Stunning female slave, princess of troubled times

Chapter 606 Winning the Battle and Rewarding the Assassin 4

Hu Gechi's hand lightly patted her on the back, and touched her cheek.At this time, she really needed such comfort, but it was difficult for her to let go of all this. "What will happen to my parents?"

"You have to trust him." Hu Gechi landed steadily on the deck of another boat, and carefully put Anuo down.

Arnold stood up straight and looked at the boat she was on first.That was Song Jun's boat, the one that left Diaoyu Mountain.At this time, there was a burst of laughter on the boat, and there was indescribable helplessness and hardship in the laughter. "Father..." Anuo shouted loudly, his voice rippling in the river wind.

General Zhang turned his head and looked at his daughter.He was a general in the Song Dynasty, but now he is cornered by the Yuan army.Thinking that he has been fighting for decades, he did not expect to be captured now.However, he would not accept such a lingering life.He is a general in the Song Dynasty, so even if he dies, he cannot lower his Yuan.

Serve the country loyally, since the country is gone, then die for the country!

He looked at the surging river, but he didn't expect that this river would be his final destination.

"Take care of your mother." His voice was choked with sobs, but the wind from the river was quite unclear.

A Nuo's eyes widened, his pupils kept dilated, "Father, don't..."

General Zhang lifted his foot onto the railing and plunged into the Haohao River.

"Father..." Anuo tried his best to throw himself into the river to rescue his father before flying to the railing.

However, Wen Yingyun, who was fighting with the servant before she moved, stepped into the river first.He was wearing armor, so it was not convenient for him to move around, but he still plunged into the river.

"Don't move, I'll go." Brother Hu Chi said in a deep voice, the man had already got up.

On the river, Wen Yingyun had found General Zhang who had just fallen into the water, but because the boat kept going, General Zhang hit the boat and was unconscious.Wen Yingyun's face was pale, and he dragged General Zhang away from the boat.

Hu Gechi stretched out his hand, turned around and stepped on the river, frowned but still insisted on flying to the deck with General Zhang.A Nuo felt relieved, and quickly ran over to see if General Zhang was injured.

Mrs. Zhang on the other ship had already received the news, and fell into a coma in shock.

"Go and call the military doctor." Hu Gechi ordered again in a deep voice, and the attendants beside him rushed to find the military doctor.

The wind blowing in the river messed up A Nuo's hair, and Hu Gechi looked at the Taotao river with deep eyes.Jiang Shui Zhiwen promised to look at him quietly, with a gratified smile on the corner of his mouth.A wave beat over and finally disappeared into the river.Brother Hu frowned, and couldn't smile at all.

A Nuo untied General Zhang's armor and gave him first aid vigorously.The bleeding wound on her forehead was a little shocking, and her hands were trembling uncontrollably.Whispering in the mouth: "Father, wake up, wake up. My daughter still has a lot to say to you, and you promised her that she will continue to live. You can't say nothing, you can't!"

The military doctor came quickly and made a diagnosis quickly.

"How is my dad?"

The military doctor's face was a bit dignified, "It should have passed out after hitting the brain, and there is no fluid in the lungs, but I don't know when I will wake up."

"Rescue him no matter what." Hu Gechi's voice was deep and deep, and his eyes were so deep that it was impossible to see his thoughts.

Anuo clenched his hands, stood up suddenly, looked around but couldn't see the figure. "Where's Wen Yingyun? Where's Wen Yingyun?"

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