When I just went out and was about to catch up with the ambulance, Zhang Dan called me and asked me why I hadn’t gone for such a long time. I told her about my being trapped in the elevator and about Mr. Xue. She expressed her understanding about the crooked foot, and let me settle this matter first.I hung up the phone, and when I was about to get in the ambulance, the ambulance had already left.

I had no choice but to take a taxi and catch up.

When I came to the hospital, Mr. Xue was already lying on the hospital bed. Because it was only dislocated, the doctor easily put Mr. Xue's ankle back on without much trouble.

"Ms. Xue, are you okay?" It's a very simple and clichéd dialogue, but it's enough to show my concern for Mr. Xue.

"It's all right, the ankle is still on, it will be fine after a little training." Teacher Xue said.

"Oh, then you can just use these few days to cultivate yourself." I said.

"Hehe, yes." After a pause, Mr. Xue continued, "If you have nothing to do, you should go back early and have a good rest. There may be some major events in the company these days. When I am not here, I will trouble you up."

Just listening to Teacher Xue's previous words made me feel a little heartbroken, but the latter words seemed to comfort me, making me feel a little better.

"It's okay. I'm fine now, and my energy is still good. I can go back to the company in the afternoon." I said to Mr. Xue.

"Don't be like this, you should go back early, you have been with me all the time, and it's hard to explain to your girlfriend!" Teacher Xue said emotionally.

I had nothing to say, so I just nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll go back first, I'll call Haiyan and ask her to take care of you, and you don't have to worry about things in the company , as long as I'm here, the company won't have any trouble."

"Well, you go back, I'll take a nap." Teacher Xue closed his eyes after saying that.

I walked out of the ward, called Zhang Haiyan, and asked her to take care of Teacher Xue. After being scolded by Zhang Haiyan, I hung up the phone.

I went into the ward and looked at Mr. Xue. Mr. Xue was still sleeping peacefully. Although I knew Mr. Xue was a fake sleep, I still walked out of Mr. Xue's ward.

After leaving the hospital, I called Zhang Dan. After learning that Zhang Dan was wandering in the street, I decisively invited Zhang Dan. Although I have already missed the meal, Zhang Dan has also eaten, but I went to coffee It's perfectly fine to drink coffee or something in the restaurant.

I invited Zhang Dan to the cafe, and at this time, Zhang Dan was sitting opposite me.

"How are you these days?" I couldn't get straight to the point, so I asked Zhang Dan.

"It's okay, although there are some troubles, but the life is barely okay." Zhang Dan said.

"Hehe, that's good, but if the mood can improve, this day will be more perfect. Sometimes, we are troubled, but it's actually because we are thinking about some troublesome things, and we still care about those troublesome things , if you can forget all your troubles, that would be fine." I said.

"Yeah, in fact, I really want to forget these annoying things, but sometimes you know that no matter how hard we try, those annoying things are still in our hearts, even if you want to forget Don't drop it!" Zhang Dan said with a sigh.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now, just let it go with the flow." After a pause, I continued, "Actually, you should know what I care about most now. You should understand what you want to know."

"Of course, I know." Zhang Dan stopped talking, looked at the two couples at the table next to her, and said, "Recently, I accidentally discovered a very big secret of Feitian."

"What secret?" Hearing this, my interest was raised in an instant.

"Tax evasion and tax evasion, and there are serious fraudulent accounts!" Zhang Dan said seriously.

As if a blockbuster had exploded beside me, I immediately raised my spirits. Tax evasion and fraudulent accounting are very serious problems. If we can grasp this problem and push Feitian to the forefront, it will be absolutely lethal not too small.

"Have you got the evidence?" I hurriedly asked Zhang Dan.Evidence is very important. If there is no evidence, just relying on Zhang Dan and these few words, there is no loss to Feitian. On the contrary, if Feitian attacks us and destroys them without any evidence Reputation, this matter is no small matter.

"I just saw this thing, but I haven't got the evidence yet. It's all on Li Qin's computer. I just saw it, and didn't take all those things down." Zhang Dan said helplessly.

I was immediately disappointed, I didn't get anything, and it's really a bit of a lie to say this now, it feels like making people happy for nothing.

"However, tax evasion and fraudulent accounting are real facts. I saw the truth at the time, and there is absolutely no problem at all." Zhang Dan added immediately.

"I know what you said is true, and I believe you, but there is no evidence now. Even if I want to use this matter to hit Fei Tian, ​​there is no way. After all, we have no evidence!" I said helplessly.

"Why is there no evidence?" Zhang Dan immediately refuted me, "There is definitely evidence in Li Qin's computer. As long as you can take out those things in Li Qin's computer, everything will be easy!"

"But how do I get this thing? It doesn't seem easy to get it. Your company must have a surveillance camera. Do you want me to take out the things on Li Qin's computer at the risk of being caught by the surveillance camera?" I was very depressed.

"Hey..." Zhang Dan sighed, and then looked at me very seriously. As for what to do, I don't care about it. I have no choice but to think of a way for you. Everything is done. "

"Okay then, I'll study it later and see what to do about this matter." I said helplessly, but I already had some plans to give up in my heart.

"Well, well, it's getting late, I'm going back to the company first, if you need my help on this matter, just tell me at any time, and I will help you." After Zhang Dan finished speaking, he picked up the He took his bag and left.

After Zhang Dan left, I sat on the sofa alone, looked at the sweet couple in the distance, and drank coffee by myself, feeling a little troubled in my heart.If I didn’t know that Feitian was involved in tax evasion and fraudulent accounts, I would definitely not feel the pressure in my heart, but now I know that Feitian’s fraudulent accounting, tax evasion and tax evasion behavior, in such a situation, I No matter how much you don't want to think about solving this problem, these problems will continue to appear in your mind.

After Zhang Dan left, I sat in the cafe for nearly half an hour before I walked out of the cafe with a sad face and came to the company.

I should be late in coming to the company, no matter what, I should be late, but when I entered the elevator, I ran into a flustered Yang Peng.

Yang Peng seemed a little nervous when he saw me, he simply greeted me, then stood in a place far away from me in the elevator, and stood quietly.

I didn't look directly at Yang Peng, after all, that would be very impolite, but I always felt that this guy was weird. Since I saw him come out of the bathroom this morning, this feeling has already appeared in my heart. in my heart.

After getting off the elevator, when Yang Peng was walking to his place, I was still looking at this guy suspiciously. I always felt that there was something wrong with this guy, but I didn't know what the problem was.

"Little Dragon!"

Suddenly I heard someone calling me, and I looked ahead, only to see that Rainbow was already sitting in my seat, beckoning to me.

I hurried over and said to Rainbow with a smile, "When did you come? It seems to be on time!"

"No, it's just that you are not on time. I have only been here for more than ten minutes. I asked them where you are sitting, and I sat down." Rainbow said to me.

"Hehe, no matter what, it's good to be here." I smiled.

"What job are you going to ask me to do? I'm really looking forward to it!" Rainbow said with a smile.

"The front desk, the company happens to be short of a front desk, so it shouldn't be a problem for you to work at the front desk, right?" I said to Rainbow.

"What? Let me be the front desk, my God!" Rainbow suddenly held his head as if in pain.

Yang Peng was about to walk over here, and after hearing Rainbow's complaint, he looked over. I found that when Yang Peng saw the rainbow, Yang Peng's whole spirit changed a lot.

"What are you looking at? I haven't seen a beautiful woman before!" Rainbow shouted at Yang Peng.

"Ah? No, no." Yang Peng smiled awkwardly and walked over.

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