Interstellar arena

Chapter 287 Bloody Dungeon

Because the silver mech fought against the black man, causing huge losses in the space city. Everyone in the space city was panicked, and everyone was in danger, and the rumors about the alien attack were like a swarm of poisonous bees wandering in everyone in the space city. At the corner, some merchant ships began to leave, and some tourists also waited for passing passenger ships on the circular bridge on a large scale.

The dungeon is even more chaotic, wars are everywhere, violent aesthetics is tormenting every corner of the dungeon, death and destruction are everywhere, all kinds of cold weapons are scattered on the ground, and broken corpses fall to death In the criss-crossing underground city, there is a strong smell of blood in the air, making people sick.

The fuse of the chaos in the dungeon came from the glass gold purchased by Liu Fei.

When Bai Ya and his group arrived at the booth Liu Fei mentioned, a group of big men were proudly carrying Liuli Jin.

Bai Fang was such a character, he was good at cheating and abducting. Although he didn't know Liulijin, he could tell what a group of big men were doing from the expressions on their faces.

There was almost no communication, and the two gangs started fighting after a few words of disagreement. At the beginning, Bai Fang and the others were able to restrain their desire to kill, but when the whole street surrounded them, Bai Fang and the others The evil lurking in his heart broke out and began to kill.

In the dungeon, there are no advanced weapons, it is completely the era of cold weapons, and this environment is simply an ideal combat environment tailored for Joseph and the others. A group of people are killing like cheetahs in the dungeon, and their tyrannical bodies are rampaging like armored vehicles. Invincible, just a few minutes, this street has already been killed by them, the blood flowed like a river, and the corpses were strewn all over the place...


Because the time when Joseph White Fang and the others killed in the dungeon was not much different from the time when Liu Fei fought the colorful aliens, the space city was already in a state of desperation, and with the main control light brain turned off, there was no time to worry about the chaos of the dungeon.

Fortunately, White Fang restrained Joseph and the others, otherwise, a group of vicious men would be able to kill them, and this dungeon did not know how many innocent souls would die.

The opportunity to really end the battle is the appearance of an ancient mecha, which is at least hundreds of years old. Of course, no matter how old the mecha is, people think that it is definitely not steel that human beings can fight against Monster, when the thugs in the dungeon saw the appearance of the mech, they immediately burst into cheers, thinking that the battle was about to end.

This ancient mecha is the only advanced weapon in the dungeon, and it is also the weapon of the dungeon. If it encounters unbalanced outsiders, the dungeon will use this mecha to attack or threaten the opponent.

However, a terrifying scene appeared. When the mech made a rumbling sound and rushed towards it, a giant man rushed towards the rusty mecha like a bison, and kicked up directly. It weighed dozens of tons. The mecha actually made a "click" sound and collapsed. Then, the giant man picked up a metal block weighing hundreds of kilograms from the side of the street and smashed it wildly. The cockpit of the mecha was immediately riddled with holes. , twisted and deformed, and the thick armor plates were cracked and turned outwards. It is certain that the driver has no possibility of surviving.

It was Iron Rod, the number one expert among Bai Fang's group, who made the move!

The people who besieged Bai Fang and the others saw that the mechs were smashed into a pile of scrap iron by this group of vicious men, and their nerves collapsed completely. People who kill mechs with bare hands fight...


The crowd came and went quickly, and the raging crowd on the street disappeared miraculously. If it wasn't for some corpses lying here and there on the messy ground and the bloody smell in the air, White Fang and the others almost doubted whether they were dreaming.

However, the street did not become empty, except for the tourists who watched with gusto from afar, some people were still huddled behind the stalls, guarding their own property, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at White Fang from behind those goods. Even some children are too frightened to be distressed, their eyes reveal boundless fear...

Bai Fang didn't know anything about the order of the dungeon, but he seemed born to eat the food of the underworld. After interrogating several people one after another, he quickly figured out the general situation of the dungeon.

It seems that the underground city is a free port independent of the space city, but in fact, the underground city is just a place to sell stolen goods. The forces entrenched in the underground city have behind-the-scenes bosses. Except for some smugglers, most of them are space pirates spokesperson.

Under the fearful eyes of the residents of the dungeon, Bai Fang began to call on some disadvantaged groups. Bai Fang is familiar with doing this kind of thing. The battle just now has proved their strength. Those disadvantaged groups who have been oppressed for a long time have attached themselves to Bai Fang Around them, of course, there were also some small forces that took advantage of the wind and fished in troubled waters, and they also approached Bai Fang and the others.

With White Fang and the others as their strong backing, those seemingly honest and vulnerable groups suddenly showed their ferocious fangs. They were more ruthless and cruel than White Fang and the others. Moreover, they understood the power structure of the dungeon very well. Under the guidance, White Fang quickly re-established the game rules of the dungeon. In just a few hours, the dungeon experienced a bloody reshuffle. Either the elder brother was killed, or he surrendered to White Fang and the others. By the time the space city wanted to take action, the entire dungeon had already been settled...

Strictly speaking, it is impossible for Bai Fang and his group to change the power structure of the dungeon in a short period of time, but Bai Fang cleverly used the contradictions in the dungeon itself, and they themselves only appeared as a backing to break this pattern It's much easier.

Among them, the most important thing is that the forces in the dungeon are all controlled by the remote control of the outside world, and their cohesion is very poor. The appearance of this airborne external force immediately broke the balance, and the original pattern collapsed in an instant.

It is worth mentioning that White Fang is only in control of the dungeon for a short time at present, and he is still blind to the business of the dungeon. It will not be achieved overnight if he wants to completely control the dungeon.

Bai Fang didn't think so far, he didn't plan to live in the dungeon forever, only after being rescued by Liu Fei from the gallows of the starship Xingyao last time, Bai Ya and the others had a kind of feeling for Liu Fei. Almost fanatical trust, they believe that it is absolutely impossible for Liu Fei to abandon them. Besides, compared with the dangerous situation last time, this time is much easier. They only owe "a little" money, and Liu Fei has nothing No ability, that "little" money is definitely not a problem...

As for after they left the dungeon, White Fang didn't think about it either. According to White Fang, "Never mind our business!".

However, Bai Fang still did some things, taking all those unowned things as his own, especially some rare metals, which was the most important thing. This was something Liu Fei personally instructed, so naturally he dared not slack off.

What Bai Fang didn't expect was that after he completely controlled the bustling streets of the underground city, the people on the ground immediately got the news, and a steady stream of people began to contact him, and those marginalized forces seemed to have a premonition that Bai Fang They wouldn't stay for long, and began to add insult to injury unscrupulously, cleaning out their opponents and some potential threats, which made White Fang even more busy, because some wait-and-see forces had no choice but to find White Fang for protection...


Just when Bai Ya was enjoying the spring breeze in the dungeon, the battle between Liu Fei and Qian Wanwan became fierce. Qian Wanwan's snow-white robe was already soaked, and his long beard was also stuck together. The bones are extraordinary and dusty, and a pair of sharp eyes are extremely heavy.

The mountain of bargaining chips on Qian Wanwan's chest has become less and less, and the frequency of the decrease is accelerating.

The speed of the betting between the two is also getting faster and faster, like a storm, the croupier is already sweating profusely, because the speed is so fast, the hands of the dealing cards are trembling, he feels like he is facing two majestic Gao Shan, the overwhelming pressure made his nerves tense all the time, and he felt that he was on the verge of collapse.

No one understands the risks of this kind of fight without gunpowder smoke. This is no longer a gamble. It is all about memory. With calculation power, the faster the speed, the greater the consumption of brain power...

The two of them had already forgotten the outcome, and they were just betting mechanically. Every time they bet, they could easily be over [-] million, or at least tens of millions. Looking into each other's eyes, there seemed to be an invisible force between the two of them.

Jia Hong and the others who were onlookers also felt breathless, and felt a sense of suffocation. If they hadn't been driven by strong curiosity, otherwise, they would have been unable to bear the oppressive atmosphere and got up and left.

What is different from Qian Wanwan's embarrassment is that from the beginning to the end, Liu Fei's body remained in one posture, as if a rock was motionless, only his arms moved, and his eyes were as deep as the vast starry sky, boundless.

In Liu Fei's eyes, Qian Wanwan is just a one-horned antelope...

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