Interstellar arena

Chapter 229 Speech

[Well, it’s Monday again, please ask for a red ticket, please ask for a red ticket]

"alright, you win!"

General Xu sighed, walked to the main console, and under the monitoring of Prince Morton and Dr. Wayne, issued a series of orders.

An interstellar carrier battle group is the most basic way to organize the main fleet of all countries. It takes a large mothership as its core and integrates space aviation, large frigates and reconnaissance ships. It is a highly integrated combination of space, ground and electronic combat forces. The integrated mobile combat force has the characteristics of flexible maneuverability, strong comprehensive combat capability, and good deterrent effect. It can adapt to any environment, large-scale, and high-intensity continuous operations in a vast space far away from military bases.

The interstellar starships like the Xingyao and the Stan spaceship are both galaxy-level spaceships, while space battleships like Hellfire are the main structure of a mothership battle group and belong to star-level spaceships. As for that kind of ship Spaceships with a ship less than 500 meters but capable of interstellar jumping are all planetary level.

In addition to the mothership and stellar-class and planetary-class battleships, a mothership battle group will also have a large number of "comet" class small ships. These ships are less than 30 meters long and do not have the ability to jump between stars. And the capability of continuous navigation, it is usually carried on the mothership, or star-level and planetary-level space battleships, and when needed, it will swarm out like a pack of wolves, spread out in the vast universe, and sneak into the enemy Therefore, people usually call the Comet-class ship the Wolfpack-class.

Although the attack power of the wolf pack-class ships is limited, but because of their huge number, tens of thousands at every turn, and their strong defense penetration capabilities, the role of the wolf pack-class ships is rather important when fighting hand-to-hand.

Of course, a mothership battle group does not only have battleships, but also various ships, such as supply ships, maintenance ships, and reconnaissance ships. These ships are classified as star-class and planetary-class ships. The difference It's just that the function is different.

The starship battle group Xingyao is second only to the Royal Starfleet in the Morton Empire. Its scale is quite large, with a total number of more than 40, and more than [-] non-combatants. The number of ships can be imagined.

When more than 70 captains rushed to the meeting room of the Xingyao interstellar mothership one after another, Liu Fei realized what a great thing he had done. He conquered a mothership with his own strength battle group.

The meeting room is next to the main control room. During wartime, it will be used as a war room. It is very large. Even if there are more than [-] people, it is still empty.

When the captains walked into the meeting room, they immediately knew that they had become prisoners, because all the men with live ammunition around them were big men in black suits.

Prince Morton sat at the top, and Dr. Wayne and General Xu sat on both sides. As for Liu Fei, Li Wenyan, and Bai Fang, they all monitored every corner. Controlling a very small part, the slightest slack will cost them their lives.

No one spoke, and the entire hall was suffocatingly quiet.

Because some warships perform their missions far away, even at a sub-light speed, it takes more than an hour. In addition to the long-winded preparations, the longest time to reach the Xingyao is more than three hours.

Prince Morton was not in a hurry. For three hours, he didn't say a word, his body was as motionless as a sculpture, and he just slowly stared at the eyes of each captain with a pair of deep eyes. She looked ashamed and did not dare to look at Prince Morton.

This is a silent contest!

This kind of contest put Prince Morton on a moral high ground. Obviously, most of the captains thought it was a shame not to send troops to rescue Morton, and it was precisely because of this shame that they thought I owe the Morton family.

When the last captain rushed to the meeting room, Prince Morton spoke in an extremely heavy voice.

"Hello everyone, I am Danny Morton, the prince of the Morton Empire, and the only heir to the throne of the Constitution. At present, I am the only descendant of the Morton family, because, apart from me, hundreds of members of the Morton family are all hanged on the gallows..."

Having said that, Prince Morton stood up and bowed with a sacred and solemn expression. A group of captains also stood up quickly and bowed. There was a moment of silence, and the entire conference room was filled with a sad atmosphere.

"thank you all!"

Prince Morton's voice was a little choked up. After bowing to the crowd and saluting, he motioned for them to sit down. They quickly returned the salute, and then carefully sat down.

"...The history of the Morton Empire is the history of the Morton family. The vast starry sky used to be complicated and confusing. Now, let us travel through the myth of 160 years. Well, it is not an ancient myth. It is red with blood. Memory, I admit, I don't know much about the world, but when I turn over the pages of the history books, I can still feel the weight of it, how many vicissitudes, tribulations, humiliations, and humiliations the Morton family has experienced. struggle..."

"More than 160 years ago, aliens shattered the heavy door built by human beings. From then on, on each beautiful planet, wealth was plundered, culture was destroyed, and people were slaughtered. Faced with the destruction of mountains and rivers, the country will never stop. The reality of the country, a strong historical record, the Morton family went upstream and set up a flaming torch in the dark and vast starry sky, bringing light and hope to the ancient human civilization. This torch led Morton The people of the Morton starfield swept away the aliens raging in the Morton starfield, destroyed the numb alliance government, and burned all the decay; this torch led the Morton people to defend the dignity and civilization of mankind with their lives in a bloody storm , from the vast universe to the planets, from weak to strong, with the heroic sacrifice of countless martyrs, the Morton Empire was born. Let us turn to the last page before the founding of the Morton Empire. There, it is recorded The Morton family paid their lives for this, 120 six people. At that time, the total population of the Morton family was 130 nine people. In other words, in order to continue human civilization, for the sake of fairness and justice, after the war, the entire Morton family remained Only 13 people came down..."

"When it comes to fairness and justice, everyone must be joking in their hearts. The Morton Dynasty has become the private property of the Morton family. Corruption is rampant, and the people are in dire straits. How can justice and fairness come from?! No! Here, I dare to pat my chest and say, justice , Fair! It has always been flowing in the veins of the members of the Morton family, I, and my father, have never given up, never!"

"Everyone is a soldier. What is the duty of a soldier? Can anyone tell me?!" Prince Morton stood up slowly again, looking down at a group of captains.

No one answered, the faces of the captains were full of fever, and even General Xu beside Prince Morton had a sad face.

"Well, no one told me, so I say that the duty of a soldier is to obey orders and defend the country and the people. Well, the article of obeying orders can be omitted, because it is impossible to judge whether the orders are just, and the defense of the country is not mentioned. Many people think that this country belongs to the Morton family, so it doesn’t matter if you don’t protect it, but I would like to ask everyone, when your family members, your neighbors, your teachers, and your children are attacked by aliens, what do you think? There? Do you think this is unjust obedience?!"

"As far as I know, my father, the last emperor of the Morton Empire, personally stood in the studio when the aliens invaded and called on the soldiers to join the war to defend the country and the people. As a result, when he was dying I didn’t see any reinforcements appearing, I think, when he was hanged on the gallows, his eyes must be looking at the sky..."

"160 years ago, our Morton family fought bloody battles to protect the people of the Morton galaxy. In the end, only 13 people survived. 160 years later, in order to protect the people of the Morton star, I was the only one left. What makes people sad is that they didn't die at the hands of aliens, he was abandoned by his loyal army and died at the hands of his own people..."

Prince Morton's hoarse voice stopped, desperately controlling his emotions.

"My father is dead, and the dead cannot be brought back to life. I only hope that his death can awaken everyone's numbness. The Morton family made a mistake. The Morton family has already paid the blood price for their mistakes, so I implore everyone , Forgive the mistakes made by a dead person, after all, he is a real man, he is not a deserter, he has always stuck to his post, even at the last moment of his life!"





Everyone in the conference room knelt on the ground, kowtowed desperately, their eyes filled with tears...

ps: The bloody battle is coming, brothers, let’s get the red ticket!

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