Interstellar arena

Chapter 282 Terrifying hand speed

Liu Fei entered a whole new realm. Putting aside all distracting thoughts, he inhaled slowly. After inhaling extremely full, he closed his eyes without stopping. After he closed his breath, his eyes were fixed on the fly. , the inhalation or exhalation is extremely fine, and there is no sound of breath coming in and out. At this moment, Liu Fei has reached the highest standard of breathing with the feathers on his nostrils and his life motionless...

Before Ma Dabiao taught the method of breathing, Liu Fei had never heard of the method of breathing. As everyone knows, it is this ignorance that allows Liu Fei to explore countless possibilities of the method of breathing, which makes objects slow, It is also the incidental effect after its exercise breathing.

Everything is possible!

The ignorant are fearless. Many people have limited their imagination because of the education they have received since they were young. Often, many great inventions are not made by scientists, just like the Wright brothers who are aircraft manufacturers. They are not scientists, nor are they experts in mechanics, nor are they Diploma, one of them is in printing business and the other is in bicycle repair shop. It is these two ordinary people who invented the airplane.

Like the Wright brothers, the reformers of the steam engine did not receive systematic education. Watt learned some knowledge of mechanical manufacturing in the factory where his father worked, and worked as an apprentice in a watch shop in London. It is such an ordinary worker who can be seen everywhere. Made a great contribution to the progress of the steam engine.

Liu Fei's knowledge and understanding of Tuna is different from ordinary people. Although it cannot be compared with Wright Brothers and Watt, its substantive meaning is similar.

Breathing is full of magical power, and its attraction to Liu Fei is no less than that of the Wright Brothers' enthusiasm for airplanes. It is this kind of enthusiasm that makes Liu Fei grope for an unusual way in the most common method of breathing. path of……

When the highest standard of breathing with the feathers on the nostrils is reached, in Liu Fei's eyes, everything in time slows down.

In Liu Fei's eyes, the fly with highly oscillating wings became extremely slow. He just stretched out two fingers lightly, and the fly was caught.

Liu Fei didn't even know how shocking the speed his two fingers reached was.

The entire office of the talent distribution center became exceptionally quiet. Everyone was staring blankly at the holographic screen. They had watched the holographic video countless times...

That's right!

The man easily pinched a flying fly with two fingers, with incomparable precision, the optical brain had already calculated the speed of that hand.


After human beings started interstellar development, because of the operation of equipment, especially hand speed, there was a new requirement. After the requirements were met, there were naturally some tests and levels of hand speed.

After hundreds of years of perfection, human hand speed is divided into five s levels, s is the lowest level, sssss is the highest level, and within each level, there are sub-levels, for example, the lowest in the s level is 100s, The highest is 900s, and the same is true for the highest 5s level, the lowest is 100sssss, and the highest is 900sssss.

In human records, there are only three people who have reached the 5s level. Those people are all geniuses. Whether it is interstellar sniping or close combat, they can be called the peak of human speed. Among the three people, two Gain the honor of the God of Fighting.

In fact, even those legendary characters, no one can reach 900sssss. According to historical records, the highest human hand speed can only reach 300sssss. In real life, characters who can reach the [-]s level are already mythical figures.

Someone once said that mecha pilots who have reached the level of fighting masters all have a hand speed of [-]s, but it has never been heard that a fighting master breaks through the hand speed of [-]s.

Many people are easily confused by the various levels and think that it is not difficult to upgrade. In fact, the hand speed of most fighters is hovering at the lowest level. At the SS level, there are very few mecha pilots who can break through the SSS level. The only mech pilots in the space city who have a fighting style have not broken through the SSS level. With a hand speed of 800ss, there is still a very long way to go to break through the sss level. You know, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to improve even a little, just like breaking the world record for sprinting...

Liu Fei's hand speed has reached 900sss, which is infinitely close to the level of a fighting master.

The shock in people's hearts cannot be overstated. A mechanical genius has such terrifying hand speed. The most shocking thing for people is that Liu Fei is only in his 20s.

Undoubtedly, the hand speed of 900sss has far surpassed the hand speed of fighting style.

There was a long silence in the office, and people were still immersed in the amazing speed and couldn't extricate themselves.

Can he pilot a mecha?

Almost everyone has the same question. If this young man can drive a mecha, he is definitely a mecha killer. There is no doubt about it!

"He's going to bet again!"

A person broke the depressing silence, and the main screen immediately changed to a real-time holographic image. On the holographic image, the thin and slender young man turned his attention to the slot machine again.

It's different from the blank look on the holographic screen. However, Liu Fei's brain cells are extremely excited now. When he opened a magical door, he found that according to the adjustment of breathing, he can actually adjust the speed of others arbitrarily. Of course, others still maintained their normal speed, but Liu Fei's suddenly sharpened sense of thought made him feel that other people's movements became slow and dull...

"Liu Fei, your brain region seems to have been stimulated to become more active, congratulations!"

"What excitement?" Liu Fei was just about to insert coins, but he was taken aback and stopped.

"The brain accounts for 2 (percent) of the body weight, but it consumes about 25 (percent) of the oxygen in the human blood. The brain is a high-energy-consuming organ. If the increase in carbon dioxide due to harsh environmental changes, the human brain will It will enter a state of negative energy, and what is needed is more and fresher oxygen to supply and supplement the brain. To improve this state, one can fully use the lungs through abdominal breathing, so as to absorb enough fresh oxygen , provide sufficient oxygen to the brain through the blood, and then the brain can enter an excellent working state and develop unlimited intelligent potential. The so-called abdominal breathing refers to compressing the abdomen to make it concave when exhaling The method of breathing..."

"Just vomit." Liu Fei corrected.

"That's an unscientific statement. However, different routes lead to the same goal. In addition to the breathing method mentioned above to develop the brain region, there is another adjustment method that ordinary people use, such as yawning..."

"Yawning can also develop the brain?" Liu Fei was dumbfounded.

"No, yawning is different from your breathing method. It can only adjust the state of the brain, but cannot develop the brain region. By yawning, you can absorb a lot of oxygen, adjust the oxygen shortage, protect the brain, and fill the brain with energy. The mind will also become sober. When yawning, it will cause a temporary state of tension in the muscles. This state from loose to tight is a good natural exercise. People who are sick or mentally ill almost never yawn. Yawn, congratulations, you are not mentally ill..."

"So that's how it is..." Liu Fei has a very rigorous attitude towards science. He has always been skeptical about some legendary magical skills. anatomy.

"If you want to be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools! The brain is the most powerful tool and weapon for human beings. Liu Fei, you should practice this method of breathing more to stimulate the potential of human beings."

"Tuna can stimulate the potential of the human body?" Liu Fei was immediately refreshed, and the words spoken by Xiao Qiangguang's brain were more credible, which was much better than his own blind groping.

"Of course, human potential includes a wide range, such as attention, logical thinking ability, creative thinking ability, memory, analysis and understanding ability, in addition to these, in terms of physical fitness, it will also have a certain auxiliary effect, for example, your current keen The sixth sense drives you to speed, and now, your sensitivity has reached the speed of a gecko."

"Why the speed of the gecko?"

"You can catch flies with your bare hands. Isn't it the speed of a gecko? Is it the speed of a wild boar?"


"Don't be in a daze all the time, the big and brainless woman next to you can't wait, she fucked herself..."

Liu Fei woke up suddenly, looked around, and saw Lan Xin flushed, dripping with sweat, desperately tossing in coins, while that fat man Lan Zijun was standing around her like an ant on a hot pot , kept persuading Lan Xin, but Lan Xin turned a deaf ear.

"She lost her red eye. It's your turn to be a hero to save the beauty. When that time comes, you can use the whip and candle together... Hehe!" Xiao Qiangguang said with a lewd smile.

ps: Ask for a red ticket!

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