Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 286 Just using her!

Just after leaving the park and walking to the crossroads, a slender figure appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't help shouting at her: "Miss Lan..."

Lan Xiya just came out of the bookstore with a few children's comic books in her hand. I don't know whether it was a coincidence or on purpose, and happened to run into Fan Wendi who was leaving the park.

"Mr. Fan, what a coincidence."

"I just left the park, why didn't you and Zihao go to the park these two days?" This was the question he was most concerned about.

"Zihao... is not feeling well. He has chickenpox, so he can't come out for a few days. I'm also afraid that he will get bored, so I came here to buy some toys and comic books for him." Lan Xiya He lifted the things in his hand and showed him. Although the smile on his face remained the same, it was not difficult to see a bit of bitterness hidden in this forced smile.

Zuo Shaoyi learned from Milan that Zihao was infected with the virus. Hearing what Xi Ya said, it must be the outbreak of the virus in Zihao's body that caused various symptoms.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Seeing Zihao twitching all over and turning pale that day, I thought he was infected with some kind of virus!" Zuo Shaoyi said this deliberately, keeping his eyes on the expression on Lan Xiya's face all the time.

When Lan Xiya heard the words he said later, her face froze suddenly, but she quickly came back to her senses, looked around, and asked him in a low voice with worry: "Are you Know anything about viruses?"

"What do you mean?" Zuo Shaoyi asked tentatively.

Lan Xiya paused, took Zuo Shaoyi's arm and walked into a coffee shop. It was not convenient for them to talk at the location just now.

"Miss Lan, is it Zihao?" Zuo Shaoyi asked tentatively again.

Lan Xiya ordered a cup of coffee, nodded and acquiesced to his guess: "I'm sorry, I lied to you when I said that Zihao had chickenpox. In fact, Zihao was infected with the virus, and now his whole body is covered with rashes..."

"How could a child who is only three years old be infected with these things?" Zuo Shaoyi expressed angrily in front of Lan Xiya. Of course, he had already heard the truth from Milan.

Lan Xiya sighed heavily, her pupils became moist for some reason, she lowered her head, and showed her sad emotions in front of him.

"Miss Lan, what's the matter with you?" Zuo Shaoyi immediately gave her his handkerchief, seeing her moist eyes, his heart also felt sad.

"I'm fine, it's just Zihao. I'm afraid that if this goes on, he, he may not last a month." Lan Xiya brought out the most sentimental side of herself, but this is indeed a true portrayal of her at this moment.

Ye Xin's words were deeply engraved in her heart, no matter how she tried to pretend, she couldn't pretend to be a natural emotion.

"Recently, a mutant virus has appeared in the UK. In the later stage, the infected person will frequently develop red rashes all over the body, and the skin will fester without healing, and finally pass away in pain like this..."

"Yes, that's it, rashes have already started appearing on Zihao's body, he's just a child, how can he bear this..." As she said that, a scene of Zihao crying all over in pain appeared in Lan Xiya's mind The picture made her face turn pale rapidly.

"Miss Lan, what's the matter with you, what's the matter with you?" Seeing her instant transformation, Zuo Shaoyi immediately got up from his seat and walked to sit beside her.

Lan Xiya was frightened by the scene in her mind just now, her whole body leaned on him weightlessly, and her head felt a little dizzy.

"Your face is ugly, what's the matter? Where are the bodyguards who usually follow behind you?" Leaning her body in his arms, Zuo Shaoyi saw that something was really wrong with her, and immediately looked for the bodyguards nearby .

"You don't have to look for it. I'm the only one today. I had a fight with my husband this morning, so I didn't let the bodyguards follow me." Lan Xiya leaned against him with her eyes closed, and slowly let her body relax .

Zuo Shaoyi looked down at her. At this moment, there were still crystal tears in her eyelashes. He knew that Xiya loved Zihao very much after being together for a few days. If something happened to the child, then Xiya...

He didn't continue to think about it, because Zuo Shaoyi already knew what the consequences would be.

"Your complexion is very bad, don't talk yet, I will stay here with you." He thoughtfully lent his chest and shoulders, and took care of her tenderly, asking the waiter to bring down the coffee and replace it with a cup of warm water send over.

Lan Xiya leaned in his arms, time passed with the quicksand, the smell on his body made Lan Xiya wake up from the sadness for Zihao little by little, this smell seemed very familiar, but she thought again for a while. Can't get up who is it?

"Thank you for staying with me today, it's getting late, I have to rush back to accompany Zihao." Lan Xiya sat up off his shoulder, wiped the tears on her face, and was in a hurry to leave.

"Okay, your complexion is not very good, go back and rest earlier." Zuo Shaoyi said thoughtfully.

Before leaving, Lan Xiya suddenly thought of something, turned around and took out a name tag from her bag and handed it to him: "Mr. Fan, since you also know about that virus, can I trouble you to pay attention, if you know If there is any method or medicine that is useful for that virus, please tell me!"

Zuo Shaoyi took the business card she handed over and nodded, "Okay, I promise you, I will ask my friends in England to help me find out. If there is any news, I will let you know as soon as possible."

"Thank you, as long as I can save Zihao and let me Lan Xiya pay my life, I am willing!"

"Don't think about things so pessimistically, think about the positive side of everything." Zuo Shaoyi comforted her, but he was eager to conceive a plan in his mind.

Lan Xiya nodded, and walked out of the coffee shop with tears in her eyes.

After getting in the car, starting the engine and out of his sight, Lan Xiya took out her mobile phone from her bag and put on a bluetooth headset, then dialed Lei Bing's private number: "Bing, I went to see him just now, and I found a Very important clues, I don’t know if I’m suspicious, or if such a terrible thing really exists!”

Lan Xiya's voice was a little trembling, and she was a little nervous as she carefully steered the steering wheel and headed towards Rose Manor.

Lei Bing heard her abnormality, and comforted her with that extremely gentle tone: "Take it easy first, and tell me if you have any problems, and I will solve them."

"Do you remember Zuo Shaoyi? He was never caught by the police after he escaped from prison, but when I was close to Fan Wendi just now, the smell around him was exactly the same as Zuo Shaoyi's!"

Everyone has a unique smell that belongs to them. Lan Xiya has known Zuo Shaoyi since she was a child, and she will never remember his smell wrong.

"Xiya, could it be that you are suspicious?" Lei Bing was suspicious of her words. He had already let Andre check Fan Wendi's identity very clearly, and there was his photo on the information. What about Zuo Shaoyi?

"I also hope that I am suspicious, but I will never remember the smell on his body!" Lan Xiya replied affirmatively. If she hadn't leaned on him today, she really wouldn't have noticed it at all.

A person's appearance and appearance can be changed, and the voice of his voice can also be changed, but the smell of his body will never change, unless there is an external reason to deliberately cover it up, such as strong and pungent perfume, etc...

"I will focus on sending someone to investigate this issue. Before the investigation results come out, you must not have any strange emotions towards him. You must be like you usually contact him. Can you do it?" Lei Bing reminded her cautiously , Let her maintain a normal mind, which is also protecting her.

"I understand, I can do it, don't worry!" Taking a deep breath, Lan Xiya let her tense heart relax, and when she returned to the manor, she had to continue playing the role of a wife who quarreled with her husband.

"I love you Shiya, I've worked hard on you this time." In the depths of love, Lei Bing looked at the empty desk opposite, and after only two hours apart, he began to miss her again.

"I love you too. If we do this to make Zihao feel better, even if I die, I'm willing!" The tip of her nose felt sore, and Zihao's cute little face appeared in front of her at the right time.

"Don't say such stupid things, we will definitely find a way!" Although Lei Bing has been comforting her, he is also suffering from this matter in his heart.

The child's condition is getting worse, and he has not yet found a treatment plan. It would be a lie to say that there is no rush, but in front of Lan Xiya, he must keep calm!

"Well, I'll hang up first, let's talk about it when you come back at night."

"Okay, drive carefully, love you..."

After the call was over, Lei Bing made another overseas call without delay. Since Taiwan could not find any clues, it is very likely that all the problems lie in the UK.

After Fan Wendi quit her job in the UK a month ago, she seldom appeared in the sight of her family and friends. Maybe this is the crux of the matter!

Regardless of whether the Fan Wendi who appeared in Taiwan is real or not, he must find out the truth.

------Dividing line------

Xinyi Road...

After Zuo Shaoyi separated from Lan Xiya, he went back to the apartment directly, but when he opened the door, there was an unexpected visitor in the living room.

"Why don't I remember that I came to you? What's more, it's broad daylight, aren't you afraid of being targeted by Lei Bing's people?" Zuo Shaoyi put down the violin behind his back, took a bottle of drink from the refrigerator, and gave it to him. she.

Milan put the drink he handed on the table, and immediately clung to him after he sat down: "Why, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Zuo Shaoyi looked at Milan who was sticking to his body, and wanted to push her away, but when he thought of getting some words out of her mouth, a little smile appeared on his face: "Of course not, I'm not worried about you Lei Bing discovered the leaking of the horse's feet."

It was the first time for Milan to hear such apt words from him. He smiled and hugged his arms tightly, leaning his head on his shoulder: "Don't worry, I can guarantee that no one will find me."

"I have just gained Lan Xiya's trust, so you'd better be careful yourself during this time. If there is no special matter, it's best not to come to my apartment during the day, so as not to spoil something big!"

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but I brought someone here today." The smile on Milan's face remained the same, as if he was trying to trick him.

Looking at her hypocritical face, Zuo Shaoyi knew that it was definitely not that simple for her to appear here suddenly.

Milan picked up the phone and dialed a number, and said three words to the other end of the phone: "Come on."

"Who?" Zuo Shaoyi asked instinctively.

"What's the hurry, he's downstairs right now, and you'll know who it is soon." Leaning her plump breasts to Zuo Shaoyi's chest, her slender hands stroked his exposed skin.

There was a soft light in his eyes, as charming as if he was drunk, and his body was as soft and sticky as a water snake, sometimes exhaling hot air around his neck, nakedly inviting him to be baptized.

Facing her naked seduction, Zuo Shaoyi remained indifferent, his mind is now guessing who will come up later, could it be Shanzi?

"Ding dong..." In 2 minutes, a bell rang outside the door.

Zuo Shaoyi didn't even look at Milan, he pushed her away, got up and walked out to open the door.

Outside the door was a thin mixed-race man. No matter how Ren Zuo Shaoyi looked at it, he didn't think he would be a list after plastic surgery?

"Young Master Zuo." Seeing Zuo Shaoyi staring blankly at him, the man spoke first to break the deadlock.

"You, are you Shanzi?" Zuo Shaoyi asked suspiciously.

The man nodded, and looked cautiously at the corridor outside the door: "Young Master Zuo, let's go in and talk."

"Come in." After his reminder, Zuo Shaoyi realized that the two were still standing at the door.

Milan sat lazily on the sofa, and the smile on his face grew stronger after watching the list come in.

"How about it, is it completely unrecognizable?" Milan looked at Zuo Shaoyi proudly, as if to show off his achievements.

"Indeed, a completely different person!" Zuo Shaoyi had to admire this.

"He's called Alan now, and he's your cousin. He came here from the UK to find you, so he can now live here justifiably, or he can buy the apartment next door to you and be your neighbor!"

"It seems that you have already made arrangements!" Zuo Shaoyi returned to sit beside her, raised her jaw, and pressed a kiss on her red lips.

Milan seemed to enjoy how he treated him, and his slender arms hooked around his neck, completely ignoring that there was a third party again, so he hugged Zuo Shaoyi ambiguously.

Shanzi was no stranger to such a scene, turned around and went to the balcony to see the outside environment, leaving the living room for the two people inside.

"I think we have to arrange an apartment for Shanzi, otherwise it will be very inconvenient..." Zuo Shaoyi said with a hint of meaning.

Of course, Milan understands the meaning of his words. If there is a list, it will be inconvenient for them to make out.

"Don't worry, I'll leave this matter to me, but I've helped you so hard, shouldn't you repay me?" Milan hugged him tighter and tighter, and his slender legs were coiled around at some point. On Zuo Shaoyi's waist.

Zuo Shaoyi supported her hips with one hand, and walked up and down her delicate body through her thin cloth with the other hand. For this kind of flirt, there is only one way to satisfy them!

He picked her up and walked into the bedroom. In the tightly closed bedroom, Zuo Shaoyi had already pressed her under him. The curtains in the room were drawn, which made the light in the bedroom look a bit dark, but this is exactly what happened. Zuo Shaoyi liked it.

Only in such a dim light can he see the woman under him as Shia, and only in this way can he arouse his man's primitive desire!

"Honey, you're great..." Milan lay under him, tightly hugging the man on top of him.

But Zuo Shaoyi, who was running on her body, regarded her as Lan Xiya's substitute from the beginning to the end!

The two were passionate in the bedroom. An hour later, Zuo Shaoyi came out of the bedroom wearing a bathrobe.

"What, are you still used to it now?" Walking outside the balcony, he patted Shanzi on the shoulder and asked.

"It's just a change of face and identity, and I can adapt quickly!" After not seeing each other for a few months, Shanzi has lost a lot of weight compared to before.

It can be seen that when Zuo Shaoyi was in prison, his life was not easy!

"Okay, don't think about the past, we have to start again!" A smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he could establish friendship with Shia again, this was his beginning.

Shan Zi looked in the direction of the bedroom, with a hesitant expression, but he had been by Zuo Shaoyi's side for many years, even though he had changed his face now, Zuo Shaoyi could still read his mind.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask." Seeing his hesitation, Zuo Shaoyi opened his mouth instead.

Shan Zi nodded, as expected of Young Master Zuo, he could tell at a glance that he had something to say.

"That woman was sent by Prince Will to monitor us. I don't understand why Young Master Zuo is so close to her?"

Zuo Shaoyi sneered at his question, then lowered his voice and said, "Because she belongs to Will, she must know a lot of secrets about Will. If I make her mine, yes Isn't it more powerful for us?"

Shan Zi's eyes lit up, as expected of Young Master Zuo!

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