"Rogue, bandit, shameless scum, to do such crimes in broad daylight, is there any law for me... my braised pork."

While cleaning up his roujiamo stall, Uncle Da cursed endlessly.

Ye Chui walked over to help him pick up some belongings that fell on the ground.

"Uncle Da, who are you?" Ye Chui said to him seriously after packing up his things.

"Who am I?" Uncle Da opened his eyes wide, "Who am I? I worked so hard to support my family by selling meat buns, so what else could I be?"

"I want to know if you are a good person or a bad person." Ye Chui continued to ask.

"Do you think I look like a bad person? Did I do anything to you?" Uncle Da seemed very angry, and then began to regret again, "My half pot of braised pork..."

Ye Chui is speechless, it's just half a pot of braised pork, as for it?

But having said that, when his braised pork is put in the Roujiamo, the taste is really nothing to say, it is delicious.

It made Yu Xue taste like her childhood...

Ye Chui was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "Are you sent by Xiaoxue's father?"

Uncle Da raised his head and snorted at Ye Chui: "Boy, it's good that you know that she made our Xiaoxue pregnant. She grew up eating the meals I cooked. If she makes a mistake, let's see how I can find it." You settle the score!"

Sure enough, Yu Xue's father sent to secretly protect Yu Xue.

It seems that this uncle is quite kind to Xue, and his appearance at the moment must have been disguised to a certain extent, otherwise Xiaoxue would not fail to recognize him.


Pregnancy or something is simply too wronged, he just said it casually at the time.

"Uncle Da, you misunderstood, Xiaoxue is not pregnant, there is nothing between me and her." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Innocence?" Uncle Da suddenly showed an angry expression, "You have been living together for a month, how can you be so innocent? If our Xiaoxue has a bad relationship with you, can we be so close to you? Our Xiaoxue is So random girl?"

This is definitely...

Ye Chui smiled wryly: "Uncle Da, why don't you follow me up to meet Xiaoxue."

"No!" Uncle Da shook his head hastily, "Xiaoxue is annoyed that someone is following her, otherwise I wouldn't be dressed up like this. She will definitely go crazy when she knows it's me."

Ye Chui thought about it, and it was true, Yu Xue's surname was definitely a bit unreasonable.

Then Ye Chui pondered for a moment, and then said, "Uncle Da, may I know your real name?"

Uncle Da took a few glances at Ye Chui, seemed to understand why Ye Chui asked such a question, and said, "My surname is Gu, and my name is Fei Hai."

"Gu Feihai?" Ye Chui memorized the name.

"Xiaoxue called me Gutou when she was a child." Gu Feihai continued, as if thinking of what happened to Yu Xue when she was a child, he said with emotion, "When Xiaoxue was five years old, she sneaked into the boss's study room and took one of the boss's books. The antique blue and white porcelain was broken, and she was the only one who knew about it, and I lied for her afterwards, this is our little secret, alas, she has grown so big in a blink of an eye..."

"She's actually not much different from a little girl now." Ye Chui comforted with a smile, and stood up, "Then... Uncle Da, I'll go up first."

"Go, go." Gu Feihai raised his hand.

After Ye Chui walked into the residential building, he heard Uncle Da shouting heartbreakingly behind him: "Braised pork, my braised pork..."


Ye Chui pushed the door open and went in, Yu Xue was playing games at ease, she didn't seem to care about what happened just now.

"I want to ask you something okay?" Ye Chui walked over and lay down on the armchair, playing with the braids on Yu Xue's head with both hands.

Yu Xue shook her head irritably, pulled the little braid out of Ye Chui's hand, and then said: "I don't remember what happened just now!"

"What I want to ask is not that kind of trivial matter." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Tell me about your childhood."

"What do you want?" Yu Xue turned her head and looked at Ye Chui curiously.

"Curious, for example, why do you think the Roujiamo downstairs makes you feel like a child?"

Yu Xue felt that Ye Chui was very strange, but she still replied: "Didn't I say that, the Roujiamo tasted very much like my favorite food when I was a child."

"Braised pork?" Ye Chui asked.

"How do you know?" Yu Xue was very surprised, she showed a nostalgic expression, "My father was very busy when I was young, and an uncle always took care of me. He is very good, and his cooking is also very delicious. Meat is my favorite thing to eat."

"Tell me about this person, okay?" Ye Chui continued to ask.

"What exactly do you want?" Yu Xue felt that Ye Chui was very strange.

"Isn't it okay to be interested in the childhood life of a local tyrant? What's the name of the person who made you braised pork?"

"You mean the old man, his name is Gu Feihai, but what does this have to do with you?" Yu Xue's face bulged, with a look of nostalgia on her face, "The old man was very good to me, I remember when I was a child I mischievously broke Dad's antiques, and he lied for me, hehe, this is our little secret..."

Yu Xue realized something was wrong: "Hey, what do you want to tell me?"

"Hehe, it's nothing." Ye Chui patted Yu Xue's little head, "Go ahead and play the game, I have something to go out for."

Just now downstairs, Gu Feihai deliberately told Ye Chui some little secrets between him and Yu Xue.

And now that Ye Chui has been verified by Yuxue, he can be sure that Gu Feihai's identity is not fake, and he is indeed here to protect Yuxue.

Ye Chui also felt relieved.

Yu Xue felt that Ye Chui was very unreasonable, and watched with dry eyes as Ye Chui went to the bedroom to change clothes, and then walked out of the house.

She remembered something, and said loudly: "When you come back, remember to bring me a Roujiamo, I really want to eat it."



A garbage collection station on the outskirts of Xizhou City.

"Brother Ye, you're here."

When Ye Chui came over, he happened to meet the thin monkey who was about to go out.

The last time I saw him, he had changed a lot.

She became much cleaner and neater, she also changed into a brand name, and her hair was neatly combed.

Ye Chui thought of what Feng Biao had said before, and said with a smile, "Are you going on a date?"

The thin monkey smiled shyly: "Let's go to the movies together, but don't worry, Brother Ye, we will never delay the car racing at night."

Ye Chui hesitated slightly, the reason why he hesitated was because he thought of the dispute with Zhang Yueyang just now.

Zhang Yueyang should attack the people around him, maybe he will find Shouhou.

But then, Ye Chui felt that Zhang Yueyang would not do it in broad daylight. If he guessed correctly, he would choose to do it during the speed car race.

The Speed ​​Race is about to be held, and Skinny Monkey has already qualified.

A place like Yangchang Mountain is undoubtedly the most suitable place to do this kind of thing.

So Ye Chui said with a smile: "It's okay, you can go, what day is the speed race? I'll go and have a look then."

"It's just this Saturday, and there are still five days left." The thin monkey said hastily.

"Oh, I see."

"Brother Ye, I'm leaving first, I'm in a hurry."

"Go, be careful."

Ye Chui watched the thin monkey leave with a smile, and didn't take it seriously.

After all, falling in love is a person's freedom, and he can't care too much about such a beautiful thing.

Recently, Ye Chui's relationship with An Le'er has developed by leaps and bounds. When he is free, he goes to chat with her for dinner, and occasionally watch a movie or something.

Now pulling her little hands is no longer a problem, Ye Chui's next goal is to be able to kiss her little mouth casually...

Thinking about the wonderful taste of love, Ye Chui came to a pile of discarded home appliances.

"It's time to start. I got the gun of the mountain leopard before, and then I designed the drawings of thirteen firearms and weapons. I called them fierce soldiers. I originally planned to never make them. I didn't expect them to be released so soon..."

"Equip all these thirteen fierce soldiers on Steel Dan, so that he has the combat ability of Transformers in the movie!"

"Now... let's start building the No. [-] Fierce Soldier!"


The second update, please recommend, collect, and reward~~~ There will be another update in the evening, looking forward to your support~~


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