Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 563 Winter snow has not slowed down the hero to 15

Hu Gechi saw A Nuo's position at the first sight, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked into a smile that seemed to be there.Everyone in Dayuan knows that Khan's sons are all beautiful men, each with their own temperament and style, but Hu Gechi has always been cold, with a handsome face that rarely sees a smile.

At this time, seeing Hu Gechi showing a faint smile towards the place where the female relatives were located made people's heart pounding.

Qianhe naturally didn't see these things, but A Nuo didn't care about them. It's not like she hasn't seen Hu Gechi's smile before, and there are better-looking ones than this one.

But other women don't think so, because A Nuo has never married Hu Gechi, so many people don't know the existence of this Yunnan princess.Seeing King Yunnan like this, the women naturally became active.

As for Zhenjin, although he is broad and true in front of him, he has been paying attention to Arnold's position.There was still a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were deep and bottomless.

Boyan is a smart man. Although he doesn't understand everything, it is not easy for him to be No.1 among the courtiers.He looked towards A Nuo's place, he wanted to see what expression this woman would have when the old and new lovers were present at the same time.

However, as soon as his eyes touched the position where A Nuo was, he froze for a moment, his brows furrowed and he let go instantly, his hands clenched into fists involuntarily, and it seemed that he had to use a lot of strength to let go.

A Nuo was originally looking there, Boyan's reaction naturally fell into her eyes, she lightly touched Qianhe beside her with her elbow, "Look at Boyan, he is looking at us!"

Qianhe was startled, "What did you say?"

Qianhe suddenly raised her face, and she could clearly see the tiny fine lines at the corners of her eyes when illuminated by the light.That frightened look, the surprise in those eyes and the complex expression that was hidden for a moment, all fell into Boyan's gaze from a distance.Boyan clenched his fists again, and the memories in his mind seemed to be broken.

However, he couldn't make any difference, at least not right now.

"I said Boyan is looking at us!" A Nuo looked at Qianhe strangely, saw her flustered and smiled and joked: "Qianhe, you really fell in love with Master Boyan, right?"

It's just a sentence, but it contains the truth.Qianhe didn't speak, she was restless at this moment, she just begged Boyan not to recognize her.She secretly looked at Boyan, and saw that Boyan had withdrawn his gaze, and he didn't seem to recognize her from the outside.

Zhenjin Hanxiao walked to the chairman with Kuo Kuozhen, Hu Gechi also sat down with Boyan, and Gan Mala sat next to Marco Polo in the guest show.

Zhen Jin raised a glass of wine, with a very gentle smile on his face, "Today is just an ordinary banquet, you don't need to be formal. We Mongolian men were born and raised in the grassland, so we have always been free. Therefore, although we are in the prince's mansion, There is no difference between here and our yurts on the prairie. Everyone has fun, this is to celebrate the banquet of our Great Yuan Dynasty, and everyone will not be drunk or return."

Qianhe took a deep breath, in fact, she had already thought about it, since she came, she was not afraid to recognize her, of course it was best not to recognize her, and it was even better not to see her.At this time, Boyan was fine, so her worst worry was over.

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