Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 558 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 10

The night of February is still cold and windy, although the moonlight is very bright, it does not seem to be soft, and the silvery light shines on the ground, but it adds a bit of coolness.Inside the barracks, the night was already very thick, and soldiers holding torches were patrolling back and forth.Nowadays, the more rigorous the end of the war, Boyan is not a proud and arrogant person, he knows what it means to make a mistake and hate through the ages.

The place where Queen Mother Xie was hiding was getting closer and closer, and the successive victories of the Yuan army boosted morale even more.Boyan has already ordered that before the summer solstice, Empress Dowager Xie and Emperor Gong of the Song Dynasty must be sent to Zhao Xian.

Therefore, they don't have much time, and Arnold is more anxious.As long as Da Song no longer exists, all the problems between them will surface.

A Nuo walked step by step to the front curtain of the tent, she stretched out her hand, and as soon as she opened the curtain, she was embraced by a warm embrace.The familiar smell, the sense of stability, what made her feel more comfortable was the beating heart at that moment.Her face just pressed against his chest, and her cheeks blushed involuntarily.

Hugechi exhaled in her ear affectionately, "Amur, I want to eat."

A Nuo's cheeks became even redder, "What nonsense, if you're hungry, ask Ulan to cook something delicious for you."

Hu Gechi carefully held A Nuo up and put her on the bed.Although he never stopped her from seeing the three Han people, he had to say that he was jealous.

He is the king of Yunnan, the prince of Dayuan, and Khan's favorite son.However, he felt that he was jealous.Wen Yingyun has experienced life and death with A Nuo, and that kind of emotion is enough for him to leave a mark in A Nuo's heart.

Hu Gechi kissed Anuo's forehead tenderly, "Can you give it to me?"

He didn't want Arnold to belong to anyone, not at all.The more he was with A Nuo, the more he wanted to possess her completely.A long time ago, Arno had real gold in his heart, but now another man appeared.

All of this is not allowed by him.

And since they came to the barracks, the two of them have never been tender again.He wanted to hug her body greedily and fuse her with himself.

A Nuo's face turned even redder, now she is the princess of Hugechi, and even gave birth to a child for him.However, every time Hu Gechi made a request, she would feel that she would blush easily.

"Where did you go just now?" Hu Gechi said softly, he wanted to distract some of her attention, and then he could possess her unknowingly.

"I just went to take a shower." A Nuo blushed even more.The barracks are full of men, only she and Ulan are women with special status.So, she just went to Wulan's tent to take a bath.When she came back, it was herself.Because her heart was too disturbed, she wanted to walk alone.

A Nuo thought it was nothing at first, but when he said this sentence at this moment, his cheeks became even hotter.

Hu Gechi carefully unbuttoned her clothes, leaned on her chest and sniffed, "It's very fragrant, it smells good."


Anuo tried to push him away with his hands, but Hu Gechi took advantage of the situation and grabbed her hand.Those light brown eyes were full of lust, "Amur, why don't we have another child!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" A Nuo closed his eyes and stopped looking at him.

Hu Gechi smiled, "What I said is true, let's have another child!"

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