Mysterious husband stay away

Chapter 299 This Is Really Difficult

Chapter 299 This Is Really Difficult

When the time and place were made, Lan Xiya walked up to Lei Bing with a smile on her face after she came out of the bathroom, and whispered the contents of the phone in his ear.

Lei Bing's eyes lit up, Zuo Shaoyi actually found a cure?

"Whether it's true or not, for Zihao's sake, you still have to go, but be careful!" Lei Bing kept on saying the last sentence.

"Don't worry, let's make an appointment at a restaurant near the hospital. There are people coming and going there, and nothing will happen."

Lan Yu heard the clues from their conversation, stepped forward to hold Lan Xiya's hand and asked, "Is there hope for Zihao?"

Lan Xiya nodded, with mixed emotions in her eyes, she knew that God was kind to her and would never take her child away.

Twenty minutes later, Zuo Shaoyi's figure appeared in the rest bar, and found Lan Xiya in a corner. She looked unwell, even with dark circles under her eyes.

"Miss Lan, have you been waiting for a long time?" Sitting opposite her, he casually ordered a cup of coffee.

"No, I just sat for a while." Lan Xiya forced a smile.

Although she had a smile on her face, Zuo Shaoyi saw that she hadn't had a good rest in the past few days, it was difficult for her to suffer both physically and mentally, as the days went by, she would definitely suffer from illness.

"Your complexion is very bad, for Zihao's sake, you must rest!" While speaking, Zuo Shaoyi couldn't help reaching out his hand on the table and grabbing Lan Xiya's hand.

She was startled by his sudden movement, but Lan Xiya quickly maintained her composure, and instead of withdrawing her hand, she showed a calm expression.

"I know my body, for Zihao, I can hold on."

Seeing her so strong, Zuo Shaoyi couldn't help but want to speak out what was buried in his heart, but he was afraid of being rejected by her.

"You asked me to come out today, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Lan Xiya could see his hesitation, in order for him to tell him the medicine and method of treatment as soon as possible, Lan Xiya was also trying her best to cooperate with him .

"I... really want to talk to you." Zuo Shaoyi, who was still a little hesitant at first, also planned to confess to her now after seeing Shia's reaction.

"Then tell me, I'll listen." Lan Xiya didn't want to spend too much time with him here, and returned to Zihao after getting the answer from him as soon as possible.

Zuo Shaoyi looked around, there were not many tables of guests in the leisure bar at this time, they sat far away, and the voice of conversation could not be heard by others.

"I, I like you, I have been attracted to you since the first day I saw you. I know you already have a family, so I keep telling myself not to destroy your happiness, but when I look Seeing your husband treat you so roughly, I can't help but want to care about you, and want to take you out of that devil's cage!" Zuo Shaoyi tightly held Lan Xiya's hand, and said the words hidden in his heart Speak up.

Lan Xiya paused, this sudden confession made her a little overwhelmed, but she also thought that Zuo Shaoyi would say these dirty words to herself one day.

"Mr. Fan, I... I still have a child, don't you mind?" Lan Xiya took the overall situation into consideration, and did not reject him immediately.

"I don't mind, I like Zihao very much. If we are destined to be together, I assure you, I will definitely treat Zihao as my own son, and I will never wrong you mother and son!" Zuo Shaoyi also raised his hand to swear to Lan Xiya.

"But with Zihao's current situation, I really don't have the time to think about anything else." Lan Xiya lowered her head, looking tearful.

Zuo Shaoyi got up this time and took the initiative to sit next to Lan Xiya, held her hand tightly, and told her with hope in his eyes: "You should know Prince Will of England, right?"

Lan Xiya nodded, and when he asked this question, it showed that he was already getting to the point.

"My friend said that the virus in Zihao's body is the result of six years of research in a laboratory supported by him. To cure this virus, drugs and antibiotics are generally useless. Only Prince Will Only the serum in the blood has the effect of real immunity and resistance to treatment!"

After hearing this, Lan Xiya frowned for a while, trying to extract the serum from Will's body, this is not an easy task.

"He is a prince of the British royal family, and he is always protected when he goes in and out. To get his serum, it may be harder than reaching the sky, right?" Lan Xiya looked at him, maybe he had some good ideas.

"It's really difficult, so I have to let Lei Bing think of a way, and I can't do anything!" Zuo Shaoyi shook his head, believing that Lei Bing would definitely think of a way to save his son.

Lan Xiya nodded silently, agreeing with his words.


Seeing her silent, Zuo Shaoyi suddenly changed his tune and shouted kindly.

Lan Xiya looked up at him, and replied softly, still acting enough in front of him: "Yeah."

Her response seemed to give Zuo Shaoyi a reassurance. In this way, Xi Ya did not reject his approach!

"Can you think about what I just said?" Zuo Shaoyi asked again.

"Yes, I will consider it very carefully, but don't let my husband know about this matter, I am worried that you will be in danger!"

Her warm reminder warmed Zuo Shaoyi's heart, and this situation also made him fantasize about their mutual future.

"Are you worried about me?" Zuo Shaoyi happily squeezed her hand again.

"Yeah." Lan Xiya nodded.

The two of you and I were playing in the leisure bar. Zuo Shaoyi wanted to sit with her for a while, but Lan Xiya's cell phone rang at this moment, saying that Zihao woke up and was looking for her now. She, let her go back to the hospital immediately.

Although reluctant, Zuo Shaoyi still acted very open-minded, sent her to the gate of the hospital, watched her run into the hospital before leaving with peace of mind.

A major event was finally settled, and the future for him and Xi Ya was bright. Zuo Shaoyi, who was in a good mood, could finally go back to sleep comfortably.

At the hospital, Lan Xiya hurried back. Zihao's condition was temporarily controlled by the intensive antibiotics, so she asked Aunt Man to stay with him for the time being. She had more important matters to discuss with Lei Bing.

Andre happened to come to pick up Lan Yu, and joined the discussion together.

Lan Xiya repeated Zuo Shaoyi's words. In other words, if you want to save Zihao, you must extract the serum from Will's blood!

"This matter is not that simple, it must be well planned!" Lan Yu carefully reminded everyone while stroking her tall belly.

But Andre questioned Zuo Shaoyi's words: "How did he know that Will's serum has resistance to the vaccine?"

"I didn't ask about this, and he might not tell me. Once he said it, his identity would be exposed in front of me!"

"Whether what he said is true or not, we have to gamble for Zihao!" Lei Bing had already pinned his hopes on this, and even if it wasn't, he would let Will taste the taste of revenge.

Lan Xiya looked at Lei Bing's face, his current expression seemed to tell her that he already had a countermeasure!

"Young Master Lei, you have been involved in a case recently, so leave this matter to me!" Andre took the initiative to take over this task.

"No, your face is too familiar. Leaving Taiwan rashly will arouse suspicion. This must be done with a new face!" Lei Bing has already thought up the whole plan in his heart. This time, he can only succeed and never fail.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, listening carefully to Lei Bing's next words...

Three days later. London, England...

On the top floor of the Jinmai Building, the loud music really tells everyone that there is a masquerade party going on here, and the two pole girls in the center of the dance floor are twisting their waists hard to win the favor of the benefactors in the audience.

Will, who was sitting by the dance floor surrounded by a group of sexy beauties, after answering a phone call, pushed away the woman beside him, and was escorted by bodyguards all the way out of the gate. His steps were slightly messy, as if he had drunk too much.

"Your Highness, please get in the car!" His special Maybach limousine was already waiting outside the door, and the bodyguard opened the door to let him get in the car.

After he sat firmly, the driver started the engine and drove slowly out of Jinmai Avenue, but just a moment after they left, a silver commercial vehicle followed closely behind.

Will was slightly drunk and leaned back on the back seat. He felt a little uncomfortable with the alcohol and closed his eyes, completely unaware that danger was approaching him.

It was already past one o'clock in the morning, and there were only sporadic vehicles passing by on the road. The driver stopped the car, looked up at the number of red lights, and looked around leisurely waiting for the green light.

The commercial vehicle that followed them all the way from the Jinmai Building kept a long distance from them. When they saw them waiting for the traffic lights a hundred meters away, they immediately took out their mobile phone and sent a signal to another partner. Now is the time to act. The perfect time!

On the right side of the intersection, a large truck loaded with goods is approaching rapidly at this time, tens of meters away, the driver of the large truck pinpointed the timing, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, rushing forward .

Before the traffic lights at the intersection, the driver saw that the red light had changed to green, stepped on the accelerator and gripped the steering wheel to prepare to cross the road, but the car had only traveled less than ten meters when a dazzling glare from the right made the driver completely open. Without opening his eyes, he reflexively stepped on the brakes to slow down the speed, but this also paved a road of death for everyone in the car!

An urgent burst of brakes caused Will to slam forward. He was about to scold, but a huge impact hit him instantly, knocking him out of his head.

- Boom!Boom!Boom!

The huge impact knocked the entire vehicle to the ground. Due to the high speed of the large truck, it did not stop after hitting the car Will was riding in, and continued to rush forward, causing the vehicle body to be hit again , the car body rubbed against the ground, and sparks splashed out!

The Maybach sedan was hit twice in a row by a large truck. The car body was seriously deformed and overturned beside the green belt. Gasoline still flowed out from the fuel tank. The broken glass and debris were scattered everywhere. The scene of the accident was a mess.

The vehicles passing by saw such a tragic situation, and they all got out of the vehicles and wanted to rescue the people in the vehicles, but the gasoline flowing out of the car made everyone afraid, and they dared not go forward.

"Call the police to save people!" At this time, several young men got out of a commercial vehicle and ran to the green belt to help rescue people.

The car body was knocked over with its feet in the air, and Will was trapped in the rear seat with blood on his head. He seemed to have fallen into a coma. It was blood and he was dragged from the car.

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