"They're all worthless, they only open their mouths to ask for money!" Zuo Shaoyi's death made Zuo Shaoyi completely lose his former glory, and also lost a lot of fighting spirit, and his whole heart was focused on finding her whereabouts.

"Young Master Zuo, I think we should make achievements in the company's new project first?" Peter cautiously reminded, because Peter was also afraid of offending him.

"You don't need to remind me!" After saying that, Zuo Shaoyi glanced at him in disgust, picked up his suit jacket, got up and left.

Peter watched him leave with worried eyes. If this continues for a long time, Zuo Shao's position in the company will not last long.

Zuo Shaoyi left the company upset, and drove alone on the street. He has done so much, all for Shiya, but now... how can he calm down?

When the car passed through an old neighborhood where people and snakes were mixed together, he seemed to see Long Zilin in the rearview mirror, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye. Could it be that he was wrong just now?

Backing up the car, he seemed to see her standing at the turning intersection at the back just now. This is the old city, where most of the workers with lower income live, and there are more underworld gangsters in this area. How could she appear here?

In order to prove whether what he saw just now was true, Zuo Shaoyi drove the car in slowly, lowered the window, and carefully looked for Long Zilin's figure.

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes and stopped the car outside an alley, because he saw a familiar slender figure in the alley.

Long Zilin was wearing an ordinary sports t-shirt, a peaked cap and sunglasses, fearing that someone would recognize her, so she deliberately dressed like this.

In the alley, a blond man took out a bag of what looked like white powder and handed it to her. Long Zilin took out a stack of banknotes from the bag and handed it to him. The two secretly traded in the alley, waiting for Long Zilin As soon as Lin put the things she got in her bag and turned around, Zuo Shaoyi, who was waiting for her to come out outside the alley, turned pale with fright.

"Get in the car!" Zuo Shaoyi saw the clue and ordered her coldly.

The two had already divorced, but facing Zuo Shaoyi, Long Zilin still had him in her heart, even though he had done something wrong to her family, she was still obedient and got into his car.

"You...why are you here?" Long Zilin sat down in the car, took a few deep breaths to calm down the feeling of being frightened by her just now.

"I should be the one to ask you this question, right? Isn't it too strange that the majestic Miss Long came to this so-called poor area? Or should you give me a reasonable reason?" Zuo Shaoyi I already guessed in my heart the purpose of her coming here, but I just wanted to make her say it myself.


Long Zilin hesitated for a while, not knowing how to answer him, let alone how much he saw just now?


Zuo Shaoyi pressed her again with a hint of warmth and anger.

The two are already divorced, but if her negative news gets out, it will affect him more or less. The two have lived under one roof for more than ten years. self-defeating.

Long Zilin lowered her head. She was always upright when facing him before, but this time, maybe she did something wrong. She was a little afraid to look him in the eye, and even more afraid of the resentful look in his dark eyes. .

"Let me ask you one last time, are you here to buy drugs?" Zuo Shaoyi forced her while driving. He didn't have much patience with Long Zilin, and directly asked her the most direct question.

It turned out that when he saw it just now, Long Zilin was flustered, and couldn't hide anything...

"Since Luo Zi's death, I was so worried and afraid to go out all day long, and you forced me to divorce. In the end, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I could only go to the bar to drink, and I was so empty that I wanted to find someone to accompany me. Who knows... I met a bastard, it was him, he taught me to take drugs..." Briefly talking about her recent situation.

"Do you think you are still a three-year-old child? Take drugs like others, do you know that stuff will kill you?" Zuo Shaoyi drove the car to a remote path and stopped.

"You think I want to, but this thing will temporarily make me forget everything. It really seems that the whole body is floating. Do you want to try it?" Speaking of this, Long Zilin took out the just now from her bag. blond man selling her drugs.

"Long Zilin—"

Surprised by her behavior, Zuo Shaoyi roared at her.

His roar brought Long Zilin back to reality, immediately hid the white powder in his bag, sat in the passenger seat, and said nothing...

"You'd better quit the drug as soon as possible. If you let your father know, how will he react?" Zuo Shaoyi approached her with a slightly haggard handsome face. He didn't sleep well at night.

Long Zilin lowered her head and didn't speak, but she knew very well in her heart that Daddy knew the end of her drug use, and her chest was heaving and panting because of tension. Wanting to quit drugs, is it easier said than done?

"Why do you care about me so much all of a sudden? Aren't we already divorced? Isn't that little bitch Lan Xiya the only one in your eyes? When did you remember to take care of my affairs?" Long Zilin lowered her head and thought After a while, I felt that he was acting weird today.

"Shut up—Xia is your younger sister, even if she's gone now, you can't insult her!" Zuo Shaoyi's face suddenly darkened, and he grabbed Long Zilin's wrist, his black eyes seemed to eat people of.

But even such a man-eating expression didn't frighten Long Zilin, she heard what he meant, what do you mean she's gone?Isn't she by Lei Bing's side?Why did you attend a banquet with Lei Bing in Cannes in a high profile half a month ago?

Since Lan Xiya was secretly murdered by Lisa, and Lei Bing blocked the news from the outside world, the Long family does not know about Lan Xiya's murder for the time being.

"What do you mean by that? She's gone, so where did she go?" She asked tentatively, because Long Zilin herself couldn't guarantee that her guess was correct.

Zuo Shaoyi let go of her wrist, and suddenly there was a sneer on his face: "It seems that your Long family doesn't know about Xi Ya's murder."

Listening to his words, Long Zilin's eyes flashed, is that little vixen real?But what happened during this period, and who killed her?

"What's going on, can you tell me clearly?" Long Zilin couldn't wait to know the truth.

"Didn't you pay attention to financial news recently? The Carlos family in France is facing bankruptcy. Why do you think they have such a big crisis in just half a month?" Having said that, let her do the rest Guess for yourself.

Although Long Zilin doesn't understand business, but in such an environment, she can more or less understand the superficial meaning. Could it be that the Carlos family did something to that little vixen? Injustice without enmity, what is this for?

Seeing her deep in thought, Zuo Shaoyi unbuckled her seat belt, and ordered her somewhat unkindly: "Get out of the car, and don't let me see you in that place again!"

"You, you brought me to this ghostly place, and you want me to get off the car?" Long Zilin held the injustice angrily, just now he let her get on the car, and now he wants to drive her out of the car, what a jerk.

"I'll say it one last time, get out of the car—" Let her get in the car just now to take her away from the smoky place, he didn't intend to stay with her, let alone send her home.


Without arguing with him, Long Zilin got out of the car neatly, and slammed the door hard, making a "bang" sound.

Today is not a fruitless day. No wonder there has been no news of her since the news in Cannes that day. Even the people sent by Daddy to the Rose Manor to find out the news have found nothing recently. It turned out that the little vixen had died in France a long time ago!

There was a smile in the sky. To her, this news was as exciting as good news. She wanted to go back and tell Mommy the good news!

Dark organization base

Situ Jun is like a useless person to them now. The organization will never waste food and energy to support a useless person, but Lei Bing doesn't want to get to know him easily, so he has no choice but to make him a living dead who can never speak , Only the living dead can leave here alive.

"Ye Xin, I'll leave this place to you!" In the water prison, Lei Bing stood in the center like a king, followed by several medical workers in white coats.

"Yes, Young Master Lei." According to Young Master Lei's instructions, the doctor Ye Xin wanted to try a new product on Situ Jun.

What sounds good is a new product, but what sounds bad is actually a new drug that failed to be developed by the medical research group of the dark organization. Lei Bing had a whim, and wanted to see what the drug that failed in research would be like when it was used on the human body. s consequence.

The injection needle had already been filled with medicine, and Situ Jun knew that they had bad intentions when he saw their formation.

"Lei Bing, what are you doing?" Situ Jun struggled, but was firmly restrained by the bodyguards in black, preventing him from moving.

Ye Xin skillfully pulled up his sleeves and injected the failed product in the syringe into Situ Jun's body.

"Ah... let me go, let me go, why don't you just shoot me and kill me with a single shot!" He shouted, but the medicine had already been injected into his body, and he couldn't imagine waiting for him what will it be

"Killing you, it's too cheap for you. If it wasn't for you, my little baby wouldn't have an accident, so I will torture you slowly..." The expression on Lei Bing's face showed There was a trace of weirdness, making it hard to see what he was thinking?

"You... No wonder Miss Xi Ya desperately wants to leave you, devil!" Situ Jun started to feel hot all over, but he still cursed at him relentlessly.

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