Interstellar arena

Chapter 288 Mental Power and Six Consciousnesses

In Liu Fei's eyes, Qian Wanwan is a plump one-horned antelope. However, Qian Wanwan never thought of himself as a fat sheep. He always thought that he was a wolf lurking in the darkness.

The information obtained by the small strong optical computer from the main control optical computer is not comprehensive. Most of the information about Qian Wanwan recorded in the main control optical computer of Space City is full of praise. But notorious, relying on a group of mercenaries to amass money everywhere, arrogant and domineering, rampant in the seven star fields, and later defeated by the number one gambling god Berg, after being abandoned by a group of mercenaries, because there is nowhere to go, Only then lived in space city.

Qian Wan is suspicious by nature, he always seeks vengeance, and likes to kill everything. Most of his enemies fall into insanity, because Qian Wan has a special ability, that is, the ability to control the mind.

Regarding spiritual power, most ordinary people think that spiritual power refers only to personal perseverance. In fact, spiritual power is an idea, an invisible force released by the brain tissue of a living body.

Many sciences in the seven star domains use spiritual power as the subject of research.

Spiritual power is divided into two parts, one part is blood spiritual power, which exists in the brain, and the other part is air sense spiritual power, which exists beside the heart, including above the chest.This time, the spiritual power of blood is collectively referred to as spiritual power, and the spiritual power of air sensation is collectively referred to as magic power.What is spiritual power, do you have spiritual power?Generally speaking, the vast majority of people cannot see things with their eyes closed. Even those with space abilities can't see, they can only perceive them, while people with strong mental power can perceive things coming from the front through their brains. Information, and then generate images in the brain...

Just when Liu Fei had the upper hand, suddenly, a strange scene appeared, Qian Wanwan closed his eyes.

When Qian Wanwan closed his eyes, the expressions of the group of gamblers in the VIP room suddenly changed, and even Jia Hong's face changed color.

Anyone who knows a little bit of gossip knows that Qian Wan has a very special ability. Not only can he see through poker, but he can also kill people invisible.

"Liu Fei, concentrate and beware of him attacking you with mental power!" Xiaoqiang Guangnao's voice that should have been joking became serious.

"Psychic power can attack people?" Liu Fei was taken aback. He has received strict mental power training, such as concentration and perseverance, which are all types of mental power. The soldering iron head once asked Liu Fei to catch the flight trajectory of flies in the downtown , and once felt the direction of sandworms in the desert, and even used cruel physical torture to stimulate the body's keen ability, but Liu Fei never knew that mental power could hurt people.

Strictly speaking, the bracketed arc is also a kind of mental power, but even at the peak moment of Liu Fei using the bracketed arc, Liu Fei can only use the bracketed arc to activate the brain wave signal to observe the external environment. It cannot be formed into a substantial force to attack the enemy.

Just when Liu Fei asked, a trace of extremely aggressive mental power enveloped him, Liu Fei felt his brain was corroded, and his thinking became dull...

"Mental power can sometimes be referred to as external consciousness. External consciousness refers to the degree of sobriety and responsiveness of people's brains to external things in their behavior. When the level of external consciousness is the highest. Intention refers to the activities that people treat or deal with objective things, manifested as desire, desire, hope, intention, etc. Intention is the tendency of individuals to respond to attitude objects, that is, the state of readiness for behavior, and the readiness for attitude The object responds to a certain extent, so it is a behavioral tendency, or intention, or intentional movement. When human spiritual power reaches a certain level, it can impose this intention on others, which is similar to hypnosis. , of course, its power is several times stronger than hypnosis..."

"From a biological point of view, in the adaptive activities of organism survival, the side of subjectivity produced by the developed central nervous system can be called consciousness. Brain physiologists believe that sleep is the result of the rhythmic activity of the central nervous system, while Loss of consciousness is caused by an obstacle in the awakening mechanism. Among the theories about the brain parts that have a great relationship with maintaining consciousness, some focus on the cerebral cortex, some believe that it is closely related to the diffuse projection system of the thalamus, and some believe that it is in the The central part of the diencephalon and midbrain has a central brain system centered on the thalamus, some believe that it is related to the ascending activation system of the reticular structure, and some believe that it is related to the activation system of the hypothalamus..."

"Brother Qiang, can you be more concise?" Liu Fei wanted to cry, but the other party's waves of aggressive mental power were like quicksilver, pervasive, his brain felt like being pierced by needles, and Xiao The strong light brain is still chattering about some meaningless professional knowledge.

"Yes, to put it simply, apart from some special materials that can shield mental power, human beings currently have no way to resist this kind of external mental power attack. The only way is to activate their own mental power to fight tit for tat..."


Liu Fei was speechless for a long time. After talking for a long time, he didn't say anything. Immediately, Liu Fei focused on fighting, and his movements began to slow down. , Liu Fei felt his thinking became clear again...

The VIP room was so weird that it was suffocating. Qian Wanwan and Liu Fei closed their eyes one after another, and the whole VIP room fell silent.

The hustle and bustle of the world seemed to be far away from Liu Fei, and his six senses became extremely clear, and one after another images formed and shattered in his mind, and then formed, and then shattered, and gradually formed a perfect picture after another ...

A stern smile appeared on the corner of Liu Fei's mouth, full of fighting spirit.

In the eyes of others, the rock-like Liu Fei is like a cheetah with tense muscles, and an extremely dangerous aura pervades the surroundings.

Slowly, slowly, the mental power controlled by the bracketed arc step and the breathing method became condensed, as if it were real. To Liu Fei's surprise, his six senses were able to see many things through obstacles. Things, skulls, ribs, blood vessels, and even Liu Fei saw Qian Wan's beating red heart. It was a strong and powerful heart, a heart that didn't match his age...


Liu Fei's heart skipped a beat. The poker in front of Qian Wanwan was as transparent as the numbers, and he also saw some poker hidden in some very hidden places on Qian Wanwan's body.

Liu Fei's stern smile turned into a trace of murderous intent, and the slightly raised corners of his mouth gave off the cruelty of a carnivore.

The control of mental power has gradually become proficient, the battle began to develop according to Liu Fei's rhythm, and the extremely aggressive mental power began to become restless.

Impressively, Liu Fei sensed that something was wrong. The mental power, which was shaped like a gossamer and as sharp as a blade, began to twist and weave into an airtight network. His six senses were imprisoned in an extremely small space by the layers of networks. , the ability to see through suddenly disappeared, and what made Liu Fei feel the crisis most was that the network woven by mental power began to compress his six senses, locked, and the feeling of brain being corroded came back again...



In addition to the invisible battle, the betting on the gambling table was still going on at an extremely fast speed, and the balance of victory began to tilt towards Qian Wan. Liu Fei had already lost several rounds in a row, and the chips on his chest began to decrease sharply.

There was a smug smile on Qian Wanwan's face. For him, he was already invincible, and he was able to completely control the opponent's points to get whatever he wanted. However, Liu Fei's mental strength full of resilience was still He was shocked. Of course, he didn't take it seriously. He still has absolute confidence in the control of spiritual power. Besides, Liu Fei's jerky resistance is enough to prove that his understanding of spiritual power is still in a state of enlightenment...

Liu Fei was startled, he didn't have time to think, and felt the thicker and thicker barrier, if he didn't break through, after being imprisoned by the invisible barrier, it would be a disaster.

Almost instinctively, Liu Fei took advantage of his excellent perception, and began to mobilize his six senses to find gaps, constantly changing the trajectory of his mental power. At the same time, Liu Fei's six senses began to condense in a strange and disorderly manner. The lines are staggered rather than widely dispersed.

Suddenly, Liu Fei felt that his six senses began to change at an astonishing speed, and the network woven by the spiritual power suddenly became riddled with holes. Gradually, gradually, Liu Fei's six senses turned against the guest and began to disturb the spiritual Prepared barrier.

Qian Wanwan's complacent face became serious, his clear vision disappeared, and Liu Fei's six senses that can be touched and gone made him spend a lot of time, he had to distract himself, and began to control his mental power to encircle and suppress Liu Fei. Fei's keen six senses, what is worth mentioning here is that Liu Fei and Qian Wan's understanding of spiritual power is fundamentally different, and Liu Fei tends towards the six senses of spiritual power.

If you want to defeat this young man, you must defeat his spiritual power.

This is a battle without gunpowder, and only the two people in it know the danger.

Qian Wanwan's spiritual power is thick and long, and Liu Fei's six senses are ghostly and erratic. The two chased each other crazily, and danger abounded...

"Crack, click..."

Just as everyone watched the two of them close their eyes and kept betting, suddenly, the luxurious marble gambling table burst into cracks, and then, cracks appeared like spider webs, and an explosive killing spirit appeared. Like the essence, it came out of Liu Fei's body.


Both of them opened their eyes at the same time...

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