Interstellar arena

Chapter 300 Victory

The battle in the vast space has been broadcast to every corner of the space city, and people hold their breath watching the thrilling silent explosion.

Liu Fei had already stopped his research, his body remained motionless, and his eyes were fixed on the raging space war.

This is Star Wars!

Looking at the dazzling beams of light and the brilliant sparks of the explosion, Liu Fei felt an unprecedented shock. Compared with mecha fighting, air combat is more brutal and hot. It is a completely destructive battle. As long as you are hit, It is death, there is no fluke at all, in the crazy shooting, the operation skills seem insignificant, and the strength of science and technology is the factor that determines the outcome...

For a long time, Liu Fei had no concept of space warfare. Even when the space city was besieged, the sense of urgency in the desperate situation was not very strong. He even had time to study r-energy armor. In fact, he did not I didn't think about the seriousness of the destruction of the space city.

Liu Fei's mentality is like that of humans in ancient times, predicting disasters every day, but humans have never taken disasters seriously, should pollution be pollution, luxury should be luxury, and they will never change themselves because of those predicted disasters Current status of life.

In fact, the battle between the space city and the pirates is not a large-scale space war at all. The battle between nearly a hundred refitted pirate ships and a group of poisonous bee-class miniature warships looks dazzling, but it does not fully reflect the magnificence of the space battle. And cruelty, not to mention the magnificent visual impact, but the impact on Liu Fei is lifelong.

Liu Fei finally understood the essential difference between space group warfare and mecha combat.

In space wars, individual heroism is insignificant, and more needs to be coordinated. Just like those poisonous bee battleships, a poisonous bee battleship poses no threat to a pirate ship with an energy shield opened, just like It's ridiculous for an ant to shake an elephant, but when dozens or even hundreds of poisonous bee warships shoot at each other, the light beams formed by the salvo become extremely terrifying...

At the same time, Liu Fei discovered that the application of high technology in air combat has been brought into full play. From the holographic scan of the space city, it can be clearly seen that some pirate ships have very powerful stealth functions, and some poisonous bee warships passing by them are unexpectedly Can't find it.

And the energy shields of some battleships are so powerful that they can resist a single salvo from dozens of poisonous bee warships.

In the raging air battle, most of the first pirate ships to be destroyed were low-level modified pirate ships, and those battleship-level pirate ships were almost unscathed.

As the observation deepened, Liu Fei began to pay attention to some details. Liu Fei found that the space war was not what he thought, and the victory was determined entirely by powerful weapons and technological power. Pirate ships that made some tactical actions seemed to survive more easily, even in Under the intensive artillery fire at the speed of light, the pirate ship can still do some technical maneuvers to evade, or adjust the flight posture, try not to expose the hull to the fire attack of the poisonous bee battleship, and use the thick energy of the ship's bow Cover and armor to face the salvo of the Bumblebee battleship...


Gradually, Liu Fei became calm from being intoxicated in the chaotic space battle. His brain began to silently calculate the difference between the technical moves made by the pirates and the mech fighting. It also cooperated very well, and kept providing some technical parameters for Liu Fei's reference and comparison.

With the help of the parameters provided by Xiaoqiang Optical Brain, Liu Fei's understanding of space warfare became more thorough.

No one knows how far-reaching the impact of this space war on Liu Fei is, and some of Liu Fei's ideas on space wars also originated from this space war, which is not grand in scale, especially between large warships and small warships. The gap has a more intuitive awareness and understanding.

Strictly speaking, due to the small size of the individual and the limitation of weapon lethality, the poisonous bee battleship is not a threat to the pirate ship at all. However, the poisonous bee battleship is superior in quantity and flexible mobility. Most importantly, the naval gun of the pirate ship has an energy The process of accumulating and stimulating the energy can be as short as a few seconds or as long as a few minutes. Although they can fire alternately, the number of naval guns cannot pose a threat to the poisonous bee battleship, and the poisonous bee battleship can shoot continuously without accumulating energy at all...

Liu Fei thought of General Danny's Xingyao starship, and finally understood why Xingyao was equipped with a large number of wolf pack-class warships.

If the enemy the Venomous Bee battleship is facing is the Xingyao starship, even if the Xingyao starship does not fire a single shot, the Venomous bee battleship cannot destroy the Xingyao, because the Xingyao has a huge number of The wolf pack-class warships are protecting the surroundings. In front of the wolf pack battleships that are not inferior in flexibility, the poisonous bee warships cannot gather together and shoot salvos. However, a single poisonous bee warship shooting a large warship is like a mosquito against a giant. The threat is negligible.

To put it simply, if the pirates have a large number of small warships to contain the poisonous bee warships, and then supported by the firepower of large warships, the battle situation will be greatly improved.

It seems that this is also the reason why the interstellar motherships have mixed fleets.

I don't know how shocking the Xingyao interstellar mothership battle group was during the space war? !

Just when Liu Fei was thinking wildly, suddenly, a beam of light with a diameter of at least several meters illuminated the entire night sky, like a flash of lightning, and the huge beam directly hit a battleship-class pirate ship. There was no suspense. The center fell apart, and a huge flame rose...

Before Liu Fei woke up from the palpitating huge light beam, several huge light beams shot out from the space city and hit the pirate ship. As those light beams lit up, a series of chain explosions were triggered in space, Forming a circle of shock waves that can be seen by the eye, the momentum is overwhelming and extremely frightening.

After several beams of light appeared in succession, the pirates seemed to have fallen into a great panic, and began to flee in all directions in a panic. When fleeing, they dropped densely packed bombs in space. After the bombs exploded, they formed groups of white mist-like substances. The shape began to spread radially in all directions, which was spectacular, like blooming flowers, full of mystery in the night sky...

"what is that?"

"That's the giant cannon of the space city. Even the starship mothership can't hold a single shot. Those garbage pirate ships will naturally have to run away." Xiao Qiangguang brain said hehe.

"What are those foggy substances?"

"Nano metal powder can form short-term signal pulses, can interfere with holographic scanning, can interfere with optical scanning, mainly to prevent the enemy from locking on when fleeing, but it is not very effective in air combat, and it is easy to interfere with yourself , and, because of the vastness of space, space battleships fly extremely fast, and their effect is very limited... oh...but, it is still useful here..."


"The space city is very clumsy. Compared with the pirate ship, it is almost stationary. As long as the pirate ship keeps throwing nano-metal powder, the nano-metal powder will spread at a constant speed after the explosion. It can form a series of barriers, and the monitoring system of the space city will not be able to lock the pirate ship, hey, what a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that the satellites around the space city were destroyed by pirates. Otherwise, no pirate ship would be able to escape under the cannons of the space city. It's a pity..." Xiaoqiang Guangnao said with great regret.

"Why is there no large battleship in the space city?"

Liu Fei has always been puzzled by this question. With the strong financial resources and technological strength of the space city, it is not difficult to build large-scale space battleships. Even if there are only a few powerful warships cruising around, the relationship between the space city and the pirates Combat would not be so embarrassing, the fact is that the space city seems to have given the defense task to the tiny poisonous bee battleship which is not suitable for large-scale space warfare.

"Brother, Space City is a city, a free city. According to the constitution of the Human Federation Organization, no organization or individual other than the state can own a space battleship."

"But... hasn't the Human Federation been disbanded?" Liu Fei rubbed his head and asked embarrassingly.

"Wuuu... Brother Fei, the Federation of Humanity has always existed, but it has no real power and is emptied by the seven star fields. Oh, except for the Milky Way, it should be controlled by the six star fields and become a puppet. Many laws Although the system exists in name only, if a place like Space City violates the law, the six star regions will initiate federal legal sanctions."

"Oh..." Liu Fei suddenly realized, and immediately asked: "How will they punish?"

"There are many ways to go. For example, it is strictly forbidden for the country's commercial spacecraft to stay in the space city. Of course, that is not the main thing. The most important thing is the embargo of weapons, food, technical equipment and other items, as well as the technical blockade; the interruption of diplomatic relations and personnel exchanges ; to reduce or suspend loans, trade, aid, etc., which will deal a fatal blow to the space city..."



"Yeah, we won, we won!"

Just when Xiao Qiangguang brain was literacy for Liu Fei, suddenly, there was a sound of carnival celebration outside the laboratory. At this time, Liu Fei realized that the space war was over. In the vast space, teams of poisonous The bee warships are cruising in battle formations, and there are warship wrecks floating everywhere in the air, some of which are still burning, which looks shocking...

ps: Brothers and sisters, pay attention, "Interstellar Jianghu" will start to be divided into volumes in the next chapter. In addition, please support with red tickets!

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