Interstellar arena

Chapter 301 Never Give Up

What a character Chen Gao is!

The Chen Gao family has power all over the world, and the mechs they produce monopolize 70.00% of the market share in the seven star domains. Among them, the manufacture of luxury ships also occupies a certain share, and they have extremely extensive influence in energy, smelting, and finance. It is no exaggeration to describe it as rich and powerful.

No matter in the Deman galaxy or in the other six star fields, Chen Gao has a lofty status.Chen Gao has a wide range of friends, and there are countless heroes who visit him every day.And Chen Gao is a high-ranking man with human rights, he is very particular about enjoying life, he likes luxury and ostentation, the gold and silver in the mansion are piled up like mountains, and the servants and maids are like clouds. Standing aloft and taking the lead, people arouse a sense of awe.

Iron guards and beauties, one strong and one soft, give people a strong visual impact, and the whole hall is like a resplendent fairy palace.This kind of extravagant and noble ostentation made every visitor dizzy and envious, thinking that it would be worthwhile for a person to do this.

Facing Chen Gao's extravagant ostentation, all heroes in the world became flattered.

Different from the arrogance on the outside, Chen Gao is still very good at recruiting talents. He likes to suppress first and then promote, so that the person he wants to win is flattered. After achieving the goal, it will naturally get twice the result with half the effort.

When the Fox was approaching the Sid star field, Chen Gao had already made clear what happened on the Fox, and he also had a certain understanding of the mercenary group in the Age of Mythology.

In fact, Chen Gao valued the Age of Mythology Mercenary Corps very much.

In order to attract the mercenary group from the Age of Mythology, Chen Gao specially arranged a huge welcome ceremony and mobilized the entire fleet of the Chen Gao family.

Asking Chen Gao to dispatch the entire family's fleet to welcome the mercenary group from the Age of Mythology shows how much he attaches importance to Liu Fei.

Of course, in this emphasis, there is also a threat of force.

This kind of threat of force is familiar to Chen Gao. Many world-renowned heroes will feel small and inferior when they see their Chen Gao family's super fleet.

While showing force, it is actually a psychological game.

Facing the force of Chen Gao's family, the vast majority of people will feel awe, and they dare not even have the slightest idea of ​​disobedience. With this kind of mentality, the recruitment plan will naturally come to fruition.

It's a pity that Chen Gao underestimated Liu Fei's firm willpower, Liu Fei would never be subdued by force.

If you want to use an animal to describe Liu Fei's character, then the Gale Wolf is the most suitable for Liu Fei.Even ferocious wind beasts have been tamed by humans, but no one has ever heard of a wind wolf being tamed.

Liu Fei doesn't like to be restrained, he likes to run freely on the windy prairie like a windy wolf, and he is as merciless to enemies as a windy wolf.

The moment Chen Gao got angry, Liu Fei moved, without warning, because he felt the surge of anger in Chen Gao's body.For Liu Fei, anger is equal to murderous intent, and the difference between the two is not too big.

Liu Fei implemented his fighting style of attacking first, and moved first before the opponent gave an order.

Nipping danger in the bud is regarded by Liu Fei as the golden rule.

For a fighter of Liu Fei's level, even a second is a matter of life and death, and the first strike means that he has gained the initiative.

Almost at the same time, the dozens of giant men who were waiting in full force also moved, and rushed towards Liu Fei like a strong wind. Dozens of men like iron towers moved at the same time, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Liu Fei's body didn't attack Chen Gao, but retreated instead of advancing. With a slight flip of his arms, he got rid of Xiao Qiao, and a dazzling afterimage of his body swept towards the huge bulkhead behind him.

There was a hint of surprise in Chen Gao's eyes. In his eyes, Liu Fei's thin figure had turned into a wisp of smoke.

What a great speed!

Everyone in the palace couldn't help but gasped.

He wants to escape?

Almost everyone thought that Liu Fei was trying to escape, and people couldn't help but feel a little doubt in their hearts. This is a galaxy-level mothership, a mothership in space, and here, there is no way to escape——


Yes, there is no escape!

Chen Gao sat safely on the recliner. He was very clear about the power of this mothership. Even if Liu Fei was a master-level fighter, he would not be able to escape from this mothership.

It's a pity that Liu Fei never thought of escaping at all, and Liu Fei knew very well that even if he escaped, the three armed spaceships in the age of mythology would not be able to escape. .

For Liu Fei, the best defense is offense.


Liu Fei's body was like a tortuous lightning in this resplendent palace, and he was still coming and going freely under the siege and interception of dozens of big men and guards.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Liu Fei broke through the blockade of dozens of big men, and stepped on the bulkhead carved with gold and jade. The next scene left everyone stunned and chills down their backs.

Liu Fei's body moved rapidly on the bulkhead like a tornado, and as the body moved, the bulkhead made intensive impact sounds, as if thousands of horses were galloping——

At this moment, people's thinking stagnated.

This has violated the laws of physics.

Even people who only know a little bit of physics know that there is a gravity system on the spacecraft, and its standard data is to imitate the gravity on the surface of the planet, which is suitable for human walking and life.This kind of gravity imitation means that human beings do not live in a weightless environment, and the human body is also bound by gravity, so it is impossible to float like in space.

But now, Liu Fei has broken Newton's law of universal gravitation. His body walks like flying on the vertical bulkhead without any hindrance. His movements are smooth and smooth, as if walking on flat ground, which makes people dumbfounded.

Of course, this is only for ordinary people. Real masters understand that this is an illusion caused by speed.Liu Fei can't fly, and he doesn't have the ability of a gecko. He can walk on the bulkhead like a flat ground because of his fast speed.


Only an extremely ferocious speed can allow the human body to run on the vertical bulkhead by inertia. This is like the parkour of the ancient earth, which can stay on the wall for a short time under a short-distance burst.

Compared with parkour, Liu Fei is faster, fiercer and more powerful.Therefore, Liu Fei stayed on the bulkhead for a longer time.

Behind Liu Fei, who was like a wisp of green smoke, was a shocking deep pit.Whether it is solid metal or dazzling jade, without exception, they all left a trail of terrifying footprints——

What a great speed!

What a terrifying speed!

People's eyes can hardly catch up with that agile body.

"Protect the patriarch!" A big man realized something was wrong, Liu Fei's seemingly irregular figure was quickly approaching Chen Gao who was standing on the high platform.

"Protect the patriarch!"

"Protect the patriarch!"


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