Killing is always the cruelest, whether it is killing or being killed, there is always something irreversible.

The night was dark and the moonlight was covered, and all the soldiers under Hu Gechi's hands were injured.But even so, no one retreated.

This killing was silent from the beginning to the end, only the occasional puffing sound of weapons cutting human flesh, and the last groans of those who fell.

"Brother Wu Enqi, you take Grandpa away first!"

"That's right, brother Wu Enqi, you can't die here with us!"

The blood on Wu Enqi's left arm kept flowing out. He had lost one hand, and his fighting power was not as good as before. It's just that he missed the past, and the position of the number one servant has always been his and never changed.He glanced at Hu Gechi in the human wall, his scarlet eyes were a little dim, and the woman he held in his arms was even pale and bloodless.

A kind of unbearable regret occupied Wu Enqi's heart. His father had always been sharp-edged, when did he have such a side.Now, if Hu Gechi refuses to leave, he believes that no one can take him away.

"Master, we are resisting, you take the princess away first! Back in the city, the princess may still be saved."

Hu Gechi's dull eyes finally focused on A Nuo's face, and finally he raised his head again. Although he was heartbroken, he could see the current situation more clearly.

The assassin failed to kill him, and he couldn't take Arnold away with him.If he breaks through forcefully, Arnold may be injured for the second time.He was afraid, worried, and afraid in his heart, but now he had nowhere to go.

"Master, the subordinates are willing to fight to the death to break through, sir... make your decision quickly!"

Hu Gechi reached out to pick up the scimitar beside him, his scarlet eyes were like demons, making people tremble.He laid Arnold flat in the center of the human wall, while he dragged his seriously injured body to stand up again. "No, if you dare to intercept and kill us, then you must save your life."

Wu Enqi felt a pain in his heart, his master obviously planned to fight to the death.He looked at the number of men in black who still did not appear to be decreasing, and while coping with the assassin's attack, he calculated how likely it was to force a breakout.Just like his father's deduction, it was really difficult for them to break out.If it fails, it will die faster.

"Come on, make a quick decision." Suddenly, the black-clothed killer ordered again.

Hearing this order, Wu Enqi's expression changed. Is he really going to die here today?

Brother Hu felt as if a sword had been inserted into his painful heart, and he felt pain every time he took a breath. He frowned in pain, and felt that all the injuries on his body had disappeared from the pain.It was all because of the group of people in front of him, it was because of them that Anuo was hurt, it was because of them that his heart hurt like this.

If he couldn't rush out, then he would rather kill to the end and die here with her.

Hu Gechi took a last look at Anuo who was lying there, and slashed down with the machete clenched tightly, and shouted heavily in a hoarse voice, "Kill..."

In March of the 16th year of Zhiyuan, there was an assassination incident in the suburbs of Beijing, but this incident was deliberately covered up by many people, so not many people knew about it.Even so, there are still some gossip.According to legend, King Hu Gechi of Yunnan died of serious injuries, and it is also said that Princess Yunnan died of love. The real story was not confirmed until two months later.

The king of Yunnan reappeared in the court hall and begged the Khan for a marriage.

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