I also understand Rainbow's helplessness.In life, if you have no money, you have to find a way to make money, and for women, when you really can't make money, it is indeed a good way to go to the bar to accompany drinks, but after all, there are risks in bars Yes, many women were deceived by people with ulterior motives when they were drinking with each other, and they fell into the abyss ever since.

"Rainbow, don't come to this kind of place in the future. I'll find you a job. You do it first. Although you may not earn as much as you do in bars, it's much safer." I said to Rainbow.

"Well, thank you!" Rainbow said with her head down.

After drinking with Caihong for a while, I came out with Caihong, took Caihong to her residence, in a rented house, stayed there for a while, and then I came back.

When I got home, I went straight to bed and fell asleep. I was so busy today that I was so tired that I fell asleep immediately after lying on the bed.

Early the next morning, I woke up at seven o'clock in the morning. It didn't mean that I was awakened and wanted to get up early, but that I was woken up by someone.

The person who quarreled with me was Wang Ruobing, who called me early in the morning, several times in a row, and woke me up from the dream.

"What are you doing?" I asked Wang Ruobing in a daze.

"Get up quickly, since you live downstairs from me, from today onwards, we will go for exercise every morning!" Wang Ruobing said something to me that shocked me.

"Running? Forget it, I don't want to go, you clubbing alone, I want to sleep!" I hung up the phone in a daze.

I thought I could sleep well in this way, but after a short while, the doorbell rang, and it kept ringing non-stop, calling me out of bed abruptly.

I got out of bed, put on my slippers, and with tired steps, I walked out and opened the door of the room.

"You..." The moment the door was opened, Wang Ruobing was shocked.

Only then did I realize that I was only wearing a pair of underpants, with my upper body naked and my chest muscles exposed.

The temptation of a man's pectoral muscles to a woman is just like the temptation of a woman's breasts to a man, it is a very pure temptation.

"Are you going or not?" Wang Ruobing asked me, tilting her head slightly.

"I'm so sleepy..."

"Oh, then go on falling asleep, I'm going!" Wang Ruobing silently turned around while speaking, and ran away alone.

I closed the door of the room, went back to the bedroom again, lay down on the bed for a while, but found that it was difficult to fall back asleep after waking up.Since I couldn't sleep anymore, I didn't want to sleep anymore, I got up formally, washed up, and then went out.

Today, I have a very important task, which is to find a job for Rainbow. I have already thought about it. Since the company restarted, there has been no front desk. Rainbow has a good figure and a good-looking face. A standard beauty, let She should have no problem being the front desk.

When I came down, I took a taxi. When I came to the company, I hesitated. Since I moved away from Teacher Xue, the relationship between me and Teacher Xue has become a little cold. I know that if I If I open my mouth, Teacher Xue will definitely give Rainbow a job, but the difficulty lies in the opening of my mouth. I don't know how to open my mouth. After all, this is a relatively difficult problem.

I hesitated downstairs for a while, and when I was about to go up, Teacher Xue appeared in my field of vision.

When I saw Mr. Xue, my first reaction was to run away. When I found that Mr. Xue didn't seem to have noticed me, I immediately hid behind a car parked next to me without saying a word.

I silently watched Mr. Xue go upstairs through the car window, and then I walked out from the back of the car.Looking at the door of the building, I was a little afraid to go in.Just seeing Mr. Xue, I hid aside in fright. I will go up and ask for a job later. I really don't know if I can simply and straightforwardly tell Mr. Xue what I think.

I started to retreat, but at this moment, Rainbow called me.

"Can you find a job? If you can't find it, forget it. I'll look for it myself." Rainbow said.

I really want to say that I can't find it, and let Rainbow find it by himself, but this damn face doesn't allow me to say that.

"If you can find it, you can just wait there. I will call you after talking with the boss. Then you can come to work." For the sake of my face, I bite the bullet and pass this The words were spoken.

This word was said by my cheap mouth, and I couldn't do it, so I mustered up my courage, and I went upstairs and entered the company.

The people in the company were still the same, they all looked at me when they saw me coming in, and looked at me with embarrassment.I went straight to the door of Mr. Xue's office, but I retreated in my heart and dared not go in.

But at this moment, Teacher Xue appeared behind me.

"Xiaolong, what's the matter?" Teacher Xue said behind me.

I quickly turned around, looked at Mr. Xue and said, "Yes... there is a small matter."

"Then come in!" Teacher Xue said, opened the door and walked in.

Teacher Xue walked in first. Standing at the door, I touched my Tianling cover, and after a while, I broke out in cold sweat!

Pushing open the door and entering the office, Teacher Xue was already sitting at the desk, turning back and forth with a pen in her hand, she looked at me calmly, as if nothing had happened, everything It's all so normal.

"Sit down!" Teacher Xue pointed to the chair in front of him and said.

I walked over, sat on the chair opposite Mr. Xue, looked at Mr. Xue, and was suddenly speechless.

"What do you want from me?" Mr. Xue looked at me and said.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. It's just that a friend of mine wants to find a job. I think the company still lacks a front desk, so I thought, is it possible..."

"Oh, I've also thought about the front desk. I originally wanted to recruit one in the next few days. Since you have a friend who needs to work, let her try!" Teacher Xue said with a slight smile.

"Oh, thank you!" I stood up, but I didn't know what to say, and I was speechless for a while.

"Is there anything else?" Mr. Xue looked at me and said.

"No more." I turned around and was about to leave when I suddenly looked at Teacher Xue again.

"Huh? Is there something?" Teacher Xue looked at me.

"No, nothing!" I said softly, then turned around again and walked out of the office.

When I left the office, I felt an inexplicable heartache. Although I knew that Mr. Xue's current appearance was laying the foundation for the normalization of the relationship between Mr. Xue and me, but even if the purpose was good, I couldn't accept it in my heart. .Because the contrast between before and after is too strong.

If you have never won a person's heart, even if you and this person go to strangers in the end, there will only be a little bit of temporary pain in your heart, but if you have once won a person's heart, in the end you will feel a little bit of pain. Losing this heart due to various reasons, your pain must be more uncomfortable than those who have never lost it.

If you haven’t got it, you only think she is good, but you haven’t felt her goodness. If you got it, even if you don’t think her good, you have felt her goodness. This is a big difference.

Unknowingly, I returned to my seat, sitting here, looking at the neat computer desk, the scene when Mr. Xue asked me for the ring that day appeared in my mind, and I felt a little pain in my heart.

After buffering for half an hour, I broke free from the illusion just now, called Caihong, and told her that I could come to the company for a try in the afternoon, and after hanging up the phone, I left my place and came to Here in the bathroom.

I was just about to open the bathroom door to go in, but I heard someone talking inside, so I didn't go in.

After waiting at the door of the bathroom for a while, the door of the bathroom finally opened. Yang Peng, the one who had pursued Wang Ruobing, came out of the bathroom, smiled at me, and went out.

I don't know what's going on, but looking at this guy's appearance, I always have a bad feeling that this guy is weird.

Thinking of the guy calling inside just now, although I didn't hear much, I felt a little uneasy in my heart.

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