Interstellar arena

Chapter 255 Jose Labor Service Company

Bad luck for White Fang.

However, it is indeed a group of pirates' luck to ask White Fang. Ask another person. If a group of murderous people are angered, they will probably be killed immediately. After all, they are in close contact now. Violently wounding people, although a group of pirates were wearing light armor, they were too vulnerable in front of a group of bullies who could split apart.

In fact, if Liu Fei hadn't seen Liu Fei squatting down obediently, a group of murderous people would have become more aggressive and started killing.

Bai Fang is a smart person, there is no need to doubt that, he is very clear about the current situation, he cannot be quick for a while, naturally, Bai Fang didn't take this sudden kick to heart, he just nodded and bowed his head in a servile manner.

"Hello, everyone, we are refugees from Drow Star. While escaping from Drow Star, the spaceship was attacked by aliens. We escaped here by shuttle boat..."

With a sound of "bang", White Fang was kicked and flew backwards. Immediately, a group of vicious men were ready to move. More than 20 pirates immediately sensed the danger, and quickly pulled the bolt of their guns as if they were facing an enemy.

The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder, but fortunately, Bai Fang got up quickly, with a flattering smile on his face, the group of vicious people fell silent, and the group of pirates couldn't help but heave a long sigh of relief.

"Fart," the one-eyed pirate yelled, "Could it be possible that your barge can space-jump here?"

There is an obvious loophole in White Fang's lie. White Fang said that he was a refugee who escaped from the drow star. In fact, this shuttle boat is unable to perform space jumps. In theory, this shuttle boat will never be possible. Fly here from the drow system.

"Boss is wronged, our spaceship was attacked by aliens after escaping from the drow galaxy and came to this star field..." When it comes to lying and bragging, White Fang is among a group of vicious people, no one can beat him, After being kicked, he immediately got up and complained.

"What?!" The one-eyed pirate's face changed color, and the others also looked at each other in blank dismay. This was the first time they heard of a strange shape in this airspace.

"Boss Mingjian, in the sky, the villain is telling the truth. We were indeed attacked by aliens before we gave up our mothership and wandered in the starry sky. Fortunately, we were rescued by all heroes. I implore all heroes to point out a clear Lu, Bai Ya will be a cow and a horse in his next life to thank all heroes for saving their lives..."


A group of pirates suddenly looked at each other, dumbfounded, this guy looked greasy and greasy, after a few words, they became "heroes", they are not heroes, they are pirates, pirates!

"Be a cow and a horse... Boss..." A pirate muttered, walked to the side of the one-eyed pirate, and whispered something in his ear, which made the one-eyed pirate nod repeatedly, his eyes fixed on a group of murderous men. Stop patrolling, revealing the color of emotion.

"Well, I haven't been a good person a few times in my life, so I just made an exception to do charity once. From your voyage records, it seems that you lost your way seven days ago, and you don't have any voyage logs. Now your target is Koduo Space City. How about it? I’m a good man, I’ll do it to the end and send you to Kodo Space City, but…”

"If you have any requests from the hero, just say so." Bai Fang had a flattering expression on his face.

"Now Kodo Space City is being expanded and requires a lot of labor. Although I, Kunsha, am not a good person, I will not do dark things. Open the skylight to speak honestly. You have worked hard for the space city for three months. What you get The salary belongs to me, Kunsha, and after three months, you will be free, and I will give you a certain amount of travel expenses, and when the time comes, you can go wherever you want, how about it?"

This one-eyed pirate is really a straightforward person, and he directly stated his purpose. In fact, this is the only remaining value of Liu Fei and his group.

Three months!

Three months is not a short period of time.

Bai Ya's small eyes kept turning, observing Liu Fei's reaction. Obviously, this required Liu Fei's consent. However, Liu Fei, who was squatting on the ground and holding his head, did not respond at all. Bai Ya was smart and immediately understood Liu Fei's reaction. Fei has left him to decide.

"The hero's arrangement is very good. We don't have to go out now. It's good if we can hang out in the space city for a while, as long as we have something to eat." In a flash of thought, Bai Fang had already made a decision. In fact, He also has no choice.

"Don't worry about this. Kedo Space City has a good reputation and will sign a formal labor contract with you. The remuneration is also very generous. You are not slaves. Naturally, eating is not a problem, and your freedom will not be restricted. However, the problem is that you can weld. Is it some rough work like that?"

"Yes..." White Fang vowed, the one-eyed pirate never dreamed that this guy knew nothing about welding.

At this time, White Fang didn't have the awareness to be a coolie, he just thought about getting on the pirate ship and fighting back, fighting a turnaround from enslavement to general. Even, White Fang was ready to rob the pirate ship and then travel to the stars.

"Well, that's right. In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't understand. You can train. However, the salary is very low during the training. You must be assessed when the time comes."

The one-eyed pirate didn't fully believe what White Fang said, so he nodded and motioned everyone to go back to their chairs and sit down.

What surprised White Fang and the others was that the one-eyed pirate did not take them to the pirate ship, but drove the shuttle boat directly behind the pirate ship and began to accelerate towards Kodo Space City.

White Fang's plan to rob the pirate ship is shattered!

If they don't board the pirate ship, they can't rob the pirate ship, and they can't even make any changes. The pirate ship that is eyeing the tiger is locked on the feeder ship.

Liu Fei is also at a loss. As long as the one-eyed pirate Kun Sha does not leave the shuttle boat, he will have no way to control the pirate ship. Although the small strong light brain has formulated a series of plans, the risk is as high as 60.00%, including the main force of the capture. Control the light brain, control the pirate ship and so on.

No matter how the small strong optical computer is controlled, the huge number of pirates on the pirate ship is an unstable factor. Moreover, if the pirates find that there is a problem with the main optical computer, they can forcefully turn off the automatic control and switch to manual mode.

Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Fei does not have enough experience to deal with a fully armed space battleship, and he knows nothing about the structure of a space battleship.

If Liu Fei has only a dead end now, even a 50.00% chance of winning is worth taking risks. The key is that these pirates have no intention of killing Liu Fei at all, they just want to squeeze the rest of this group of people value only.

Now, we can only wait for the opportunity.

Fortunately, this group of pirates seemed to know that they had the chance to win, and they did not abuse Liu Fei and the others. Obviously, they needed Liu Fei to cooperate well after arriving in Kodo Space City. Of course, they also vaguely felt that This group of people is not something to mess with. Just the pair of violent eyes makes people dare not look at them closely. It's better not to make extra troubles.

Now, a group of pirates has transformed into a labor service company. The three-month salary for nearly a hundred people is not a small sum, which is full of temptation for a group of pirates.

Seven days later, the pirate ship and the shuttle boat arrived at Kedo Space City. Of course, Bai Fang and the others didn't know about it. Only Liu Fei fed back some information through the small glare optical brain, because they were all confined in the cabin.

"Everyone, we have safely arrived at Kedo Space City. This is the paper contract of our Jose Labor Service Company. Please read the relevant clauses carefully. These clauses are protected by the laws of the major galaxies..."

The one-eyed pirate Kun Sha appeared in the cabin, and a group of pirates distributed a paper contract to everyone. Everyone took the contract and saw that it was actually a formal labor contract. Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, and then laughed again. , This group of pirates has become a regular labor service company, with all the procedures in place, very formal.

In fact, Liu Fei and Bai Ya do not understand the operation of space pirates at all. These pirates will register various shell companies on some unknown planets. In addition to facilitating the sale of stolen goods, these companies will continue to operate according to the needs of the environment. changing their identities.

After a group of people signed the paper labor contract and the electronic labor contract, they left on a small shuttle boat. Obviously, Liu Fei's shuttle boat also became the spoils of war for the pirates.

After entering the bridge with stable air pressure, through the fully transparent portholes, Liu Fei couldn't help being surprised when he saw the pirate ship, because the mottled and dilapidated pirate ship had turned into a merchant ship, with a huge muzzle. It has been hidden, and the mottled hull has turned into a shiny silver-gray. What surprised Liu Fei the most is that there are two huge blue characters "José" written on the hull of the pirate ship.

In addition to being a bit like an old-fashioned space battleship, the Jose is not like a pirate ship at all now. Whether it is the color or the name, it has a strong commercial atmosphere.

A group of pirates have also transformed. They all look like dogs in suits and leather shoes. Apart from the slightly fierce aura between their brows, their gestures and actions are more like employees of a regular company.

When Liu Fei and the others got on the boat and left, the one-eyed pirate Kun Sha disappeared in another miniature shuttle boat. In fact, there was only one pirate driving the small shuttle boat, and all the pirates disappeared.

There seemed to be some distance between the small shuttle boat and Kodo Space City. After sailing for three hours, it finally approached its destination.

For these three hours, Liu Fei did not take any action, and taking action at this time has lost any meaning.

What a big space city!

When Kedo Space City appeared outside the porthole, Liu Fei and a group of murderers couldn't help but marvel. Under the bright starry sky, there was a huge steel fortress. Even in this vast interstellar space, this steel fortress is still Gives a daunting feeling.

As in the legend, Kodo Space City is a huge disc-shaped disc. On the periphery of this disc, there is a ring-shaped bridge that extends for a distance of about ten kilometers, just like a trail on the periphery of the disc-shaped disc. halo.

Liu Fei has a profound knowledge of mechanics, and immediately saw the ingenuity of this space city. The circular bridge can not only be used as a port for connecting ships, but also as an anti-collision device. When the spacecraft hits the circular bridge, the space city can respond immediately.

Liu Fei believes that if the circular bridge is damaged by external forces, the disc-shaped space city with a diameter of 25 kilometers can be separated from the circular bridge, or the target can be destroyed...

Outside the ring-shaped bridge, it seemed very busy, and there were densely packed small shuttle boats moored. Obviously, this Kedo Space City did not allow large shuttle boats to approach.

In fact, this is understandable. For a city in space, any large ship approaching will pose a huge safety hazard. If a collision occurs, it will have catastrophic consequences.

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