Sometimes, people's feelings are very accurate, but most of us are unwilling to believe our own feelings, thinking that they are illusory, non-existent things created by random imagination.

This is how I am at this time, I don't want to believe my own feelings, I just feel that Yang Peng is a little strange, as for other things, I don't think about it.

I went into the bathroom and put a handful of water, and I came out.Now, I feel that there is nothing to do if I stay in the company, so I rack my brains to think of something I can do.

After much deliberation, I thought of Zhang Dan.Since I came back from Wuwei last time, I haven't contacted Zhang Dan again. I don't know how Zhang Dan is doing now, so I just want to give Zhang Dan a call.

After dialing Zhang Dan's number, it didn't take long for Zhang Dan to connect the phone.

"All right? Where is it now?" I asked.

"In the company, what's the matter, what's the matter?" Zhang Dan asked me.

"I just want to ask, about the undercover matter, how many useful things have you obtained?" I hesitated, but said it out.

"This..." Zhang Dan obviously hesitated.

"What? Could something be wrong?" I asked.

"No, I can't tell you clearly on the phone now, why don't we talk about it when we come out at noon!" Zhang Dan said.

"Well, it's okay, it's still the same old place, I'll go there on time at noon." I said.

"Well, okay, if you have nothing else to do, hang up first, I'm still in the company." After Zhang Dan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Putting up the phone, I accidentally looked at Yang Peng, only to find that Yang Peng was looking at me. When Yang Peng saw that I was also looking at him, he smiled slightly, and then lowered his head.

There was still that weird feeling in my heart, but I didn't care about it.

I stayed up until I got off work at noon, and I stood up from my seat, ready to go to the appointment, but when I passed Teacher Xue's office, I met Teacher Xue again in embarrassment.

"Teacher Xue, are you going back?" I felt like I had no brains, and I didn't know why I just said such a sentence.

"En!" Teacher Xue nodded, without saying anything, and went directly to the elevator.

I hesitated for a while, and I still got into the elevator. If I stayed outside and didn't get in, maybe Teacher Xue and I would be more comfortable, but I'm already standing here. If I don't go in, wouldn't it be Does that mean our relationship is not normal?What we want now is a normal relationship. Only when the relationship is normal can everything get better slowly.

Sitting in the elevator, we may both feel a little bit awkward and want to talk, but we don't know what to say. This should be our tangled mood now.

"Today... so what, what do you have for lunch?" I was a little nervous, and at this moment I said another stupid thing.

"I haven't thought about this yet!" Teacher Xue said with a smile.

"Oh!" I nodded, but had nothing to say.

I feel very fucked up, but also very conflicted. On the one hand, I want the elevator to go to the first floor quickly. As long as Mr. Xue and I go out, this awkward atmosphere will disappear. On the other hand, I want to talk to Xue Teacher stay a little longer...

Maybe God favored me, or maybe God wanted to torture me on purpose. The elevator was sitting well, and it had already reached the third floor. It was about to go down, but it stopped suddenly. The legendary This kind of elevator failure happened to Mr. Xue and me.

I'm fine, I'm not too scared, but Teacher Xue is a woman, the moment the elevator stopped, she yelled and ran over to hug me.

"Xiaolong, what's the matter?" Teacher Xue asked me nervously.

"I don't know either. The elevator must be malfunctioning. It will probably be fine soon." I said.

"Elevator failure?" Mr. Xue slowly opened his eyes, looked into the elevator, and then, as if suddenly awakened, he quickly got out of my arms, holding his bag People stood by.

Teacher Xue was very embarrassed, and I was also very embarrassed, but I didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was brought to the most embarrassing point invisibly.

"The keyboard is still on, let me try to press a button." I really couldn't stand the atmosphere, so I ran over, ready to press something on that keyboard.

"Don't..." Teacher Xue shouted, but at this time I had already pressed the button to open the door.


The elevator suddenly fell, but stopped suddenly.

Teacher Xue and I both fell to the ground without any precautions. I was okay, I felt nothing serious, and stood up immediately, but Teacher Xue was different. Although a woman sometimes looks very strong, But this sudden change still frightened her, and her face turned pale.

"Ms. Xue, are you okay?" I hurried over and hugged Mr. Xue.

"I'm fine, I'm fine..." Mr. Xue kept shaking his head, saying that he was fine, but I could see clearly that Mr. Xue was obviously quite frightened. Although there might be nothing wrong physically, psychologically But it is not small.

"Mr. Xue, don't be afraid. You were on the third floor just now, and now you should have fallen to the second floor. Even if you fall to the second floor, nothing will happen. Don't worry!" I comforted Teacher Xue.

"Ah? Oh, I see!" Mr. Xue panted heavily, pressing one hand on his chest, stroking his chest constantly.

In fact, at this time, I was also in a cold sweat. The moment just now was really scary, and I fell suddenly. If there was not a teacher Xue here, but only me, I might really be killed. Wept in fright.

"Are you okay?" Teacher Xue asked me after calming down.

"I'm fine, everything is fine." As I spoke, I was about to help Teacher Xue up, but Teacher Xue hugged my ankle at this moment.

"What's wrong? Is my foot crooked again?" I first thought of whether Mr. Xue's ankle was crooked again.

"It's okay, it's just a little pain, I guess I hurt my tendons again!" Teacher Xue said, clutching his ankle.

It was also at this time that I discovered that the heels of Mr. Xue's high-heeled shoes had all been crooked.

"Let me see!" I took off Teacher Xue's shoes and the silk stockings. Looking at Teacher Xue's ankle at this time, it was already swollen. It was obviously not as simple as a muscle injury. Most likely the ankle has been misaligned.

"The ankle may have been misaligned." I said silently with some headaches, and then immediately took out my phone, and called the help call that was prompted in the elevator.

When the call was made, someone answered the call right away.

"This is the monitoring room. We have seen the situation inside. The technicians are overhauling it. It will be ready soon." A person over there said.

"Someone here has a crooked ankle," I said.

"We will make arrangements, you can rest assured." After finishing speaking, the other side hung up the phone.

"Mr. Xue, hold on, the technicians are overhauling it, and it will be ready soon." I said to Mr. Xue.

"En!" Teacher Xue nodded and looked at his ankle, "It's actually nothing, as long as you don't move your feet, you won't feel too much pain."

"Then don't move." I told Teacher Xue.

After staying with Mr. Xue for about 10 minutes, the elevator moved slowly.

"Teacher Xue, look, the elevator is moving, so it should be fine." I pointed to the elevator and said to Teacher Xue.

The elevator soon reached the first floor. After the elevator door opened, an ambulance immediately appeared in front of my eyes. Several nurses came over, carried Teacher Xue onto a stretcher, and then carried Teacher Xue away.

I stood there for a while, looking at Teacher Xue who was being carried away, my heart relaxed, and I felt extremely relaxed.The elevator failure this time seems to be a bad thing, but I feel a little happy now. This elevator failure is a node. Through this node, I can take the opportunity to repair the relationship between me and Mr. Xue , isn't this the so-called good luck, how can you know it's not a blessing?

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