Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 285 Who is he?

After observing Zihao in the base all night, when he woke up the next morning, he clamored to go to the park to learn the violin, and said that he was going to jump out of bed, so scared that Lei Bing stepped forward to catch him.

"You have to stay obediently these few days, and you are not allowed to go anywhere!" Lei Bing's words left no room for negotiation.

Kid Hao looked at Daddy with teary eyes, feeling aggrieved in his heart, he is fine, why not let him get out of bed?

"Zihao wants to learn how to play the violin from Uncle Fan." Looking at his father's uncompromising face, Zihao still mustered up the courage to speak out what was in his heart.

But these words made Lei Bing frowned anxiously, carried his son back to the bed, and asked carefully: "Who is Uncle Fan?"

"It's an uncle in the park who can play the violin very well. He taught Zihao's violin." Little Zihao dragged it out without hiding anything.

Lei Bing watched his son's eyes light up when he mentioned that person. No wonder Zihao has been going to the park every morning in the past week, and even bought a violin specially.

Originally, he thought it was just a child's temporary interest, but he didn't expect that there was such a connection in the middle...

"Listen, Zihao, you can't go anywhere these days. You have to wait for the little red rash on your body to disappear before you can go out to play." While comforting his son, Lei Bing wondered whether the Uncle An that his son was calling What is the origin.

Little Zihao lifted up his clothes, and red rashes appeared on his body like twists and turns on his fair skin. He put down his clothes and nodded in disappointment: "Okay, but Zihao wants to go home and doesn't want to stay. it's here!"

"Okay!" As long as he obediently doesn't go out, he can go back to the manor to raise him.

But to be on the safe side, Lei Bing asked Ye Xin to take the medicine and leave with her, and temporarily let her live in the manor to prevent Zihao from having another seizure.

Back in the manor, Zihao immediately seemed to be a different person, but Lan Xiya watched him running and jumping, and never really let go of the heart hanging in mid-air in her heart.

"Xia, I have something to talk to you alone." Lei Bing walked up to her and held her hand.

Lan Xiya looked back at him and nodded: "What's the matter, can't we talk about it here?"

"Zihao said today that there is Uncle Fan who taught him to play the violin in the park. I want to know who this person is?" His expression was slightly serious, which made Lan Xiya a little confused.

Two hours ago, Lei Bing had sent Andre to find out the origin of this person. British Chinese, Fan Wendi, graduated from xxx College in the UK. Before that, he worked as a violin music instructor in a good-sized training school. Just two months ago Resigned, came to Taiwan half a month ago, and just bought an apartment on Xinyi Road!

Although there was nothing wrong with his personal information on the surface, Lei Bing found it unusual when he resigned in the UK and when he appeared in Taiwan.

Most importantly, why did he choose to play the piano in the park here in Songshan District?You must know that it takes an hour to drive from Xinyi Road to Songshan District at the fastest, not to mention that there are parks near where he lives, but it is really unreasonable for him to choose far away?

"Bite, is there something wrong with this person?" Lan Xiya had already seen the clue from his face, and asked cautiously.

Lei Bing nodded, took her hand and went to the study together, and showed her the information that Andre had just checked. Although there was nothing wrong with it on the surface, he came to Songshan Park with an obvious purpose. He must be looking for an opportunity to get close to Lan Xiya!

After reading these materials, Lan Xiya suddenly realized something was wrong after listening to Lei Bing's analysis: "Bing, could he be someone sent by Nancy?"

"Ten chances, it's either Nancy or Will!" Although there is no evidence yet, Lei Bing is already very sure.

"Then what are we going to do? Do they still want to attack Zihao?" Lan Xiya stepped forward and threw herself into Lei Bing's arms, hugging him tightly in worry.

Holding her in his arms, he blamed him for being busy with the mountain of work in the company recently, so that he neglected to care for them this week, bowed his head and kissed her hair, and patted her on the back tenderly.

"Let's not startle the snake, but Zihao must never see him again. I am also very surprised. If he came to approach you on purpose, why would he know that you will go to Songshan Park?"

"Someone leaked our whereabouts!" This was Lan Xiya's first reaction.

The two looked at each other, although they didn't say anything, they already guessed in their hearts that there must be spies by their side!

"It seems that we are the best actor and actress this year!" A gleam of light flashed in Lei Bing's eyes, and he had already set up a game in his mind, waiting for the other party to jump into it.

In the study, Lan Xiya listened carefully to his plan. For Zihao and herself, she chose to gamble this time!

Early the next morning, little Zihao habitually took his violin to practice alone in the living room. Lei Bing went downstairs to see his decent posture, and said, "Since Zihao likes the violin so much, Then daddy will find you a teacher to come back and teach you, okay?"

"No, Zihao doesn't want other teachers, Zihao only needs Uncle Fan to teach." While the little guy was speaking, he still had a very correct posture.

But these words caused Lei Bing's expression to change quickly, he dragged his son to him, and warned him very seriously: "Don't mention the word "Uncle Fan" again, if Daddy hears you say If you do, I will drive you out, and you will not be allowed to come back in the future!"

This was the first time that Lei Bing was so aggressive in front of Zihao, and Rao Xueman who was on the side wanted to go forward to protect Zihao, but he was afraid of angering Lei Bing.

Zihao stared blankly at Daddy, and after a long while, he finally realized his warning, but tears also flowed from his eyes: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Granny..."

"What's the matter, why are you making the child cry again so early in the morning?" Lan Xiya happened to come down from the stairs, and when she saw her son crying with aggrieved face, she immediately ran forward and hugged him to sit on the sofa Down.

"Daddy said he wanted to drive Zihao out... woo woo woo..." Throwing herself into Mummy's arms, her small body kept sobbing.

Rao Xueman watched from the side, and couldn't come forward to say anything, so she had to sit beside Lan Xiya and help take care of Zihao.

Lan Xiya gave the child to Aunt Man, stepped forward and asked Lei Bing angrily, "Are you crazy, did you not quarrel enough last night, and now you are venting your anger on the child, but in front of the child, how can you say such a thing?" ?”

"What did I say? My child kept yelling for Uncle Fan, shouldn't I be angry?" Lei Bing didn't seem to give in at all, his face was still livid and ugly.

"You are making trouble for no reason! I don't know him well at all, not to mention that he just kindly teaches children to play the piano. Can you be so narrow-minded?"

"I'm narrow-minded, but you dare to say that I'm narrow-minded!" The two began to quarrel in the living room, and the expressions on their faces definitely didn't look like they were just joking.

It was fine when I came back yesterday, but this time there will be such a quarrel, leaving Rao Xueman in a daze, completely unaware of what happened?

"I just said what's wrong with you. If you are not narrow-minded, why did you lose your temper with me last night because of such a trivial matter?" Lan Xiya's voice became louder and louder, as if she wanted to kill everyone in the whole manor. woke up.

However, Lan Yu, who was sleeping drowsily, did hear her arguing upstairs, and hurriedly came down from the room before changing her pajamas, and saw the two blushing and thick-necked in the living room , immediately stepped forward to persuade.

"What happened, Xiya?" Lan Yu stepped forward and saw Lei Bing's angry expression, and immediately pulled Lan Xiya away.

"Ask him, let him tell what happened!" Lan Xiya directly threw the question to Lei Bing, and sat down on the sofa.

Lan Yu didn't dare to ask Lei Bing, but he just looked at his position and didn't dare to speak for a long time.

This embarrassing situation lasted for a few minutes. Andre tidied himself up and went downstairs following Lan Yu's footsteps. When Lei Bing saw him coming, he only left a cold back for them, without leaving any words. turned around and left.

"What happened?" Andre walked to Lan Yu's side and asked in doubt.

"I don't know either, you should go out and have a look." Lan Yu pushed him, God knows what's wrong with Young Master Lei today, but she didn't dare to ask.

"You're all right with a big belly, don't go out and run around, I'll chase you out to have a look!" Andre branded a kiss on the cheek of his beloved wife, and then went out following Lei Bing's footsteps.

After they both left, Lan Yu sat next to Lan Xiya, pushed her shoulder, and said, "What happened, tell us, don't make us look like headless chickens?"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." realized that he was already safe, told aunt his grievance.

Lan Yu took his little hand distressedly and came to her, helped him wipe the tears on his cheeks, and asked softly: "Did Daddy really say that?"

"Really, my mother-in-law heard it too!" Xiao Zihao nodded affirmatively, and two lines of tears fell from his eyes.

These words made Lan Yu look at Rao Xueman, and after getting Aunt Man's nod to confirm, he couldn't understand what was going on with Shao Lei?

Since he came back, it's too late to love Zihao, how could he say such a thing, especially now that Zihao's physical condition is even more unreasonable?

Mu Ran, only Shia can give her an accurate answer now.

"You should say something, why are you two arguing?" Lan Yu once again focused her attention on her.

Lan Xiya hugged Zihao back into her arms, kissed his little face to comfort him, and after he calmed down, she slowly spoke out about the conflict between the two: "We met a very good friend in Songshan Park. The man who can play the violin, his name is Fan Wendi, Zihao yells to go out every day, just go to the park to ask him to teach the violin. In fact, there is nothing wrong with him. I don’t know him well, but he is narrow-minded and can’t take a grain of salt in his eyes. It's just sand!"

"Fan Wendi? Is there something wrong with this person? Will he be like the previous Milan, a wolf in sheep's clothing, you have to be careful!" Lan Yu reminded her vigilantly, it turned out that Lei Shao was jealous up.

It's no wonder that my wife and children are chanting another man's name every day, which really hits a proud man like Lei Shao!

"I have nothing to do with others. Don't make things so complicated, okay?" Lan Xiya couldn't bear her words, so she glanced at Lan Yu, got up and walked to the restaurant with Zihao in her arms.

On the other side, after Lei Bing and Andre got into the car, they immediately changed into different people. They were not at all like Lei Bing who had just had a quarrel with Lan Xiya in the manor.

"Lie, you drive!" In order to ensure 100% the safety of their conversation, Lei Bing asked the driver to get out of the car, and there were only two of them in the car.

Andre started the engine, drove the car out of the manor slowly, and then summoned up the courage to ask Lei Bing: "Young Master Lei, what happened in the manor just now doesn't look like you would do it?"

"Hahaha, is that right? Could it be that my acting skills are so bad?" Lei Bing chuckled a few times, and there was a gleam in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"It has nothing to do with acting skills. It's just that I've been with you for so many years. From what I know about you, at such a critical moment, you will never get into such a fight with your wife over a trivial matter!" Andre said while driving. Tell me your analysis.

"Lie, do you still remember the man I asked you to investigate yesterday?" Lei Bing suddenly put away his smile and said to him with a serious face.

"Of course, very suspicious!" Andre also noticed this.

"I suspect that there are servants around us who have been bought. They should be servants in the manor."

"So you and your wife staged such a play together?" Andre boldly guessed.

"You must not disclose this matter, even Lan Yu must keep it a secret, so that the traitor in the manor will believe it and spread the news of our disagreement!" Lei Bing reminded him cautiously, keeping his eyes fixed on him. Looking out the window.

"Yes, I know!" Andre nodded.

Sure enough, Zuo Shaoyi had already received the news of their disagreement this morning just before Lei Bing stepped into the Emperor's Building, but Zuo Shaoyi is definitely not the kind of person who just listens to what others say and believes it, unless, it is hope Ya tell him personally!

Zuo Shaoyi was still waiting for them by the fountain in Songshan Park, but Lan Xiya hadn't shown up for two consecutive days, which made Zuo Shaoyi somewhat disappointed.

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