Interstellar arena

Chapter 256 Steel Fortress

The small feeder docked with the circular bridge, and after the neckline air pressure was activated, a group of people boarded the circular bridge led by the pirate in suits and leather shoes.

What surprised Liu Fei was that after boarding the circular bridge, there was no one to manage it. That is to say, anyone can enter the circular bridge. There are many rules.

In fact, the circular bridge is a temporary hall with gravity and air pressure suitable for human beings. In the hall, some food and tea are sold, all of which are automatically controlled by machinery. There are many people chatting. Judging from the salutes they carry, it should be It is waiting for the shuttle boat.

After a short rest here, everyone sat on the rail car on the circular bridge. This rail car is fixed, that is to say, there will only be one destination.

Here, what needs to be mentioned is that there are countless air pressure passages between the circular bridge and Kodo Space City, like the tentacles of an octopus, and the rail car is inside the air pressure passage, and you can directly reach Kodo Space City by riding on the rail car.

At the same time, Liu Fei found that he had lost contact with the small strong light brain. It seems that there is a space jammer in this space city, which cut off the signal from the warped space.

Liu Fei can completely understand the installation of subspace jammers in the space city. After all, if a mecha fight occurs in a space city like this, the destructive power of the unscrupulous battle of the tens of tons of mechas is unimaginable. Yes, of course, Liu Fei believes that the space city not only relies on subspace jammers, but also has other preventive measures. .

"Hey, boy, come here." On the rail car, Bai Fang, who had been servile and flattering, suddenly changed his expression, and he raised his legs and shouted arrogantly to the pirate.

"You called me?!" The pirate looked back, for a moment, he couldn't get used to White Fang's face of being a villain.

"It's you, come here!" Bai Fang grinned.


With a sound of "Peng", a murderous person sitting behind the pirate slapped the pirate on the head, and the pirate flew directly from the chair to the middle of the corridor of the rail car. blood.

"Don't think that you will be turned upside down when you arrive in the space city. Let me tell you that in the space city, there are our insiders. As long as you leave the space city, we can take action against you at any time, unless you never leave the Kodo space city for the rest of your life. Hehe..." The pirate was also stubborn, and after getting up, he said with a sinister smile.

"Hehe, we don't want to kill you. We just want to beat you up for nothing. Could it be that you have been guarding outside the space city all your life and waiting for us to go out?" Bai Fang said with a sinister smile.

"Huh, you have signed a formal labor contract with our company. If you breach the contract, you will be detained by Kodo Space City. Of course, you can also hire a lawyer to file a lawsuit. You can even report that we are pirates. However, This requires a long process. According to previous cases, a lawsuit will take at least half a year or even longer, and the probability of your victory is only 50.00%..." This pirate is also an old bird, naturally Not to be frightened by White Fang, he sneered.

Half a year!

Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. No wonder the other party only asked for three months of working time. It turned out that the time was pinpointed so that they were not willing to delay half a year for the sake of three months. Besides, whether it is half a year is still unknown. You know, Interstellar lawsuits need to collect evidence in many interstellar regions, which is very time-consuming and costly. Therefore, except for some large companies and consortiums, ordinary people dare not file interstellar lawsuits.

Seeing everyone's behavior, the pirate showed a smug smile on his face.

"Oh, half a's a bit long. Since we have signed a labor contract with you, we naturally have to abide by the contract. However, if I beat you now, it shouldn't affect our cooperation, right?"

"Ah..." This time, it was the pirate's turn to look dull.

Seeing Bai Fang approaching with a grinning face, the pirate opened his mouth, but couldn't say any harsh words, just as Bai Fang said, they beat him up, it had nothing to do with the contract, looking at the flattering guy Turning his face and not recognizing anyone, he walked over with a smirk on his face, the pirate could only squat on the ground with a wry smile, holding his head...

"Forget it." Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded beside him.

"Brother Fei has spoken, so I'll spare you once." Bai Fang stopped in his tracks, snorted coldly, and returned to his chair.

The pirate was overjoyed and sat down on the chair. At this time, he carefully observed the indifferent young man beside him. These days, he had never seen this young man speak. In fact, not only him, but a group of pirates did not notice Liu. The existence of flying.

It wasn't until this time that the pirate realized that they were wrong. The real leader of this group of guys was this young man who had been silent all this time, because he saw the clue from the respectful eyes of those around him.

It turns out that this is the big fish!

The pirate couldn't help regretting it, if he had known that Liu Fei was the leader, then this group of people would definitely not be simple, maybe they could squeeze out a lot of oil and water, what a pity, what a pity!

The pirates didn't know at all, they didn't know that they had brushed shoulders with death, Liu Fei was not White Fang, even if they insulted Liu Fei the slightest, they would receive a fatal blow...

Amidst the wild thoughts of the pirates, a group of people entered the security inspection room of Kodo Space City. The security inspection room is full of lightly armored and heavily armed security guards. The inspection is very simple, mainly to see if anyone is carrying some smuggled goods.

During the inspection, Liu Fei learned some information about Kedo Space City from the holographic images played around him. In fact, Kedo Space City is a commercial and leisure city with dense air routes, and the goods here need to pay taxes. Apart from the inability to resort to violence, there are few other restrictions.

After confirming everyone's ID cards, the security guards let them go. From the beginning to the end, they didn't ask any unnecessary questions, and they didn't even ask them the purpose of coming here.

In interstellar travel, the identity card is very important. In the seven star fields, every citizen has an identity card bound to the retina and fingerprints. Of course, there will be some black households without ID cards, like this black household , cannot leave the planet of birth for a lifetime, and there is no talk of interstellar travel.

The identity card has another function, which can be used together with the bank card. This binding method can combat many criminal gangs and money laundering organizations. If someone uses the identity card to conduct illegal transactions or violent transactions, they will be pulled by the Federal Bank immediately. Into the blacklist, notify the law enforcement departments of the seven star domains.

Generally speaking, no one will rob the money on the ID card, because robbing the money on the ID card means exposing one's identity.

It is precisely because of this reason that Kun Sha did not check Liu Fei's and their ID cards. Of course, if Kun Sha knew that they had billions of Morton coins on them, he would definitely take risks. In Kun Sha's eyes, Liu Fei and the others are just a group of poor people , did not expect a group of refugees to be rich in money...

As for the space button, Kun Sha has seized quite a few. However, when Kun Sha was on board the barge, some of the wealth Bai Ya and the others robbed from Danny were transferred to Liu Fei's warped space, leaving it to Kun Sha. It's all broken copper and iron, and there are few valuable things.

As for Liu Fei's warping space button, Xiao Qiangguang brain got it from somewhere, it doesn't look like a space button at all, it's more like an ornament.


After the inspection, under the leadership of the pirate, everyone entered a metal corridor.

Liu Fei found that whether it is the circular bridge, the fixed track, or the current metal corridor, its structure is very strong, a large number of triangles are used to fix it, and the armor is also reinforced and thickened flame-retardant composite armor. Dense, almost every 20 meters there will be an air pressure gate.

Vaguely, Liu Fei felt that this space city was unusual.

Although Liu Fei knew nothing about the space city, during the overhaul of the Stein, Liu Fei had a certain understanding of the metal walls of large ships. According to the specifications of the stellar spacecraft like the Stein, then There is no need to make the circular bridge so strong.

At the same time, every place Liu Fei passed was densely covered with holographic monitoring systems. Liu Fei believed that there must be complicated photoelectric circuits inside those solid metal inner walls.

It seems that this is not a commercial city, but a steel fortress!


This corridor is very long, and it has already walked 500 meters, but it has not yet reached the end. Liu Fei can't help but secretly startled, because the depth of this corridor means the thickness of the armor of the space city.

Of course, the armor thickness of any ship cannot exceed 500 meters, and the space city is also impossible, because the lights from the bird's-eye view of the space city show that there are some rooms on the periphery of the space city, but Liu Fei, who has deep welding skills It is very clear that in fact, as long as the gates are closed and the air pressure is blocked, those rooms will instantly become armored floors.

300 m.

500 m.

700 m.

One thousand and six hundred meters.


When walking to 500 meters, a thick steel gate opened, and the space suddenly opened up. When people walked out of the metal corridor, their faces were suddenly dull.

The sky is a huge dome, and the holographic image evolves into blue sky and white clouds, and there is even a sun emitting soft light; the ground is a huge steel city, with towering buildings, criss-crossing streets, and The birds flying among the buildings, the trees alive in the sun...

This is a miracle!

This is a miracle on earth!

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