Interstellar arena

Chapter 245 Li Wenyan's Fiance

The celebration banquet was held in the newly built city hall, with a prefabricated structure, magnificent and simple decoration, without any sign of luxury, all of which are modular decorations, and the food is also very simple, mainly some fruits and cold dishes, in the form of a buffet, of course, indispensable Red and white wine.

The celebration banquet has a very strict security inspection, and several checkpoints are required to enter. Moreover, there is also a space jammer in the hall. The so-called space jammer is an instrument aimed at the space button, which emits a kind The band called "subspace curve" can affect the activation of the space button. This kind of instrument is very expensive and not widely used. It is mainly used by some important gatherings of government organizations.

When Li Wenyan and Liu Fei rushed to the city hall, there were already many people in the city hall. Although there were a lot of people, it seemed extremely quiet. People spread in small groups in the spacious hall and talked in low voices.

After entering the city hall, Li Wenyan began to be busy socializing. Liu Fei was used to being alone, walking slowly among the crowds, and finally stopped at a "official table" with various dishes. For the convenience of eating, Liu Fei Fei deliberately got a chair and sat down at the dining table, and started to eat.

The so-called buffet party mainly provides cold food, non-dinner meals, and guests can choose their own food. They can sit at the table and eat, or sit or stand. They can even walk around and eat while walking. In short, the guests You can do whatever you want, without being restricted by the seat, reducing the sense of restraint.

Liu Fei had never participated in this kind of buffet party, and his education in this area was almost blank. He didn't realize that it was an extremely weird thing to eat at a public table.

Because there were too many people, people didn't notice Liu Fei at first, but after a while, many people who picked up the food noticed this strange scene: a young man in a white shirt was sitting alone at the desk Eating as if no one else was there, with a serious and focused expression, it didn't seem like he was eating, as if he was performing some kind of sacred religious ceremony.

People looked at this indifferent young man like a monster, subconsciously kept a distance from that table, whispered, and guessed Liu Fei's identity.

Soon, Li Wenyan found Liu Fei who was concentrating on eating, and hurried to Liu Fei, blushing, and endured the strange eyes around her, dragged Liu Fei up and fled the scene in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fei was very unhappy about being interrupted for dinner, and asked with a frown.

"Haven't you attended the buffet?" Li Wenyan asked Liu Fei softly, pulling Liu Fei behind a pillar, avoiding the eyes of the surroundings.

"Coffee, what is a buffet party?" Liu Fei was taken aback and asked in a daze.

"It's the buffet party now, would you like to know some rules of the buffet party?"


"Yes, rules!"

"Let's talk." Liu Fei is still a little interested in the rules. The soldering iron head told him that in a person's life, he must abide by some rules of the game, unless you have enough strength to break the person who made the rules.

Li Wenyan began to explain some etiquette knowledge to Liu Fei, from the matching of clothes to sitting posture, what clothes to wear on what occasion, eating manners and food choices, and took the trouble to do some demonstration actions for Liu Fei, or tell Liu Fei Whether his so-and-so's actions are standard.

It took at least an hour of literacy for Liu Fei to understand that this kind of buffet party is not a formal banquet, and the attendees don't need to be well-dressed, and they don't need to be too elegant.

Moreover, this kind of buffet meeting is not mainly about eating food, but mainly for communication, creating a relaxed atmosphere and allowing people to find the friends they need. General Danny held an informal buffet meeting to shorten the psychological distance of the participants , to achieve the purpose of being close to the people.

Liu Fei knew his mistake. He regarded this kind of gathering as a dinner party, and, what was even more outrageous, he regarded the public table as a dining table.

"Thank you." Liu Fei imitated Li Wenyan and asked the passing waiter for a glass of red wine.

"That's right." Li Wenyan raised her glass to Liu Fei. She was amazed at Liu Fei's understanding. In fact, she only briefly mentioned some basic etiquette knowledge. It looks jerky, but it is very standardized, and the movements can even be described as elegant, and there is a special flavor between the gestures.

"I have a few friends over there, do you want me to introduce them?"

"No need." Liu Fei shook his head, he didn't like dealing with strangers.

"Oh, then I'll go over and say hello."

Liu Fei nodded, walked towards an empty sofa and sat down. He began to carefully observe everyone's movements, remembering the magnitude and size of each movement, and even the height of the toast and the height of eating. Everything has been included in his observation scope. It can be said that Liu Fei's way of learning etiquette is absolutely unprecedented.

Just when Liu Fei was concentrating on studying, a man and a woman sat on the empty sofa opposite. The place where Liu Fei was sitting was already remote, and the sofa opposite was located in the shadow of a pillar, which seemed even more remote. The high backrest will hardly be disturbed by people, forming a relatively independent space.

The man was very tall, wearing a pair of black-framed eyes, he looked refined and full of books, while the woman's blonde hair was slightly curly, fair-skinned, with good features, and she had a seductive charm that made people's hearts throb.

The man's hands around the woman's waist kept kneading, looking very affectionate, and the two talked in a low voice. At first, Liu Fei didn't pay attention to them, but the man suddenly mentioned a familiar name, Attracted Liu Fei's attention.

Although there was a distance of about ten meters between Liu Fei and the man and woman, it was not a problem for Liu Fei who had trained his hearing.

"...It is said that she once arrived at the drow star on a passenger ship, and then the alien disaster broke out on the drow star, and she lost the news. She probably died a long time ago..."

"Hmph, since she's dead, why don't you dare to announce our relationship?" The woman seemed a little angry, twisted her plump body, and slapped the man's salty hands away.

"Baby, don't worry, it's not the time yet. As long as there is no confirmation of her death, we can't publicly announce the news of our togetherness. Have you forgotten that old bastard Li Yanhong?"

"Are you afraid of him?" The woman snorted coldly.

"Ahem... It's not a question of whether you are afraid or not. If I announce it now, Li Yanhong will definitely become angry. The old bastard has only changed his mind after the death of his two sons. If he is angry at this time, it is impossible not to do something. Unpredictable things are coming, for the sake of safety, we still need to endure, don't worry, it's just a matter of time, as long as the news of Li Wenyan's death is confirmed, we can be together openly, and you can also sleep in my bed every day room, instead of sneaking around in the middle of the night..." The young man said with a lewd smile.

"Hmph, what if Li Wenyan doesn't die?" the woman pouted.

"This... Don't worry, even if she doesn't die, she will eventually die. As long as that old bastard Li Yanhong loses power, I will..." The young man raised his palm and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"What if Robin Li doesn't die?"

"Don't worry, baby, Li Yanhong's stupid pig is actually trying to claim the emperor. As long as he becomes the emperor, he will definitely become the target of public criticism. In addition, he has abandoned tens of millions of people in the capital of Zall, which has aroused public anger and lost popular support. At that time, there will be no place for burial. We must endure it, because we need to rely on that bastard to make more money. Think about it, if that old bastard wants to become emperor, he will naturally expand his military power and purchase military supplies. We can use this Make a lot of money, and when the old bastard is overthrown by everyone, we can stab him in the back and gain a good reputation, and his name will go down in history, hehe..." The young man said with a sinister smile.

"Hee hee, how are you?" The woman smiled seductively, and kissed the young man on the forehead.

"I have worse..."

The young man actually stuck his hand into the woman's clothes, causing the woman to let out a depressing laugh.

"Liu Fei, why did you come here? General Danny is looking for you!"

Li Wenyan quietly sat beside Liu Fei, looked at the man and woman who were entangled with each other with a flushed face, and spoke very softly, obviously, she did not want to disturb the man and woman who were in love.

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