Interstellar arena

Chapter 230 The Last Emperor

[Seeking red tickets, seeking passion! 】

"In the Morton Empire 160 years ago, during the years-long war against aliens, people's livelihoods were in decline, the economy was seriously backward, and the country's business was in jeopardy. What the government and people were facing was devastated planets. Morton The ancestors of the family did not flinch, but marched forward bravely, created a peaceful and prosperous world, and forged the supreme honor and dignity of the Morton family. After 160 years, in the face of the alien invasion, my father and my family did not lower their noble heads. They They did not abandon their own people, they defended the honor and dignity of the Morton family with their blood, and I, as the only surviving member of the Morton family, will inherit this honor and this dignity , This is the greatest wealth left to me by the Morton family!"

Prince Morton paused for a moment, and a pair of sad eyes fell on the captains.

"According to the constitution of the Morton Empire, I am now the legal heir to the throne of the Morton Empire and the only legal heir. Now, as the emperor of the Morton Empire, I declare that the Morton Empire will die and the Morton Empire will become a thing of the past. become history..."

"Your Highness!"

"Your Highness, please think twice!"

"Your Highness..."


"Captains, please be safe and don't be impatient. Before this king finishes speaking, before this, this king will exercise the power of the emperor of the Morton Empire for the last time. General Xu, are you guilty?"

"The last general is guilty." General Xu did not kneel down, he is a five-star general, except for large-scale ceremonies, even if it is the old emperor in front of him, he does not need to kneel down, not to mention that he is still wearing military uniform now.

"Are you willing to release your military power?"

"The general is willing, I just ask the emperor to give the general the gift of returning to his hometown." When a group of captains knelt on the ground and wept uncontrollably, General Xu knew that the situation was over, so he simply became a bachelor and found a way out for himself.

"Yes, but General Xu, I have a request, and it is also a request from the last emperor of the Morton Empire. Please agree."

"Although the emperor said, the final general will go all out!"

"This king is now the emperor of the Morton Empire. According to the constitution of the Morton Empire, except for people with outstanding achievements and high morals, they can be promoted to the post of five-star general. During wartime, the emperor of the empire has the right to grant the post of five-star general. Now In an extraordinary time, this king now announces that Danny Morton will take over as the five-star general of Norman, and I ask General Xu to confer the rank!"

As soon as Prince Morton finished speaking, there was an extreme silence in the conference room. At this time, Prince Morton walked up to the podium in the conference room, and solemnly removed a golden royal badge from his chest. The guards beside him At the same time, the golden badge on the chest was removed, with a solemn and sad expression.

The scene was not intense, but very solemn. In that solemnity, there was a kind of desolation, and many guards shed tears silently.

This simple ceremony represents the official end of the Morton dynasty!

After completing this simple and solemn ceremony, the guards brought up a set of dark blue military uniforms and handed them to Prince Morton. Then, they opened a black curtain on the podium. After 5 minutes, the curtain was opened, and Prince Morton He had already changed into a set of straight dark blue military uniform, which was very heroic. However, careful people immediately found that the military uniform worn by Prince Morton did not have any military rank, and his shoulders were empty.

General Xu didn't speak, walked up to Prince Morton silently, saluted Prince Morton with a standard military salute, Prince Morton also returned a standard military salute, and then, General Xu began to put the shining general star on his shoulder They were removed one by one, very carefully, each time a guard took over, and carefully installed the star on Prince Morton's shoulder.

This conferring ceremony seems a bit nondescript, and even the military uniform doesn't fit very well, but no one will feel nondescript, the serious faces, and the focused movements all tell people that this is a very sacred and Solemn ceremony, this is a ceremony of alternation of power.

Half an hour later, the awarding ceremony ended, Prince Morton saluted everyone, and all captains returned a military salute.

"I, Danny Morton, the Morton Empire has perished, but the Morton Family is still there, because, I am still alive, as I said, I will inherit the honor and dignity of the Morton Family, and I will continue to maintain the Morton Family Glory and dignity, no matter how difficult and dangerous the road ahead is, I will not let the Morton family lower their noble heads. Now, I am the only five-star general in the Morton galaxy, and I will lead the people of the Morton galaxy to peace, to Justice, to justice!"

"No matter how the vast nebula changes, no matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, I, Danny Morton, will go forward without fear. The Morton family has witnessed glory, and the dust and smoke of history cannot cover up the interstellar meteors. A single spark can start a prairie fire. Countless pioneers have spread the seeds of hope to the universe, allowing human civilization to gradually penetrate into every corner of the interstellar... We were once bleak, we were once brilliant, disillusioned and reborn, eternal sorrow and immortality Pride runs through each other, noble blood has been flowing in our blood vessels, we have never forgotten fairness and justice, we have been seeking, even if the blood of the family has stained the stars, we have never regretted it, not before, now, Neither!"

"I know that everyone here yearns for justice, for fairness, and even more for peace. However, justice will not fall from the sky, let alone peace and justice. Whether it is justice, fairness or peace, it needs to be used. Forged in blood, mistakes need to be paid with blood and life. The Morton family has already paid the price that should be paid for their mistakes, and now, those robbers, those murderers, those rapists, and those who took advantage of the fire to pay for their blood It's time to pay..."

"As the supreme general of the Morton galaxy, here, I declare that the crime of theft can be pardoned, and the crime of snatching without harming human life can also be pardoned, and even those who smashed government agencies can be pardoned, even if they hang my family Anyone can be pardoned, but rape, kill! Robbery causing death, kill! Burn private property, kill! Molesting women and children, kill! " Prince Morton's face was murderous.

"We need to use blood to wash out justice and fairness. When our soldiers are fighting desperately on the front line, their wives and children are wantonly trampled. We cannot condone this crime. We must use iron and blood to tell everyone People, anytime, anywhere, as long as they make mistakes, they will be punished. The law will not disappear because of disasters, and fairness and justice will not disappear because of war. While we want criminals to be punished, I also want to Let those warriors who protect the country and people receive the highest rewards and honors!"


Looking at a group of captains who were about to move around, General Xu couldn't help but let out a long sigh. It has been rumored that Prince Morton is a playboy with embroidered pillows. Irrelevant.

From the beginning to the end, Prince Morton spoke step by step. He first talked about the glory of the Morton family and the family's contribution to the Morton galaxy, and then retreated to advance, removing the emperor's aura and depriving him of his military power. There was no dissatisfaction, no protests, everything seemed to fall into place.

But now, Prince Morton has brought up the ravages of the families of the soldiers who died in battle, making the captains share their hatred and resonate. It can be said that Prince Morton has won the loyalty of these people, even if this loyalty is very short-lived.

The depth of Prince Morton's scheming made General Xu feel a chill down his spine. In order to avoid people misunderstanding that he was avenging the Morton family, he actually pardoned the enemies who hanged his own family. How much courage and determination are needed!

General Xu believes that in the days to come, Prince Morton will take a series of actions to consolidate his position as the leader of the starship battle group Xingyao.

General Xu never dreamed that after the captains arrived, the meeting room would broadcast live, that is to say, all the officers and men of the starship battle group Xingyao could see and hear Prince Morton's speech The whole process, from the end of the Morton Empire to the awarding of the title, is undoubtedly missing.

Compared with a group of captains, Prince Morton's words warmed their hearts even more, because these captains all had certain powers. At the beginning of the alien outbreak, they took their relatives away from Morton Star, and some soldiers I can only watch helplessly as my relatives fall into turmoil and are powerless...


After the speech, Prince Morton immediately asked all the captains to return to their ships without embarrassing them at all.

It's a big gamble!

Two hours later, Prince Morton knew that he had won the bet, that he had become a real five-star admiral, and that the starship battle group Xingyao had completely fallen into his control. In fact, this was also expected There is a group of captains swearing allegiance in the holographic image broadcast screen. In those screens, some captains may want to temporarily fool Prince Morton. However, when the captains know the live broadcast, they dare not make mistakes Yes, after all, as a soldier, as a captain with a respected status, it is still a bit unreasonable to go back on his word.

These several hours of exciting power-seizure speeches were boring to Liu Fei, and he was drowsy. Liu Fei is a person who likes to show his intentions with practical actions. He hates talking, especially talking in front of strangers , when Prince Morton spoke with enthusiasm, Liu Fei was thinking about the skeleton mecha in the maintenance cabin...

Liu Fei had no chance to return to the Stan, because the mothership Xingyao had already arrived at the space port of Planet Norman.

After arriving at the port, they immediately set off for the Norman planet, because the former Prince Morton and now General Danny wanted to visit his father-in-law, Fran Keller, and of course, his fiancée, Fran Helen.

"Father-in-law, I'm here!"

A cruel sneer appeared on the face of General Danny in military uniform...

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