Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 165 It's Not My Turn To Punish You

"Thank you for your cooperation. Of course you were wrong, but it's not my turn to punish you!" Lan Yu left the last sentence to him, turned and left the cell.

Situ Jun still wanted to say something to her, but she left very quickly. Before he could say anything, the door of the cell was closed again.

Knowing that she wanted to know the truth, Lan Yu quickened her pace to leave the underground dungeon, and Lei Bing was waiting for her in the office on the top floor of the base. When Lan Yu stepped into this hall, Lei Bing felt that she was full of murderous aura. , just like the resentment she looked at herself when he killed her first love back then.

"How's the result?" He simply asked, but the result was clearly written on her face.

"Mary Sofaro, no matter what you say this time, you can't let her go!" She challenged her tolerance limit time and time again. If it weren't for Shao Lei who supported her behind her, Mary would have died countless times.

This time, don't expect her to be so lucky!

"Tell me what happened!" The truth, he just wanted to know the truth.

Lan Yu recounted to Lei Bing what Situ Jun told her in the underground prison just now. Sure enough, this story was exactly the same as what he had guessed. To start, I can only accept Lisa Carlos' jealousy and kill Lan Xiya!

"Young Master Lei, even if I lose my life this time, I won't let that bitch like Mary!" Lan Yu was agitated. Now that she knew the truth, she had no reason to keep calm.

"How do you want to deal with her?" He didn't stop her directly, but asked her plan instead.

"Kill her and avenge Shia!" This was Lan Yu's most direct way of revenge.

"Stupid—do you think that killing her is the best revenge? Haven't you learned anything from being with me for so many years?" Lei Bing stared at Lan Yu with sharp, eagle-like eyes. Is the most stupid way he thinks.


Lan Yu looked into his eyes, remembered what Andre had told her before, hesitated for a while, and then answered him again: "I'm going to San Francisco to spread the news that Mary has AIDS, and I want to keep her alive It's worse than death!"

"Very good, you can start now!" This was the answer Lei Bing wanted to hear.

"Then Situ Jun..." Lan Yu wanted to ask Lei Bing how to deal with him?kill him?

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own arrangements!" Although he was not the murderer, he was also involved in the whole thing.

Now that it's in his hands, don't even think about stepping out of here safe and sound, and want to leave the base of the dark organization alive, unless he is a living dead who can't speak!

------ Dividing line------

village of saint malo

"Grandma, I'm back." Mao Li, who had disappeared for a few days, finally appeared in front of the house.

He was injured on his face and body, it was obvious that someone had beaten him, and Aunt Rong saw his injuries clearly as soon as he entered the door.

"Tell me, did you sneak back to steal something while we were away?" Grandson was injured all over, but Aunt Rong didn't go forward to care about him, but questioned him angrily.

"I...I..." He hesitated, he was a little afraid to say it.

Lan Xiya heard a voice outside the room, and walked in from the room. Seeing that it was Maori who came back, she immediately stepped forward and asked him: "Maoli, did you take my longevity lock? That thing is very important to me." It's important, maybe it can help me recover my memory, can you return it to me?"

"Xiao Lan...I'm sorry, I..." Mao Li apologized to her, but still didn't have the courage to tell the truth.

Seeing the injuries all over his grandson's body, and his hesitant appearance, Aunt Rong knew what was going on.

"Xiao Lan, you don't need to ask him anymore, this bastard must have used it to pay off his gambling debts, right?" A pair of wrinkled eyes stared at him and asked sharply.

Mao Li knew that he had gotten into trouble this time, so he didn't care about his injuries. He knelt down in front of grandma and Lan Xiya, crying, and said, "Xiaolan, I'm sorry, I stole your longevity lock. I Two days ago, I went to the city to gamble. I wanted to win a little more money to buy medicine to heal the wound on your face, but who knows, who knows, I lost it all. I was unwilling to ask the casino usury to borrow money, but I lost it again. …”

"So you just go home to steal things and take them out to repay the usury, don't you?" Having lived together for 20 years, Aunt Rong knows her grandson very well.

"Grandma, I was wrong. I was also forced by the loan sharks. If I can't pay any money, they will kill me." Mao Li sobbed, and he didn't expect this to happen.

"What about Xiaolan's longevity lock? You sold all of them?" The money is gone, and what Aunt Rong is nervous about is the longevity lock that Miss Lan gave her daughter. This is the only thing Miss Lan left behind.

"I... gave them all together, but they said it was made of silver and was worthless, and I don't know where they took it." With his head down, Mao Li didn't dare to look up at his grandma. .


With a sigh, Aunt Rong took a few steps back unsteadily. Lan Xiya saw that something was wrong with her, so she immediately stepped forward to help her sit down.

"Grandma, don't be angry, it's gone if it's gone, as long as Mao Li comes back safely!" It was Mao Li who rescued her at sea, and since he took it away, she took it away, and she couldn't force it.

"But Xiaolan, your longevity lock..." Aunt Rong was still thinking about this.

"It's okay, just treat it as a gift from me to Mao Li." In order to appease grandma, Lan Xiya comforted her intimately.

Aunt Rong knew that Xiaolan had a docile personality and would not argue with them, but in her heart, she still wanted to get it back.

"You bastard, how much money have you borrowed from other people?" You must know that loan sharks are charged at compound interest, and the longer the time, the greater the amount.

"I... I only borrowed [-] euros when I first started, but they came to me this morning and said that I owed [-] euros, and they didn't count the money that I paid back that day, they said they would pay interest It's not enough!" The number kept getting bigger and bigger, and he didn't know what to do.

"Then did they hit you with the injuries?" Lan Xiya added.

"Yes, these two days they saw that I hadn't paid back the money, so they looked for me everywhere. When they found me this morning, they beat me up and said that they would come to my house to ask me to pay back the money in three days. If they don't come out , and burned our house down, woo woo woo..." Mao Li was beaten up by them, and was scared out of his wits by threats, fearing that something would happen to grandma and Xiaolan, so he ran home.

"You, you... You don't know about our family's situation. Where can we pay you [-] euros to pay off your debts? Besides, after three days, I'm afraid it will be more than that!" Aunt Rong has been arrested He was too angry to scold him anymore.

This small village was not rich in the first place. When Maori’s parents were still there, they could earn some money and come back. , Only the wreckage of the fishing boat was found, but the body has never been found. Most of them were shipwrecked and have left this world.

From then on, there were only two grandparents and grandchildren left. As Aunt Rong got older, there were fewer and fewer things she could do. The monthly subsidy could only support the two of them. Lan Xiya lost money, how could the family have any spare money for him to pay off his gambling debts.

"Grandma, I know I was wrong, I promise you, as long as I can pass this level, I will never gamble again, and I will definitely work with Uncle Sam!" Mao Li now knows that he was wrong, but when faced with a gambling debt, he also does not want to gamble. I don't know what to do.

"Tomorrow morning, you will go to Uncle Sam and ask him to take you out to sea quickly. Xiaolan, you will temporarily stay at Sam's house for a few days. I believe they will not make things difficult for me, an old woman." Hide away.

"No, grandma, you can't stay at home, why don't we go to Uncle Sam's house to hide together." Lan Xiya worried that she was alone.

"If there is no one at home, they will become suspicious. I can't leave. As long as the two of you are not at home, I will be fine." Aunt Rong resolutely wanted to send the two of them away.

Maori absolutely cannot stay in the village. As for Xiaolan, although she has several scars on her face, if she is covered with a veil, she may be violated by those people because of her exquisite and attractive figure, so she Can't stay either.

"Grandma, I won't go, I want to be with you." Mao Li knelt on the ground and wandered to ***, holding her old hand and sobbing.

"I knew it earlier, why bother..."

He took their hands from left to right, hoping to get through this difficulty.

At the same time, the Carlos family is also facing a crisis. The stock has been suspended. As long as the business with the Carlos family sticks to it, there will be problems one after another. Early this morning, people from the ICAC took Noke away and sued him Suspected of money laundering, there is enough evidence to sue him!

In less than half a month, the Carlos family had various problems. The death of Lisa Carlos has been delayed until now, and the police have not found any clues. Now Noc Carlos is being sued for money laundering.

The outside world is predicting that the Carlos Group will definitely declare bankruptcy in less than a week!

"Young Master Zuo, it seems that Lei Bing has put a lot of thought into the Carlos Group this time!" Peter opened the latest financial newspaper and spread it out in front of him.

"Whoever let their family produce a murderer, this is the price!" Regarding this point, Zuo Shaoyi and Lei Bing are on the same front.

"Yes." Peter understood his mood, and dared not mention too many things in front of him.

"How about France, don't the people you sent there have any news?" He still hasn't given up on searching for Shia's whereabouts.

"This... There is no news yet..." Peter lowered his head, not daring to look at him.

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