Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 552 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 4

Wen Yingyun nodded gratefully to A Nuo, and then walked out with his uncle Wen Tianxiang and another uncle's old servant.

Seeing that the three of them had left with Ulan, A Nuo turned her head back with a smile, and looked at Boyan with a pair of smart eyes: "Master Boyan, Amuer's friend came from afar, don't mind my abrupt interruption!"

Boyan stood up, smiled and waved at A Nuo, "Forget it, the princess is a person who values ​​affection, not to mention that we have already finished the negotiation, and the princess did not bother."

Hu Gechi came over and took A Nuo's hand, "Master Boyan, I'm a little tired." He looked at Boyan, his face was as cold as an ice sculpture, "Since there's nothing else, I'm a bit tired." The king will go back to the camp with Amur to rest first, and if there is anything to do, someone can send a message to the king."

Boyan bowed and sent Hu Gechi and A Nuo off with all the generals and lieutenants respectfully.

As soon as the two of them got out of the big tent, Boyan's expression turned cold.Looking at the tent curtain that had already been lowered, he snorted angrily. "This princess of Yunnan is against me everywhere, so I must guard against her next time and prevent her from breaking in again."

A lieutenant came out, "My lord, we have already made arrangements, but she still walked in unimpeded. I'm afraid, this..." He didn't finish his clever words, knowing that what he didn't finish said was even more fascinating.

Boyan glanced at him, although the lieutenant general was smart, he was even smarter.He knew very well that A Nuo's arrival was not just a matter of her alone, and it had something to do with Yunnan Wang Hu Gechi.Therefore, he deliberately pretended to be dissatisfied and asked people to point out this problem.At this time, the goal had been achieved, so he naturally didn't want to say anything more.Said in a deep voice, "It's all gone!"

All the generals and lieutenants left one by one, and the big tent was suddenly empty.

Boyan walked to the sand table in the corner, his eyes wandered over the sand table.Although he didn't know why Hugechi let Anuo intervene, he knew that Hugechi was also delaying time.He picked up a small flag and inserted it into a mountain peak.When Wen Tianxiang came to Yuanying, he knew that it was impossible to sue for peace, but he still came here, so it was a cover.

Since Lin'an City is no longer safe, the Queen Mother Xie, who was in power in the Southern Song Dynasty, would definitely move the location.

A trace of gloom flashed in Boyan's deep eyes. What he wanted was speed, and even more so, he wanted a big contribution to win Khan's favor.Since they are all stalling for time, then he will act secretly, and he, Boyan, will not let go of this great opportunity.

Outside the camp, A Nuo had already seen Wen Yingyong waiting on her way back.

The two of them in the big camp just now couldn't say much, but they knew what to do with a look and a movement.

Arnold walked up to him, "Why do you take the risk to come here knowing that you can't succeed?"

Wen Yingyun looked at her, then his eyes fell on Hu Gechi again, "Thank you, my lord first."

Hu Gechi nodded slightly, and walked away, "It's not safe in the barracks, brother Wen, please send Amur back to his residence later."

A trace of envy flashed in Wen Yingyun's eyes, but more of admiration.Although Hu Gechi had killed countless Han Chinese, he treated A Nuo really differently.

Seeing that he was distracted, A Nuo raised his voice angrily, "Wen Yingyun, let me ask you, is your life that unimportant?"

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