The imperial palace in Dadu is a building different from that of the Han people. The roof is round, and it looks like a yurt from a distance.At this time, there was complete silence in the imperial study room, so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

"She has already taken charge of the seal of Princess Yunnan, why does she still insist on holding a big wedding?" Khan put the tea cup in his hand on the table heavily, his eyes sharp as a sword.

Hu Gechi stood in front of him, his complexion was not very good, his eyes were sunken, and he looked haggard. "Father Khan, you have already said that she is already the Princess of Yunnan, so why can't she just sit in that position?"

"Nonsense, people are dying, why bother?" Khan's complexion changed, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly suppressed.

"Father Khan..." Hu Gechi knelt on the ground with his knees bent, "Father Khan, she is not dead yet, and marrying Amur is the greatest wish of my son in this life. In the past, Father Khan always refused for various reasons, but now For the sake of protecting her son from a knife, I beg Father Khan to allow my son to give her a name in a fair and honest way!"

"Her father is Zhang Jue."

"Father Khan, you already know this."

Hearing his son's rebuttal, Khan's face turned cold, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Zhen Jinxin, who stood aside and hadn't spoken for a long time, sighed quietly. His face was also bad, but it didn't look too obvious. "Father Khan, you've always wanted to surrender, so why not promise Fifth Brother!"

"True gold, even you want..." The anger on Khan's face gradually turned into helplessness. Looking at his two favorite sons, he suddenly felt that he couldn't understand.If Hu Gechi asked, that's all, but even the real gold opened his mouth.

Eagle-like sharp eyes narrowed slightly, Zhen Jin didn't know that the killer who was lurking in the dark at that time was his Ejicha must move!Knowing that as long as Arnold recovers from his injury, a series of ambitions will be launched directly.Today, although A Nuo has the real name of the princess of Yunnan, he has no name. When the name is not right and the words are not right, his actions will naturally restrain himself.But if he really has a title, then it will be a direct fight with Chabi.

He didn't want to see a fire in the backyard of his house, so he kept suppressing the matter.

"Father Khan, there is a saying in Buddhism that if there is a cause, there must be an effect." Zhenjin's voice was soft and calm, like an old student who has practiced the law for many years.It's not that he doesn't understand, it's not that he doesn't know.He looked at Hu Gechi, and there were still waves of fear and fear in his heart that could not be calmed down.If it had been later in the evening when Gan Mala rushed away, he would feel guilty for the rest of his life now.

It's not that he didn't think about the fight between A Nuo and his Eji, but he didn't think that his Eji shot so quickly and fiercely.In any case, Hu Gechi was his father Khan's most beloved son, and now he, Eji, even killed him regardless of his care.Isn't she afraid of Khan's wrath?

"That's all, that's all." Khan raised his hand to signal Hu Gechi to get up, "Go back and prepare! When she wakes up, you can marry her into the palace." Khan took a deep breath, and the backyard caught fire, hoping it wouldn't burn too big.Looking at Hu Gechi, "You have to listen clearly, what I mean is after she wakes up."

"My son... I understand." Hu Gechi snapped down a song heavily, and finally the gloomy eyes shone again.

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