Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 298 Finally Got the Answer

Chapter 298 Finally Got the Answer

"The child is innocent. Although I also hate Lei Bing very much, I will never do anything to the child!" Zuo Shaoyi raised his glass and drank another glass with her.

"This is the task of His Highness, I cannot violate it!" Milan took another glass of red wine and poured it into his glass.

A little, this sensitive question kept both of them silent. Milan kept pouring red wine into his glass, while Zuo Shaoyi sat on the side, looking into the distance calmly.

It wasn't until every drop of the wine in the bottle entered Milan's stomach that Zuo Shaoyi helped her snatch the red wine bottle from her hand: "If you drink any more, you'll get drunk, I'll help you to the car. "

"I'm not drunk, this drink is nothing!" Milan pushed Zuo Shaoyi away and stood up, wanting to tell him that he was still sober.

Maybe it was because of the big mood gap today, which made her drink a little too much tonight. Standing in the same place, she looked at Zuo Shaoyi at this moment, and she felt a little dizzy and uncomfortable. It seemed that she really drank too much.

Zuo Shaoyi stepped forward and pulled her into his arms, hugged her waist, helped her into the car, and flattened the back so that she could lie down directly.

"Where are you going?" Feeling that he was about to leave, Milan immediately grabbed his arm.

"I'm going to get the blanket, I'll be back soon." Pulling her hand away, she got out of the car neatly.

When he got back into the car, Milan, who was hit by the alcohol, became more and more dizzy, twisted his body in the car uneasily, and unbuttoned his coat and was only wearing a single shirt.

Zuo Shaoyi opened the skylight and lay beside her with his upper body propped up, watching her blushing cheeks and slightly opened eyes, the longing that belonged to a man instantly hit his heart.

He couldn't help but reached out and caressed her cheeks, touched her fair skin with his fingertips, and carefully looked at her facial features. In fact, she is also a beauty, but in Zuo Shaoyi's eyes, he always sees only blue eyes. Shia alone.

"You are so beautiful tonight..." A compliment sounded in her ear, followed by a passionate kiss.

Milan felt his enthusiasm, and also responded to him with his own actions. The two people in the car hugged each other tightly, and Zuo Shaoyi walked up and down her hot body through the thin cloth. It could make her tremble.

"Hmm... oh..." Such touching and hugging seemed unable to satisfy Milan, the soft body writhed in his arms, and the little hands even voluntarily penetrated into his clothes involuntarily.

"Do you want me?" Zuo Shaoyi asked, holding her small hand that was poking in.

Milan's eyes were drunk, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised with a smile and said: "Yes, I want..."

With her affirmation, Zuo Shaoyi used his proficient skills to make the two of them face each other naked without hindrance, lowering his head and kissing her eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips...

Under the moonlit night at the beginning of December, a man and a woman were passionately playing the car shaker under the moonlit night in the deep mountains. The blushing and heart-pounding groans caused echoes in the mountains. Zuo Shaoyi bowed his body and looked down at her, waiting His chance had finally come when she had completely relaxed into a state of self-enjoyment!

"My baby, tell me do you love me or not?" Zuo Shaoyi began to question her while attacking wildly.

Milan was completely immersed in the river of love, as if he didn't hear what he said, and lay under him with a look of immortality, and didn't respond at all.

Unwilling to give up, Zuo Shaoyi approached her ear again and asked, "Honey, tell me do you love me or not?"

"Well, love, of course I love you..." This time Milan finally responded after a low moan.

"Then tell me, what method or medicine can be used to effectively treat the mutant virus?" Zuo Shaoyi asked her directly to the point.

But what he got was still a low moan, Zuo Shaoyi didn't give up, increased the firepower of the attack, leaned close to her ear again and asked, "What method or medicine can be used to effectively treat the mutant virus?"

"Hmm... ah..." His violent attack made Milan completely lose his mind, and with the effect of alcohol, she is a little dazed now.

"What method or medicine can be used to effectively treat the mutant virus..." Zuo Shaoyi did not give up and asked for the third time.

After a fierce attack, Milan's last line of defense was also breached, and his jade arms wrapped around Zuo Shaoyi's neck, responding to him as if talking in sleep: "Your Highness, Your Highness's serum is not effective against that mutant. The virus has antibodies, this is what I overheard, no one knows this secret!"

Zuo Shaoyi's heart was touched for a while, and finally pried her mouth open, his tense heart was relieved, and he also started his hands and feet to prepare for a big fight, to make up for her tonight with a full meal!

The next day, a man and a woman who had consumed too much energy due to a night of passion were still soundly asleep in the car, but at the Incheon Hospital, Lan Xiya was woken up early in the morning by Zi Hao's high fever.

When the sky just dawned in the morning, Lan Xiya woke up suddenly and found that a red rash had appeared on Zihao's face at some point, the corners of his mouth were pale and peeling, and his complexion was also a little strange. She stepped forward and touched his forehead, feeling shocked , Immediately go to the door and ask the bodyguard to find the doctor.

In the past few days, Zihao's condition has been very bad. He was lying on the bed without even the strength to get out of bed. Red rashes appeared repeatedly on his body, and granular things began to grow on his limbs, which made Lan Xiya's heart tremble. There was a ball.

Lei Bing rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the call, and Lan Xiya sat outside the treatment room with tears in her eyes.

"Swallow your tears back. The child is still being treated inside. Aunt Man and Lan Yu will come over later. You can't let them see you like this!" Lei Bing squatted down and hugged her tightly. with.

Sobbing in his arms for a while, Lan Xiya gradually adjusted her mentality. He was right, she couldn't let her children and sister see her cry, she couldn't cry.

"Bone, no matter what, I beg you to let Zihao stay with me for a little longer..." She no longer dared to have too many extravagant hopes, all she can ask for now is time.

Lei Bing held her face up, sucked the tears falling from her eyes into his mouth, and nodded silently: "I will do my best."

In the treatment room, Zihao had a persistent high fever due to virus infection. Ye Xin urgently called the base for help. The research team had just developed an antibiotic with a strengthened compound, but only tested it on mice. There is also no guarantee that there will be no side effects in the human body.

Outside the door, Ye Xin hurried out to ask Lei Bing for instructions: "Young Master Lei, Zihao's situation is very dangerous. The virus invades and infects and causes a high fever that persists. Ordinary medicines are useless at all. The base has just developed a strengthened compound antibiotic. , but the experiment has only been done on mice, and has not been tested on humans, so we dare not use it on Zihao!"

Lei Bing listened to Ye Xin's words and remained silent. He was not without worries. In case of side effects, it would be very dangerous for a child under four years old.

"Bone, there is no other way now, let's try!" Lan Xiya could hear Ye Xin's anxiety. If the high fever persists, it is very likely that Zihao will leave her today.

She is afraid, she must not give up, even if there is a glimmer of hope, she will take a gamble!

Lei Bing looked at Lan Xiya's firm eyes, understood what she meant, held Lan Xiya's hand tightly, and nodded: "Immediately send Simon Er to the hospital within 10 minutes!"

"Yes!" With Lei Bing's consent, Ye Xin immediately contacted to make arrangements.

Simon personally sent the strengthened compound antibiotics to the hospital, along with Rao Xueman, Lan Yu and others, sent the medicine into the treatment room to inject Zihao, and the rest was just waiting quietly.

Lan Yu sat next to her with her stomach outstretched, she couldn't move around right now, and she couldn't do too many things for her.

"Sister, you should take a good rest at home." Lan Xiya forced a smile on her face as she watched her struggle with her belly outstretched.

"You can rest whenever you want, Zihao is the most important thing now!" Patted her hand to make her stronger.

Half an hour later, the door of the treatment room finally opened again. Ye Xin came out in front, the expression on his face was much more relaxed than before. Lan Xiya saw all these things in his eyes, and concluded that Zihao had passed the time. this crisis.

"Zihao's fever has subsided and he's fine. The compound antibiotics this time have played a certain role in resisting the virus on Zihao's body!"

"That means, this medicine can be temporarily resisted in Zihao's body for a period of time?" Lan Xiya asked happily.

Ye Xin looked at Lei Bing and nodded, "Yes, we have just observed the symptoms of the drug in Zihao's body. It is conservatively estimated that Zihao's life should not be in danger within half a month!"

"What about half a month later?" Lan Yu added in a timely manner.

"This, I can't answer for sure!" Ye Xin lowered her head in some embarrassment.

Lei Bing didn't speak all the time, and after returning to the ward, he just sat quietly by the bed, looking at his son who was still in a coma on the bed.

For the first time, he felt that he was so useless, no matter how much money he earned, he couldn't get his son's health back, which made him feel a little confused at this moment!

"Ring..." A sudden ringing of the phone broke the oppressive atmosphere in the ward.

Lan Xiya found the phone in a daze, and after seeing the name on the caller ID, she rejected the call and threw it aside. She was not in the mood to deal with him at all.

After Lei Bing saw her abnormal behavior, he got up and walked to her and took the phone in his hand. Fan Wendi's name suddenly appeared on the display screen. At this time, the phone rang again. Lei Bing thought for a while, and still put the phone Handed it to Lan Xiya: "Take it, maybe he really has something important."

Lan Xiya looked up at him, adjusted her emotions, and then took the phone from him: "Hi, it's me."

Zuo Shaoyi had just separated from Milan and returned to the apartment, before he had time to change his clothes, he couldn't wait to call Lan Xiya.

"Miss Lan, are you okay, it seems tired to hear your voice?" Zuo Shaoyi noticed something strange on the other end of the phone and asked worriedly.

Lan Xiya turned her back to Rao Xueman and Lan Yu, not wanting them to know too much, so Lei Bing winked and told her to go to the bathroom to talk.

"Zihao has had a high fever since dawn, and just passed the critical period, so..." Lan Xiya deliberately sobbed on the phone, making Zuo Shaoyi on the other end sound like she was crying .

"Then is it convenient for you to come out now? I have something very important to tell you." I didn't expect Zihao's condition to deteriorate so badly, Zuo Shaoyi didn't dare to delay for a moment.

"What important matter can't wait for tomorrow?" Lan Xiya wanted to wait for Zihao to wake up and see that he was safe before she could rest assured.

"It's about Zihao. I have already inquired about the medicine for treatment, but it is difficult to get the medicine, so I want to meet you!"

His words made Lan Xiya see a glimmer of hope in the darkness, tears fell like rain, and she choked up and said, "Really? Is there really a cure?"

"Yes, believe me, I promised you that I will do my best!" Zuo Shaoyi said with certainty.

Although he didn't see Xi Ya's appearance face to face at this time, Zuo Shaoyi had already guessed her mood at this time from her choked voice.

"I can't leave the hospital too far, so can I invite you to come near the hospital?" Lan Xiya was still worried about Zihao.

"Okay, I remember there is a leisure bar nearby, so let's make an appointment there?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you in 10 minutes." Lan Xiya agreed.

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