Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 562 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 14

Lost turned to look at the maid beside him, "What do you mean?"

The maid smiled at her, "Since Ma'am is here for the dinner, let's watch the song and dance with the Crown Princess first!"

Lost smiled again, and nodded to the maid.She was a little jealous, although she knew that the person in Gan Mala's heart was among this group of people, but she didn't know who it was.If you attack suddenly, you may not be able to eradicate the opponent.

She is Gan Mala's official wife, the reason why Gan Mala did not marry the woman he likes, then it proves that the woman came from a humble background and is not worthy of her husband.Otherwise, with the empress and princess' love for Gan Mala, his wish will definitely be fulfilled.At this time, she doesn't need to worry, she has plenty of time.

Lost was gracefully supported by the maid and walked to her seat. Her position was determined to belong to the female relatives, but today may be special, Kuo Kuo really arranged a place for Lost beside her.

A Nuo looked at the woman with an unfamiliar face, and lightly poked Qianhe, "Is this the wife Gan Mala married?"

Qianhe curled her lips, "I haven't seen it, I just heard about it. Not long after you left, Gan Mala got married, and sent me an invitation card at that time, but I don't think I like the excitement , so I sent someone to deliver a gift and didn’t go.”

"You even refused the eldest son's wedding, are you not afraid that he will settle accounts with you?"

Qian He didn't say that she was not afraid of Gan Ma'er asking her to settle accounts, but what she was afraid of was meeting someone else at the wedding banquet.However, she didn't know how to say this to A Nuo.In the past, she wasn't very scared. At that time, the woman was still in Kaiping, and she moved to Dadu not long after A Nuo left.

She came here today by chance, hoping that no one would notice her.After all, it's not that she hasn't appeared with Arnold before, and very few people can focus on her.

Arnold shook his head helplessly, "You really are."

The two had just chatted for a few words when a shout came from afar.

"His Royal Highness is here."

Everyone stood up and prepared to welcome the arrival of the real gold. The originally low voice of conversation stopped at this moment, and the surroundings were quiet.

Zhenjin and Hu Gechi walked over together, and next to them was Boyan who had just made great achievements this time.Behind the three of them was Gan Mala who had just left, and everything seemed nothing special.

Qianhe's eyes suddenly froze as she looked over, she really thought of something.Originally, her fluke turned into a prayer. The person she hadn't seen after looking around just now came at this time.She moved back a little behind A Nuo, trying her best to let A Nuo block her body.

Zhen Jin came over, "Get up!"

Everyone put away their hands on their chests and raised their heads to look at the person coming.Kuo Kuo really walked towards the real gold with the loss of being seated, and the gestures of the two were all elegant and noble.

A Nuo sat back on the seat with Qianhe, and Qianhe looked around the female family members again, and was deeply relieved to confirm that there was no one she was afraid of among the female family members.

"Who did you see? Why is it weird?" Arnold noticed something strange and asked softly.

Qianhe shook her head, "No, I was just looking at the prince. I found that he seemed to have changed a lot when he came back from the military camp this time, and the warm aura on his body was much restrained." Qianhe lowered her head, trying her best to bury her face in the shadow among.

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