There are not many coins left in Liu Fei's hand, only a few dozen. If calculated according to the amount, it is dozens of federal coins. It seems that he is no different from most tourists who try their luck. It's a world of difference.

In fact, Lan Xin changed a lot of coins, but Liu Fei has been "in a daze", Lan Xin was a little afraid of Liu Fei's indifferent eyes and did not dare to urge her, and she was bored so she played a few games, but ended up getting stuck in it and couldn't extricate herself , the coins in his hand were almost lost. Although the fat man kept preventing Lan Xin from betting, he never tired of exchanging coins for Lan Xin. The fat man's infatuation with Lan Xin was evident.

Liu Fei was too lazy to care about Lan Xin, and began to calm down, his eyes fixed on the fruit colors and numbers on the screen...


The world slowed down in Liu Fei's eyes. Liu Fei began to place bets crazily. The way he bet was breathtaking. He walked slowly along a row of fruit machines. fruit.

That is entirely a keen intuition coupled with massive calculations.

With the crazy sound of "cracking" coins falling, Liu Fei soon became the focus of the crowd. At first, people were just curious, but soon, curiosity turned into surprise, and then surprise turned into shock , because this expressionless young man hardly stopped betting. In fact, he did not win every time, but his winning rate was ridiculously high. The most sluggish person, this young man sometimes He stayed in front of a certain slot machine for a long time, and sometimes he would leave immediately after placing a bet. Those deep eyes seemed to be able to see through the slot machine...


Soon, Liu Fei became a legend. Behind him, several waiters followed behind with trays full of coins, sweating profusely.

Watching Liu Fei keep shuttling in the slot machine, people inexplicably thought of the phrase "flowing clouds and flowing water".

Of course, Liu Fei is not as relaxed and at ease as outsiders seem. He has to memorize the combination of suits from countless bets. This is an extremely brain-consuming activity. It is absolutely impossible to find the data you need from the massive amount of information.

All data is fleeting, and Liu Fei must seize every opportunity, because in order to obtain the highest accumulated bonus, he must place a large number of bets, and a large number of bets means that the cost is very high. For such a high-cost expenditure, Liu Fei must win continuously, he cannot lose, and losing will only make him enter a vicious circle.

Both Lan Xin and Lan Zijun were stunned, foolishly following behind Liu Fei like puppets.

In the office of the talent distribution center, dozens of faces were completely petrified, and dozens of pairs of eyes showed incredible light...

The entire casino suddenly fell into extreme silence. All the gamblers stopped gambling and followed around Liu Fei. Wherever Liu Fei went, they followed there. There were crowds of people, and the gamblers gradually became more emotional. , every time Liu Fei wins a lottery, someone will cheer loudly.

In fact, here, gamblers have a common enemy, and that is the casino.

For the vast majority of gamblers, although they are keen on gambling, they hate casinos that eat people and don't spit out their bones. Now that someone is sweeping the casino so heartily, it is tantamount to giving them a bad breath.

Now, gamblers want to see what measures the casino will take, and even many people are gearing up to fish in troubled waters...

The security guards of the casino gathered together, and everyone had serious expressions on their faces. It was obvious that something big would happen today.

The security warning system of the casino has been activated long ago, the powerful database of the space city has been activated, the huge gears of the space city casino have started to operate, and all the information about Liu Fei has been gathered bit by bit.

For a casino, the famous scammers in the seven star domains will have detailed records, and many casinos will share and exchange some cheating information.

What makes the casino feel strange is that there is no gambling record about Liu Fei, and even Liu Fei has never left Zall Star...

After human beings entered the interstellar migration, there are more and more cheaters with high IQ, which makes people hard to guard against. However, the real cheaters generally do not choose giant casinos like Space City, because such casinos will have masters sit in town.

However, the casino now encountered a problem, because Liu Fei chose a slot machine, and the slot machine controlled the winning rate by the machine, and it was impossible to modify the program of the machine in full view.

In an office, a group of managers are already battered.

"He must be stopped!" The manager of the casino lobby stared at the hologram tightly.

"But, he didn't cheat..." the security captain hesitated for a moment.

"Have you done less of this kind of thing?" The manager snorted coldly, and glanced at the security captain with a pair of gloomy eyes.


The security captain opened his mouth and didn't say anything after all. He really wanted to tell the idiot manager that in the past this kind of thing was dealt with mainly because it wasn't such a sensation. The gamblers didn't even know it. The customers all stared at the young man and swept all the way. If the security guards were sent to stop him without a proper reason, it would definitely arouse public outrage.


The atmosphere in the lobby became more and more frenzied. When Liu Fei swept away more than 2000 million federal coins at a time, the entire casino was in a commotion, and people screamed and reveled, as if they had won.

At this time, the casino no longer provides Liu Fei with coins, but a smart card, and Liu Fei can place a bet as long as he enters the points.

In fact, at this time Liu Fei has not participated in the betting, and everything is done by the small strong light brain.

Although Liu Fei's winning rate is very high, there is still a big gap with the Xiaoqiang Optical Brain. The powerful computing power of the Xiaoqiang Optical Brain makes it almost impossible. Every time, it is small and big, and there is very little waste time.

In less than half an hour, a row of tigers had been completely mopped up by Liu Fei, and the hall was crowded with people. Many people and gamblers in the VIP room came out to watch the excitement. There were huge crowds of people, as if it was a festival.

"Hey, Liu Fei, from now on, you will never enter the casino to gamble again." Xiaoqiang Guangnao gloated suddenly.

"Why?" Liu Fei was taken aback and asked.

"As early as the Earth Era, some casinos had a mysterious blacklist. In the early 1990s, there was a classic case in which a group of college students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology organized a 'Blackjack Team' to deal with '21 blacklists' in casinos. Points' game. On the blackjack table, gamblers can count the cards, and according to the situation of the previous cards dealt down, they can guess the probability of big cards in the future, so as to adjust their bets. The members of the '21 point group' use mathematical principles to use A method of card calculation found the 'trick' of winning the dealer, helping gamblers predict the odds of winning. They regularly go to the Las Vegas casino in the United States to try their skills, and they come back with big wins every time. The blackjack group Every year, some talented students majoring in mathematics or engineering are recruited to participate, so as not to be spotted by the casino. Later, the security personnel of the casino recognized some members in the MIT yearbook, followed the clues, and included the members of the blackjack group blacklist, denying them access to major casinos, and after that, the blackjack group gradually declined..."

"So powerful?" Liu Fei looked fascinated, and one could imagine how passionate the blackjack team was at the time in the casino.

"You are no worse than them. In fact, playing blackjack is just a child's play. On the blacklist, in addition to the huge list of scammers, there is also the official list provided by the Gambling Administration. One category is people with various criminal records, repeat offenders, Fugitives, wanted criminals... The other type is people from underground money houses, who launder money through casinos, often place large sums of bets without any rules, and disperse all chips as soon as possible... Of course, people like you are really scary, Because, you don't need to pay a thousand dollars at all, you can use your brain to calculate, or use extraordinary acumen to judge, casinos are the most troublesome for people like you, usually, they will use two methods for people like you... …hey-hey……"

"What method?" Liu Fei felt an inexplicable pressure when he heard Xiaoqiang Guangnao's creepy laughter.

"The first is Huairou, bribery. The casino will offer you generous terms to recruit you, enshrine you, and build a place for the casino. If you meet a master or a scammer, you are obliged to take action and settle these things for the casino. ..."

"What about the second type?" Liu Fei is not interested in the first type. He is not a person who likes to be restrained. He yearns for a free and unrestrained life.

"The second is to refuse you to enter the casino, not just one casino, but all the casinos in the Seven Star Regions, because people like you are the biggest threat to the casino, and the casino will usually share information with other casinos immediately, Presumably after today, you will be at the top of the blacklist of all casinos, and any casino in the seven star fields will refuse your entry!"

"Is there a third possibility?" Liu Fei has no interest in the second one, and he has never thought of living by casinos. He yearns for passionate battles more than this manic casino.

"Yes! The third method is much simpler, physically destroying the opponent. Of course, casinos generally don't take such extreme measures. After all, the first and second methods are enough to solve the problem!" Xiao Qiangguang's brain He said gloomyly: "They are coming!"

"Dear sir, our manager would like to speak with you."

A tall white man in a suit walked up to Liu Fei and bowed politely, with a look of humility, but there was a hint of toughness between his brows. Behind this white man, there were two The black man in a black suit, even though he was wearing a black suit, could still feel the tyrannical body underneath, which was not inferior to Joseph's figure. Just standing there gave people a suffocating pressure.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense, and some gamblers showed obvious hostility on their faces...

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