Interstellar arena

Chapter 244 A new weapon against aliens

Li Meng began to train the disciples of Zhenyuan Universal Martial Arts School.

Different from Ma Dabiao's ancient and backward training methods, Li Meng's training methods are more scientific.

Li Meng likes to play interstellar games, he has a deep sense of discipline, and he combines the discipline and coordination of interstellar games into his training.

The disciples of Zhenyuan Universal Martial Arts School not only need to strengthen their bodies, but also advance along the correct route in unison. In order to find effective training methods, Li Meng selected disciples with service experience to take up some important positions , and then asked Ma Dabiao to teach some quick-acting fighting skills, and integrate these ancient skills into the training of modern soldiers.

In order to survive, during the training, personal values ​​are no longer related to the individual, and obedience has become the highest virtue. People have turned themselves into small cogs in a huge machine, meshing with each other precisely.

Everything is to defeat the aliens and to survive. Every refugee who fled from the drow star knows very well that only by integrating into the collective and obeying the collective can they survive. This is a life-and-death battle, and they can only rely on themselves.

The refugees who have gone through hardships are full of confidence in the future. The defensive battle of Drow Mecha University convinced them that the alien is not invincible. Puina's killing of aliens was like chopping vegetables and cutting melons, which gave the refugees strong confidence.

During the training in full swing, Li Meng also released some promotional materials and holographic videos in a timely manner, mainly introducing the glorious history of Zhenyuan Universal Martial Arts, including the experience of cooperating with General Bangwei, which is even more embellished. And some clips of fighting against aliens in Zall Mecha University are even more sensational. As time goes by, many visionary people from Jupiter began to pay attention to Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts, and some people began to join Li Meng's team , although it has not yet become the mainstream, new blood will be injected every day, which allows Li Meng to mobilize more and more manpower, and the state of the country is very good!

Simultaneously with the training, there are also renovations to some factory buildings and warehouses.

This kind of transformation is huge, and there are many goals for transformation and reinforcement. In addition to strengthening some windows and vents, some weak walls need to be re-welded with some composite armor plates. This armor plate is very effective in defending against alien attacks. Even the extremely corrosive body fluid of the alien cannot corrode and penetrate in a short time.

In addition to strengthening the structures of some shelters, the walls, obstacles, and residences within five meters of the factory area are all fixed with a kind of "thorn armor".

The thorn armor is the product of the common wisdom of the refugees, and is called an epoch-making product by the refugees, because this armor is a product specially designed to prevent the powerful jumping ability of the alien.

The structure of the thorn armor is very simple. A metal plate is densely covered with sharp metal thorns up to half a meter long. There are also some small metal thorns on these metal thorns, and there are some barbs like fishhooks on each metal thorn. , this kind of armor plate densely covered like thorns can completely pierce the alien in the state of soft tissue, and those sharp metal barbs can also cause huge physical damage to the alien.

All defense projects are mainly to slow down the speed of aliens and facilitate combat. In addition to the thorn armor, there are several weapons that are also very cleverly designed. One of them is called "Skynet". Skynet is a real net. However, it is a kind of extremely flexible metal net. It uses an eruption device. The Skynet is spread out over dozens of square meters. When encountering a large-scale alien invasion, it can be used continuously to slow down the speed of the alien. For temporary purposes, densely packed skynets will be arranged in some high altitudes or passages in the factory area, which can change the direction of the flying aliens and make the aliens lose their air superiority.

The other weapon is an offensive weapon. It looks a bit like the ancient "Ge". It is made of light steel and is three meters long. It has a very sharp spiral tip on the top and a sickle-like blade on the back. Mouth, can stab, pick, draw, pull... The biggest advantage of this weapon is that it is long enough, and it can launch a fatal attack without getting close to the alien in the state of soft tissue. You must know that the attack power of the alien in the state of soft tissue is extremely strong , Once entangled, there is no hope of survival.

In order to deal with the aliens, relying on the power of the masses, people invented many targeted weapons. In the battle at Drow Mecha University, people were most impressed by the speed of the aliens and the horny aliens.

If the alien loses its speed, it means that the alien cannot enter the horny state, even ordinary people with cold weapons have the power to fight.

Now, the biggest resources in Li Meng's hands are human resources and a strong industrial system. Moreover, on Jupiter, there is no need to worry about metal and material issues. The material reserves here are more than enough to manufacture a fleet, such as these small cold weapons The loss of metal in the manufacture of it is almost negligible.

Of course, Li Meng did not ignore the manufacture of mechas and ships. He began to gather some parts in a planned way, and determined the production items through screening. Unfortunately, both mechas and ships are huge System engineering, involving electronics, metallurgy, casting, chemistry, etc., requires professional technicians from the giant Jupiter, and it is impossible to rely on a group of refugees from the drow planet to complete it. Li Meng can only do some preparatory work now, in case of emergencies need……

Now, Li Meng is looking forward to the alien invasion. If the aliens do not invade Jupiter, his dream of counterattacking the drow star will be in vain. No one will be crazy enough to follow him to counterattack the drow star. Li Meng needs a victory to stimulate his subordinates.

In the entire human world, people treat aliens like snakes and scorpions, and they are afraid to avoid them. Li Meng is probably the only one who looks forward to the invasion of aliens. It can be said that there is no one before or after...


When Zhenyuan Universal Martial Arts was training vigorously under the leadership of Li Meng, Liu Fei had already stayed in Morton Star for fifteen days.

In the first twelve days, Liu Fei almost forgot to sleep and eat in the modification room to complete the modification of the skeleton mecha. In the next few days, Liu Fei completely disappeared in some underground markets in Morton City.

The abundance of goods in the underground market of Morton City is unimaginable, ranging from small spaceships to nano-sized accessories that are invisible to the naked eye.

There has been turmoil in the Morton Star, and it is natural that the underground market is active. In addition, General Danny mainly fights against violent crimes, and basically turns a blind eye to theft. After all, the population of Morton Star Limited, in those turbulent years, few people were innocent. If all those who violated laws and regulations were brought to justice, there would not be many people left on Morton.

Liu Fei found that Xiaoqiang Optical Brain is more interested in some manufacturing machinery and precision instruments, whether it is high-end or low-end, as long as it is about manufacturing machinery, Xiaoqiang Optical Brain has an almost greedy desire.

How big the warping space of the small strong light brain has become a mystery, Liu Fei can no longer imagine, because, yesterday, the small strong light brain took a fancy to an intelligent "fluid transistor maker", which is a A very large and complicated instrument, its structure is comparable to that of the "Multifunctional Metal Separator", and its volume is equivalent to half a basketball court. Such a huge equipment, the small strong light brain abruptly put it in warped space.

Even the seller had a dull expression on his face. You know, this machine is not his. It just lay quietly in the unowned factory building. Seeing that Liu Fei bought a lot of large machines, he just asked by the way, how do you know? , The deal was actually made, and when he rushed to the empty workshop the next day, he wondered if he was dreaming...

Liu Fei didn't bother to think about how big the warping space was, because he thought that Xiao Qiangguang's brain had prepared for the warping space for 160 years, and he could understand how big it was.

Today is the No. 15th day of entering Morton. General Danny drove back from other cities. The security of Morton City was also handed over to the local government agency, and the trial work of the temporary military court was also handed over to the local court. , The officers and soldiers of Xingyao have already begun to assemble, and some of them have already returned to space.

In the evening, the city government of Morton Star will hold a grand celebration banquet. The celebrities of Morton Star and high-level military officials will all attend. Liu Fei also got a gold-plated invitation card.

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