Nuo with an extremely complicated expression.He had seen her in the small town before Changzhou broke the city, but he didn't want to go forward, because he was afraid that the two of them would meet in such an atmosphere, and he was even more afraid that he would have other thoughts.

But now, even though they met each other, such an environment made him feel a little regretful just like meeting them under such circumstances.

He has always thought that the scene where the two meet will be very warm, or very exciting and joyful.No matter what it is, this situation is somewhat inconsistent with him.

Their identities have changed a lot, and they seem to be far, far apart.

He didn't know when all this started, but he knew that there seemed to be many stories about Arnold during the years when he hadn't seen each other.

Wen Yingyun smiled sadly, but he already thought of it, didn't he?He suppressed his wry smile and looked at A Nuo, "Are you okay now?"

A Nuo stood up and looked at him with a smile, "It's okay, by the way, have you guys finished the discussion?"

Boyan's expression was a little displeased at this time, but he couldn't attack Arnold.Although A Nuo's arrival disrupted his plan, it was obviously acquiesced by the prince of Yunnan, Hu Gechi.He didn't understand very much that a man's ambition is in the world, not to mention that Kugechi is the prince, shouldn't he set his sights on the future position of Khan?

Boyan glanced at Hu Gechi who was standing beside Anuo, but this man didn't seem to have the heart to fight for that position at all.In his heart, nothing is as important as this woman, not even his fiefdom.Boyan narrowed his eyes slightly to hide his expression, but Hu Gechi didn't let him see through, the only thing he couldn't see through was Khan's thoughts.

Khan is a generation of emperors, but he is very special to Hu Gechi.Among his many sons, Kugechi is the most beloved. No matter what Khan Kugechi does, he will let him cover up again and again as he pleases.It is common sense to judge that Khan should pass the Khan position to Hugechi, but he has no intention of letting Hugechi take over his position. The current prince is real gold.

Wen Yingyun looked at A Nuo with a smile and nodded, "It's over, Mr. Boyan said that we will continue the discussion tomorrow."

A Nuo turned his face to Ulan and ordered: "Ulan, since Mr. Wen has finished discussing with Mr. Boyan, then take Mr. Wen to the tent to rest!"

Ulan nodded, walked out and stood in front of them, "Three, come with me!"

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