Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 605 Winning the Battle and Rewarding the Assassin 3

The man in black had slowly raised his hand, Wen Yingyun's hysterical roar was right next to his ears, and the boat kept shaking, following the turbulent river.

A Nuo looked at the cold edge of the blade, and smiled with a split corner of his mouth.A bright red meteor flashed across those pair of starry eyes, and the red light gradually spread out, expanding into a red figure.For some reason, A Nuo felt sore and wronged in his heart, a layer of mist rose from his eyes, and a tear flowed down the corner of his eyes.

The man in black froze for a moment, but the movements in his hands didn't stop.

The extremely sharp knife flew towards A Nuo's eyebrows, very fast and very close at hand. At this time, it would be difficult for anyone to save A Nuo's life.

However, there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting, although the sound was not loud, it was very ear-piercing.

A Nuo forced himself not to close his eyes, let himself see all this, let himself see everything clearly.Because this is the last chance, and it is also the last possible memory in this life.

Therefore, she saw the arrow at the critical moment, saw clearly the person who shot the arrow, and even watched the sharp and cold knife light brush her cheek. It was unbearable, the joy of the rest of her life had already filled her heart.

She didn't die, the arrow missed the small flying knife at a critical moment.

Immediately afterwards, another arrow flew out, and it was shot from behind her.

The man in black was about to get up, but was hit by the arrow and backed up a few feet again. The arrow came fast and ruthlessly, and now it had penetrated the man in black's heart, and there was still a drop of bright red dripping on the arrow tip. Blood.

A Nuo looked at the yellow face that had receded from the blood, looked at the pale eyes, the man in black was dead, he was killed with one blow.At this time, the red figure had landed on the boat.He was extremely fast, rushing to Arnold's side like a sharp red sword.

"Amur, are you injured?" Brother Hu's face turned pale, and his lips were less rosy than before.He looked at A Nuo, reached out and hugged her, "I'll take you out of here."

There were tears in the corners of Anuo's eyes, and he stared at him blankly, "I'm fine, I'm not injured. Hu Gechi, please stop them quickly, I don't want my parents to die."

Hu Gechi raised his face and looked towards the place where A Nuo turned his back, "I'll leave this to you, I'll take her away first."

Arnold wanted to turn around, but froze before he could move.

"Okay." On another boat that just arrived, Zhenjin's eyes were as calm and indifferent as a sea of ​​tranquility.His one-word promise seemed to be scattered in the river wind, but the word was so clear in the sound of the beating waves.It seemed that when this word was uttered, all voices were silent, only the syllable of his word was quiet.

Arnold didn't look back, and slowly closed his eyes.If the first arrow was shot by Hu Gechi, then the second arrow is the real gold killer.If it wasn't for Zhen Jin who had arranged for someone earlier, even if he came here at this time, it would be only a matter of collecting her body.However, at this time, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart, a kind of debt seemed to weigh her down, and she couldn't breathe.

The sunlight from the sky came down, A Nuo slowly shrunk his shoulders, and his face stepped into Hugechi's chest.She was a little confused, and even a little flustered as if she was at a loss.

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