My whole body seemed to be floating in the clouds, and I couldn't move without using any strength.Is this what it feels like to die?I'm afraid it's really dead this time!

A huge suction sucked her whole body away, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that this was a modern ward.She has come back?

"Xiao Nuo, you've finally woken up. You scared me to death. I thought you'd never wake up again!" Luo Chen looked worried, and his handsome face was heart-wrenchingly haggard.He has always been a tidy person, but now he is full of green stubble.

A Nuo collected himself, did she really come back?

"Xiao Nuo, don't use your cell phone during a thunderstorm next time, do you understand?" Luo Chen looked concerned, and his eyes were sunken.

"I slept for a long time?"

"It's been a long time since I've been in a coma, and I've been in the emergency room twice." Luo Chen reached out and grabbed A Nuo's hand, "During his coma, he kept talking nonsense and shouting a bunch of messy names."

"Huh?" She said nonsense and called her name? "Who did I call?"

"It seems that there are Zhenjin, Qianhe, Ganmala, Wen Yingyun, Wu Enqi, Xu Xiaomo, oh, the one who shouted the most is Hu Gechi." Luo Chen smiled slightly, "I don't even know your history. They have learned so well, and there are actually three of them are the names of the children of the royal family in the Yuan Dynasty. Is our troupe planning to make a movie? I am in a coma and don’t forget to make up for it.”

Is it all just a dream?A Nuo slowly closed his eyes, but this dream was so strange, so clear and real.

"Are you awake?" A somewhat familiar voice sounded, accompanied by slight footsteps.

A Nuo opened his eyes again, his body stiffened involuntarily, "Many brother stab, busy brother stab, why are you here, did Xu Xiaomo find you?"

"Xiao Nuo." Luo Chen looked nervous, and grabbed A Nuo who was about to sit up. "What nonsense are you talking about? This is your attending physician, Dr. Leng."

Doctor Leng?A Nuo looked him up and down. He was wearing a snow-white coat and short hair. Although they looked the same, they were not alone.The temperaments of these two people are completely different, it can be said that they are completely different from each other.Busy Brother Ci's temperament is gloomy and cold, but this man does have a unique warmth and cleanliness.Not Busy, not at all.

Anuo lay back on the bed weakly, and slowly closed his eyes.Could it be that it was really a long dream, so long that she thought everything in the dream was real?She touched her chest, her hands and feet were numb and somewhat inflexible, but she managed to touch it in the end.The chest was flat and smooth, apparently free from stab wounds.It's a dream, it turns out that it's all a dream.

"It should be because she has been in a coma for too long, just let her get used to it slowly." Doctor Leng told Luo Chen, "I will have someone turn off these instruments in a while. She is already awake, so there is no need to continue using them. gone."

"Yes, Dr. Leng, you have bothered me a lot." Luo Chen stood up and sent Dr. Leng out of the ward.

A Nuo couldn't tell what kind of feeling he was in. This feeling seemed a little bit lost and a little excited, but it was a little regretful and a little excited.She sat up and stretched out her hand to call Luo Chen over, but a scarlet light immediately caught her attention.With plain hands, a ruby ​​ring is on the ring finger, with simple and complex patterns, crystal clear gemstones.

All of a sudden, I understood in my mind, no, no, she was not dreaming.

Suddenly everything in front of him changed, everything became distorted, Luo Chen's face gradually turned into another person, and the ward also became another place.

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