Interstellar arena

Chapter 246 Masculinity

Liu Fei didn't answer Li Wenyan, stood up suddenly, strode towards the man and woman who were kissing passionately together, under Li Wenyan's astonished gaze, Liu Fei grabbed the young man's hair with one hand, and slapped him hard. Mention, the young man let go with an "oops" and the woman jumped up. Before he could stand up straight, Liu Fei punched her hard on the stomach...

With a palpitating muffled sound of "Peng", the young man felt as if his internal organs had been hit by a suspension vehicle weighing tens of tons at high speed. He made the slightest sound, his face was twisted and deformed, and a thin layer of sweat immediately oozed from his forehead.

"Ah..." The alluring woman with golden curly hair let out a terrifying scream. The scream was extremely ear-piercing, and the whole hall suddenly became abnormally quiet. Countless eyes looked over, and some people surrounded her.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

The security team here has first-class adaptability, but in a daze, four security guards in uniform rushed over and surrounded Liu Fei.

"Let go of him!" a security guard snapped.

Liu Fei was like a hunting cheetah, his slightly arched body was full of tension, his deep eyes shot out a thrilling cold light, he didn't move, but he didn't let go of his prey either, at this time, the man wearing the black frame The young man with glasses had already been stepped on by him, and his thick combat shoes stepped on the young man's neck. No one would suspect that as long as he stepped on it lightly, the neck would be broken.

At this time, the blonde curly-haired woman was trembling with fright, hiding behind a security guard, looking at Liu Fei with frightened eyes, obviously, she was frightened just now.

"Liu Fei, what are you doing?" Li Wenyan finally came to her senses at this moment, squeezed in from behind the security guard, and asked.

"He wants to kill you." Liu Fei paused every word.

"Why did he kill me...Ah...Charlie..." Li Wenyan covered her mouth and looked at the young man on the ground with an incredulous expression in her eyes.

"Wen Yan save me..."

"Let him go!" Li Wenyan, who was a little panicked, rushed over, knelt on the ground, and hugged the young man's body.

"Are you sure?" Liu Fei frowned at Li Wenyan.

"Let him go!" Li Wenyan seemed to lose control suddenly, stood up abruptly, and shouted at Liu Fei angrily.

Liu Fei didn't speak any more, just let go of his feet silently, and then strode towards the door, the onlookers avoided one after another, a security guard tried to stop him, but was thrown backwards by Liu Fei's punch, and immediately there was a man in military uniform The soldiers came over to prevent other security guards from taking action, and after whispering a few words, Ren Liufei disappeared out of the night...

"Charlie, Charlie, I miss you so much..." Li Wenyan hugged the young man tightly, crying with joy.

"I miss you too." The young man wearing black-rimmed glasses glanced around secretly, seeing that the woman with golden curly hair had disappeared, he felt relieved, patted Li Wenyan's tenderness and said, "Wenyan, where did you go?" ? In order to find you, I searched almost all the planets in the drow star field, even ignoring the danger to this rioting Morton star."

"I was trapped on Drow Star, Charlie, thank you." Li Wenyan's soft and weak body sobbed, it was a kind of joy of reuniting after the rest of her life, this man supported her during those difficult years power down.

"It should be, the days without you, I often have to endure loneliness and loneliness, it is a kind of suffering, a kind of boundless pain, I fantasize about meeting you again every day, recalling the fragrance of your hair, recalling your love Smiling, remembering every bit of you...Wen Yan, from now on, we will never be apart, okay?"


Listening to the whispering love words, feeling the breath of the man beside her ear, tears of happiness flowed down Li Wenyan's face. The cruel world had already left her. At this moment, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

"Wenyan, how did you escape?" Charlie thoughtfully helped Li Wenyan onto the sofa. By this time, the crowd had dispersed.

"It's with Prince Morton... oh, it's with General Danny."

"You know General Danny?"


"That's great, Wen Yan, you must help me. General Danny Morton is expanding the army on a large scale and purchasing munitions. If we can complete this business, we will have no worries in our next life." Charlie was excited road.

"You came to Morton Star to discuss business?" Li Wenyan bit her lip.

"Well... no no... Wen Yan, I'm here to look for you, business is only second, nothing is more important than you, you are my everything, without you, what's the point of making more money? !"

"Thank you, Charlie. I'll introduce General Danny to you later. By the way, how is my father?" Li Wenyan asked.

"Very well, Commander Li has controlled more than 80.00% of the planets in the drow star field, and he is putting pressure on the government-in-exile and judicial institutions such as the Congress and the Senate to amend the country's constitution..."

"Why amend the constitution?" Li Wenyan wondered.

"This... there are rumors from the outside world that Commander Li may want to restore the monarchy..."

"What!!!" Li Wenyan stood up abruptly, her expression changing.


Liu Fei returned to the interstellar port on a large luxurious shuttle boat. He has been living here these days. He prefers to live in a cabin with a metal structure rather than a luxurious hotel.

In fact, this shuttle boat was specially arranged by General Danny for Liu Fei, and Liu Fei was also the only tenant.

The room was pitch-black, with only a little bit of starlight through the half-open porthole, making one feel that the shuttle boat was cruising quietly in the vast night sky.

Liu Fei has been standing by the porthole for two full hours, like a lifeless metal sculpture.

"Haha... you're done, grandma, I never thought that Morton Star's interstellar network defense system is so powerful, it would take so long for a well-educated and talented little brother to enter... Liu Fei, I don't need you to tell me Knowing your affairs, you have no secrets in front of this young master, hehe... Hey, why did you hit someone?...Damn it, the sound collection system is actually turned off, grandma, why don't you play me like this..."

Suddenly, an optical computer behind Liu Fei lit up, and the data stream poured down like a waterfall. The holographic animation image of the small strong optical computer danced in the air, sometimes happy, sometimes cursing loudly.

"It's over, it's over, it's over... Brother Fei, you're finished, Li Wenyan cuckolded you, she's having sex with that pretty boy... It's over, it's over... Hey, Brother Fei, condolences, there are two-legged women in this world It's all over the place, oh, poor boy..."

Liu Fei didn't realize it, his deep eyes were still looking at the night sky, he felt an inexplicable anxiety, and he couldn't find the reason.

"Brother Fei, wait a minute, let this young master analyze your current psychology for you..." After the holographic image of Xiao Qiang's light brain circled around Liu Fei, he immediately sat in front of the light brain. His hands were touching the main control panel in a serious manner.

"Hey, I found it. First, you are a male chauvinist and have an instinctive desire to possess women. Even if that woman doesn't belong to you, you don't want others to get it."

"Secondly, you are a passionate man. As long as you admire a woman, you don't want other men to get involved. As for the reason, you can refer to the first article."

"Third, because you have been with a woman for a long time and have been in love for a long time, when you see this woman showing affection to another man, you will be angry, anxious, and even lose control..."

"Fourth, you are in adolescence, your hormones are too strong, you think about women every day, but you dare not act, and you cannot vent a man's physical desires. This kind of depression makes you suffer from serious mental illness. irritated, emotionally unstable, and tend to resort to violence to solve problems.”


"When can we leave?" Liu Fei interrupted the high-spirited Xiao Qiangguang brain lightly and asked.

"...Brother Fei, we will leave tomorrow, tomorrow, but we have no destination."


"We have to leave General Danny. For him, you are a dangerous element, a potential unstable factor. Didn't you realize that you haven't had close contact with him since you entered Morton Star?"

"En." Liu Fei nodded. He had realized this a long time ago. In the past fifteen days, he had only met General Danny once, and the other party was under layers of protection.

"So, we have to leave General Danny, and we have to bring White Fang and the others. By the way, I forgot to tell you that White Fang and the others have been imprisoned on the Starship Starship, a group of 150 people. The military court is collecting their criminal evidence, including some holographic video clips on Drow and some refugee confessions on Morton. At present, they have found 47 witnesses and huge holographic video evidence. According to this situation development, the chances of them surviving will be very few..."

"How can we save him?" Liu Fei frowned.

"It's a bit difficult to get out of the body, but don't worry, this young master will take care of it for you, hehe!"

Xiao Qiangguangnao's usual smirk appeared again. Looking at that expression, Liu Fei felt an inexplicable sense of security. Every time Xiaoqiangguangnao made a smirk, he must have been [-]% sure.

"Hey, Li Wenyan is here..."

"Dong dong..."

As soon as Xiaoqiang Guangnao finished speaking, there was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Xiaoqiang Guangnao's knowledge disappeared automatically, and the Guangnao also went out.

"Can I... can come in?" Li Wenyan lowered her head, not daring to look into Liu Fei's eyes.


ps: I have a lot of time to code words every day, but I am tired all day long, I just want to sleep, my eyes are sore when I sit in front of the computer, today I drank a can of Red Bull for code words, and a cup of tea accounted for two-thirds of the strong tea , I forcibly finished this chapter, hey...continue to code, there must be a chapter around 12 o'clock.

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