Interstellar arena

Chapter 010 Interstellar Migration 【Seeking Red Ticket】

Four seconds!

Three seconds!

Two seconds!

One second!

"Chi..." A gray round hammer blew out like a gust of wind, and suddenly stopped the thick body, and the mechanical legs exploded a stream of dazzling sparks on the metal floor, making a piercing sound of metal friction.

"You are the last one, let's go!"

Seeing the round hammer mecha driven by Liu Fei, Guo Dun, who was full of expectations, looked disappointed. Seeing that the brigade was getting farther and farther away, time was running out, and he didn't bother to ask questions. In the vast universe, more than 100 mechs lined up in a battle formation and flew towards the winding fleet, Liu Fei dropped far behind...


The Lord Joey stood in the main control room of a feeder ship, which is currently the largest feeder ship in Space City and can accommodate more than 1000 people. Naturally, this feeder ship became the command ship of this migrating army .

On the holographic screen is a simulated hologram. From this picture, you can have a bird's-eye view of the whole situation. The team is a huge triangular battle formation, layered on top of each other and stretching for hundreds of kilometers. Thousands of poisonous bee warships are the sideline of this migrating army , followed by the more than 5 mechas of all kinds. In the core position in the middle, there are some chaotic barges and some huge construction machinery.

A wry smile appeared on Joy's face. Judging from the simulated image, it looked like a group of mobs fleeing famine.

In fact, not only the owner of Joey had a wry smile on his face, but all the senior officials of Koduo Space City also had a wry smile on their faces. They never thought that one day they would give up the solid space city that had been in operation for hundreds of years, and they would have such an embarrassing interstellar escape .

In the history of Kodo Space City, there have been several large-scale interstellar wars, most of which were frictions with pirates. The most recent war was a war with an alien 160 years ago. That time, Kodo The residents of Kodo Space City are full of pride and pride in the victory of the space city with no casualties and the victory against the aliens. They believe that the space city is an impenetrable fortress, a space city that can never be breached...

Because of their strong self-confidence, neither the residents of the space city nor the managers of the space city have ever thought of giving up the space city one day, so they have never thought of building an aircraft to evacuate the entire space city.

And now, the space city that people thought would last forever is so fragile.

The mighty ships and mechas are slowly accelerating in the quiet space. They must leave the Kodo space city as soon as possible, because after the Kodo space city is hit by the meteorite flow, for example, a powerful shock wave will be formed.

Countless tail flames are like meteors, leaving bright lines in the night sky, like the colorful fireworks all over the sky.

More than 50 people seemed to have an indescribable feeling at the same time. People looked in the direction of the space city, and the space city was getting farther and farther away. It becomes extremely small, a trace of melancholy, a trace of sadness, and a trace of panic permeate the cold space.

Finally, the ring-shaped bright spot in the space city is getting darker and darker...

The Santo Joy standing in front of the holographic screen is like a sculpture. He has maintained this posture for several hours. From the beginning to the end, his eyes are fixed in one direction, Kodo Space City!

"My lord, there are two streams of meteorites approaching us, and they will contact our fleet in about an hour!"


The sluggish eyes of the sculpture-like Santo Joy seemed to be filled with new life in an instant. He knew that, as the last Santo of the Space City, he had the responsibility to lead everyone out of the predicament.

The holographic screen switches, and a simulated picture appears. The triangular fleet appears extremely small on the holographic screen. Around this triangular fleet, countless meteorite flows are converging. From the direction of confluence, the migrating army of the space city will inevitably collide with the meteorites. The flow passed by.

"Get the poisonous bee battleships ready for battle!"


"All mecha brigades are on alert!"


"Mecha snipers, get ready for fire support!"



Orders were issued one after another, and the triangular migratory team began to change. Some of the fringe poisonous bee warships began to form a team and spread out, keeping a safe distance from the migrating army, which was about [-] kilometers to [-] kilometers away. .

Some mecha brigades have also begun to form an organizational system, clinging to the migrating army, because the feeder ships and some interstellar engineering machinery are non-aggressive, and the mechas are their last line of defense.

Of course, in addition to the mechs, there are also a small number of interstellar snipers lurking around some feeder ships, and they provide long-range fire support for the Venomous Bee battleships.


Seeing that the meteorite flow is getting closer and closer, a fierce battle is about to begin. At this time, Liu Fei, who is following Guo Er, and Xiao Qiang Guangnao are caught in endless quarrels.

"Master Fei, please, woooo... let me go out, I will be your cow or horse in the next life... woooo..."

"One more you is not too much, one less you is not much!" Liu Fei's attitude is very firm, the little strong light brain is extremely cunning, in this vast space, if it is allowed to move freely, no one knows what it will do What good will happen? After all, it is different from human beings. It does not need oxygen or food. It can settle down on any barren planet.

"Brother Fei, you have also seen that the five-colored alien is inevitable for me. Let me out, and we still have a [-]% chance of winning. If you don't let me out, we will die together... woo woo..." Xiaoqiang Guangnao was crying with snot and tears, looking pitiful, trying to touch Liu Fei's heart of steel-like willpower.

"No!" Liu Fei flatly refused.

"Damn, Liu Fei, if I give you three points of color, you can open a dyeing workshop. Listen to me today. I'm going out today. With me and without you..."

With a sound of "beep", the voice of Xiaoqiang Optical Brain stopped abruptly, and Liu Fei cut off the connection with Xiaoqiang Optical Brain.

"Liu Fei, I-fuck-you ooxx(percent sign)*^()))#@*(())))))..."

The holographic screen of the round hammer was turned on, and the cartoon avatar of Xiaoqiang Guangnao jumped out directly. There was a wave of cursing around Liu Fei, and almost all the national curses recorded by human beings were moved out. Unfortunately, Liu Fei still had no face. He didn't change his color, his heart didn't beat, he didn't move, he just pressed the button lightly, and the cartoon image of the furious little Qiangguang brain disappeared without a trace again.

Liu Fei began to concentrate on following the group of mechas led by that dark mecha. In fact, Liu Fei didn't want to follow behind that mecha that had fought with him, but for a while, he also There is nowhere to go, because, in this vast space, it looks very close, but in fact, some warships and mechs have to keep at least tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers away. The brigade will keep a very close distance. If Liu Fei flies alone, it will definitely attract the attention of the space pickets.

In order to maintain the flight order of the migrating army, the Lord Joy temporarily set up a space picket brigade. The main task of the space picket brigade is to patrol around the migrating army, monitor the flight distance through the instruments on the barge, and avoid panic caused by war. And crashing indiscriminately.

In fact, this seemingly chaotic migratory army has been calculated countless times by the main control optical brain of the space city, and even a small strong optical brain cannot find the slightest flaw.

Soon, Liu Fei found out that something was wrong. Under the leadership of the dark mecha, the mecha squadron flew towards a meteorite flow head-on without hesitation.

Liu Fei doesn't think his moral character is so noble. He just wants to live a long life. Under the influence of the soldering iron head, Liu Fei has never had the consciousness of being a hero. Now he just wants to stay away from danger.

"What should I do?" For a moment, Liu Fei lost his mind and habitually summoned the little strong light brain.

"Liu Fei of the dog day, you and I are at odds with each other... What should I do?!"

"They seem to be going to fight the aliens, what should we do?" Liu Fei asked, ignoring the furious little Qiang Guangnao.

"What else can I do! There is a picket team behind you, if you don't want to be sent to a court-martial, just follow!" Xiaoqiang Guangnao said angrily.

"But... what if the colorful alien..." Thinking of the terrifying colorful alien, Liu Fei couldn't help shivering.

"Hey, Brother Fei, you think that colorful alien is a fairy. In this space, as long as I don't release the signal, it can't sense our breath. It's okay. It's just a small strand of alien. It's dangerous."

"Really not?" Liu Fei's trust in Xiao Qiangguang's brain has dropped to a freezing point now, and the calculation results of trillions of calculations that this guy boasts often have mistakes.

"Don't worry, if the young master says there will be no danger, then there will be no danger. We are in the same boat now, why am I lying to you?!" Xiao Qiang Guangnao said confidently.

Liu Fei nodded. In fact, he has no choice now. The distance between him and other mecha brigades is very far away. It is impossible to get in, and he can only stay far away in Goer's mech brigade. later……


Liu Fei didn't know, his behavior of staying far behind seemed extraordinarily wretched, which had already attracted the attention of Guoer and the soldiers, and almost everyone showed a look of disdain...

ps: Ask for a red ticket!

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