Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 559 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 11

A Nuo blushed, but she was not an ignorant girl.She closed her eyes, nodded, her mouth was tightly pursed and she didn't answer.

Brother Hu raised the corner of his red mouth, as if he was about to jump out with joy in his heart.He gently lay on Anuo's body, and lifted her clothes, a piece of jade-white light made him feel satisfied.

He looked at the woman with closed eyes, and at her crystal clear and full lips, which were gently covered.This woman is his, and he will not let anyone else.

A Nuo responded to him a little jerky while shy, she loved him, and this man was her husband, so she would not refuse his request.

Hu Gechi took off his clothes, his body was scalding hot, but the sharp weapon was so hot that it seemed to melt.He looked at A Nuo, "Is it all right?"

A Nuo nodded, only to feel that she was full all of a sudden, she murmured softly, her eyelashes trembling uncontrollably. "You, take it easy..."

The night is dim, and the night tent is warm.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of February, and the army marched to Zhenjiang.In his previous life, Arnold knew nothing about this place other than hearing the name Zhenjiang Vinegar.

But today, she wants to do a big thing here.

Holding the token in her hand and Ulan behind her, the two walked to the tent where Wen Tianxiang was under house arrest. "You all back down!"

The soldiers were slightly taken aback, "What the princess means."

A Nuo held up the token, "From today onwards, you don't have to guard this place anymore, the prince has accepted Wen Tianxiang's surrender. So, now they are our Dayuan people."

The soldier was slightly skeptical, but the token was real.The Khan's sons all have a token that marks their identity, a golden eagle with wings made of gold.Thinking about it again, these three Han people seem to have figured it out recently. They used to scold Mr. Boyan constantly, but these days they are quite quiet.

After thinking for a while, the soldier saluted again, "In this case, the humble post will be resigned."

Arnold smiled slightly, watching the group of guards retreat.She had already planned that Boyan led people out of the barracks in order to hunt down the Empress Dowager Xie whom he had always wanted to capture.At this time, Kugechi was in charge of military affairs of all sizes.She is holding the gold medal of Kugechi, so these people dare not disobey.

She quickly rushed into the tent and saw that the three of them had already packed up, "This is Hugechi's token, and you will leave with this when the time comes. You should go as fast as possible. If Boyan notices I will definitely not let you escape, and if you are really caught by him, I will not be able to save you a second time."

Wen Yingyun stopped talking and took the token, "Arnold, I don't want to thank you for your kindness. All I can do is go to Diaoyushan to help your father defend the city. I just hope that Diaoyushan can last forever, so that we can have Take back the Great Song Dynasty one day."

A Nuo smiled at Wen Yingyun, "Let's go!" She knew that it was impossible for Da Song to make a comeback.

In the cold moonlight, the three of Wen Yingyun wore Yuan soldier uniforms sent by A Nuo a few days ago, and went to the stables with tokens all the way.The three of them rode fast all the way, pretending to hear Hu Gechi's order to go out of the camp to handle errands, and they left the barracks smoothly.

Arnold watched the backs of the three leaving, and did not look back until they disappeared under the moonlight. "Let's go back!" Unexpectedly, as soon as she turned around, she was embraced by Hu Gechi who had been following her all the time.The corners of A Nuo's eyes were moist, "Thank you." If it weren't for Hu Gechi, all this would not have gone so smoothly, she was really touched.

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